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Fungal Toxins in Commodities
item Characterization of increased mortality of Drosophila melanogaster exposed to sucrose-fermenting yeast (Sep 2024)
item Fusarium Protein Toolkit: A web-based resource for structural and variant analysis of Fusarium species (Sep 2024)
item Beyond morphogenesis and secondary metabolism: function of Velvet proteins and LaeA in fungal pathogenesis (Sep 2024)
item Complete genome Sequences of Enterococcus casseliflavus strains ASE2 and ASE4 generated by PacBio sequencing (Sep 2024)
item Effect of multi-strain probiotics on production performance, gut health and nutrient utilization of broilers fed poultry by-products meal diet. (Aug 2024)
item A Fusarium verticillioides MAT1-2 strain near isogenic to the sequenced FGSC7600 strain for producing homozygous multigene mutants (Aug 2024)
item Effect of supplementation of papaya seed (Carica papaya) on growth performance, carcass traits, and histomorphology of Japanese quails (Aug 2024)
item Raman hyperspectral imaging as a potential tool for rapid and nondestructive identification of aflatoxin contamination in corn kernels (Aug 2024)
item Predicting fumonisins in Iowa corn: gradient boosting machine learning (Aug 2024)
item X-ray Irradiation of Aspergillus flavus and Aflatoxin B1 Contaminated Maize  (Jul 2024)
item The near-gapless penicillium fuscoglaucum genome enables the discovery of lifestyle features as an emerging post-harvest phytopathogen (Jun 2024)
item Diversity in the phyllosphere – greater than the sum of its parts? (Jun 2024)
item TRI14 Is critical for Fusarium graminearum infection and spread in wheat (May 2024)
item Monoclonal-antibody-based immunoassays for the mycotoxins NX-2 and NX-3 in wheat (May 2024)
item MicroRNAs: Exploring their role in farm animal disease and mycotoxin challenges (May 2024)
item Micro RNA (miRNA) profiling of maize genotypes with differential response to Aspergillus flavus implies zma-miR156–squamosa promoter binding protein and zma-miR398/zma-miR394-F-box cominations involved in resistance mechanism (May 2024)
item Divergent Aspergillus flavus corn population is composed of prolific conidium producers: implications for saprophytic disease cycle (May 2024)
item Effect of 125% and 135% arginine on the growth performance, intestinal health, and immune responses of broilers during necrotic enteritis challenge (May 2024)
item Effect of arginine supplementation on the growth performance, intestinal health, and immune responses of broilers during necrotic enteritis challenge. (May 2024)
item Comparison of floored and cage housed broiler breeder farms for energy and economic efficiency in Pakistan: A case study of broiler breeder's farm in district Punjab (May 2024)
item Structure of Aspergillus flavus populations associated with maize in Greece, Spain, and Serbia: Implications for aflatoxin biocontrol on a regional scale (Apr 2024)
item Reduction of Fusarium head blight and trichothecene contamination in transgenic wheat expressing Fusarium graminearum trichothecene 3-O-acetyltransferase (Apr 2024)
item Supplementing low protein diets with methionine or threonine during mixed Eimeria challenge (Mar 2024)
item The landscape and predicted roles of structural variants in Fusarium graminearum genomes (Mar 2024)
item Biocontrol of Escherichia coli O157:H7 by Enterobacter asburiae AEB30 on intact cantaloupe melons (Mar 2024)
item In vitro functional analysis and in silico structural modelling of pathogen-secreted polyglycine hydrolases (Mar 2024)
item Protection from stored grain insects using transgenic maize hybrids and implications for Aspergillus flavus and aflatoxin contamination (Mar 2024)
item How Crickets Can "Upcycle" Bad Grain Into Useful Animal Feed (Feb 2024)
item Regulatory functions of homeobox domain transcription factors in fungi (Feb 2024)
item The effect of Campylobacter jejuni challenge on the ileal microbiota and short-chain fatty acids at 28 and 35 days of age (Feb 2024)
item Developments in analytical techniques for mycotoxin determination: an update for 2022-23 (Feb 2024)
item Evaluating Acheta domesticus (Orthoptera: Gryllidae) for the reduction of fumonisin B1 levels in livestock feed (Feb 2024)
item Complete genome sequence of Citrobacter braakii ASE1 generated by PacBio sequencing (Feb 2024)
item Telomere-to-telomere genome assembly of the aflatoxin biocontrol agent Aspergillus flavus isolate La3279 isolated from maize in Nigeria (Feb 2024)
item Evaluation of Stagonospora nodorum blotch severity and Parastagonospora nodorum population structure and genetic diversity across multiple locations and wheat varieties in Virginia (Feb 2024)
item Characterizing the effect of Campylobacter jejuni challenge on growth performance, cecal microbiota, and cecal short-chain fatty acid concentrations in broilers (Jan 2024)
item Estimation of the antibacterial and anti-tumor impacts of soy milk and ecofriendly myco-manufactured zinc oxide nanomaterials (Jan 2024)
item Analysis of substrate specificity of cytochrome P450 monooxygenases involved in trichothecene toxin biosynthesis (Jan 2024)
item Beyond protein synthesis: The emerging role of arginine in poultry nutrition and host-microbe interactions (Jan 2024)
item Creating large chromosomal segment deletions in Aspergillus flavus by a dual CRISPR/Cas9 system: Deletion of gene clusters for production of aflatoxin, cyclopiazonic acid, and ustiloxin B (Dec 2023)
item Valorizing tree-nutshell particles as delivery vehicles for a natural herbicide (Dec 2023)
item Simultaneous detection of mycotoxigenic Aspergillus species of sections Circumdati and Flavi using multiplex digital PCR (Dec 2023)
item Biophysical factors and agronomic practices associated with Fusarium ear rot and fumonisin contamination of maize in multiple agroecosystems in Ethiopia (Dec 2023)
item Genome sequence resource of the head blight pathogens Fusarium asiaticum and F. graminearum isolated from cereal crops and gramineous weeds in Korea and China (Dec 2023)
item Use of a biochar-based formulation for coating corn seeds (Nov 2023)
item Salmonella infection in poultry: A review on the pathogen and control strategies (Nov 2023)
item Avirulent isolates of Penicillium chrysogenum to control blue mold of apple caused by P. expansum (Nov 2023)
item A sensitive, cell-based assay for measuring low-level biological activity of a-amanitin (Nov 2023)
item Does alteration of fumonisin production in Fusarium verticillioides lead to volatolome variation? (Nov 2023)
item Is Microdochium maydis associated with necrotic lesions in the tar spot disease complex? A culture-based survey of maize in Mexico and the midwestern United States (Nov 2023)
item Microbiota of maize kernels as influenced by Aspergillus flavus infection in susceptible and resistant inbreds (Nov 2023)
item Mining the penicillium expansum genome for virulence genes: A functional-based approach to discover novel loci mediating blue mold decay of apple fruit (Nov 2023)
item Dynamic geospatial modeling of mycotoxin contamination of corn in Illinois: unveiling critical factors and predictive insights with machine learning (Nov 2023)
item Synergistic effects of essential oils and organic acids against aspergillus flavus contamination in poultry feed (Oct 2023)
item In vitro evaluation of the adsorption efficacy of biochar materials on aflatoxin B1, ochratoxin A, and zearalenone (Oct 2023)
item A bitter, complex problem: causal Colletotrichum species in Virginia orchards and apple fruit susceptibility (Oct 2023)
item Broad-spectrum antimicrobial activity of synthetic peptides GV185 and GV187 (Oct 2023)
item Use of Pantoea agglomerans ASB05 as a biocontrol agent to inhibit the growth of Salmonella enterica on intact cantaloupe melons (Oct 2023)
item Effect of dietary xylo-oligosaccharide on growth performance, intestinal histomorphology, and specific cecal bacteria in broiler chickens (Oct 2023)
item Chitin and laminarin additively trigger wheat reactive oxygen species but not resistance to Fusarium head blight (Oct 2023)
item Elevated CO2 can worsen Fusarium Head Blight disease severity in wheat, but the Fhb1 QTL provides reliable disease resistance (Oct 2023)
item Manipulating atmospheric CO2 concentration induces shifts in wheat leaf and spike microbiomes and in Fusarium pathogen communities (Oct 2023)
item Nanopore PCR-cDNA sequencing of the biocontrol isolate Aspergillus flavus AF36 (NRRL 18543) informs gene annotation (Sep 2023)
item Insights into the aggressiveness of the emerging North American population 3 (NA3) of Fusarium graminearum (Sep 2023)
item Natural products as drug candidates for redox-related human disease (Sep 2023)
item Genomic resources of four colletotrichum species (c. fioriniae, c. chrysophilum, c. noveborasense and c. nupharicola) threatening commercial apple production in the eastern United States (Sep 2023)
item Fusarium graminearum effector FgNls1 targets plant nuclei to induce wheat head blight (Sep 2023)
item Investigation of the Impact of Mycogenic Titanium and Selenium Nanoparticles on Fusarium Wilt Infection of Tomato Plant (Sep 2023)
item Gradient boosting machine learning model to predict aflatoxins in Iowa corn (Sep 2023)
item Editorial: Use of chemosensitization to augment efficacy of antifungal agents, Volume II (Aug 2023)
item Efficacy and optimal feeding level of rumex nervosus leaves on bood bochemistry, carcass characteristics, productivity indices, and anticoccidial indicators of broiler chickens infected or not infected with eimeria tenella (Aug 2023)
item UDP-glucosyltransferase HvUGT13248 confers type II resistance to Fusarium graminearum in barley (Aug 2023)
item Crop host influences on outcomes of competition between Aspergillus section Flavi species co-infecting maize and groundnuts (Aug 2023)
item High-efficiency fungal pathogen intervention for seed protection: New utility of long-chain alkyl gallates as heat-sensitizing agents (Jul 2023)
item Effect of synbiotic supplementation on production performance and severity of necrotic enteritis in broilers during an experimental necrotic enteritis challenge (Jul 2023)
item Comprehensive meta-analysis of QTL and gene expression studies identify candidate genes associated with Aspergillus flavus resistance in maize (Jul 2023)
item Growth performance, intestinal morphometry, and blood serum parameters of broiler chickens fed diets containing increasing levels of wheat bran with or without exogenous multi-enzyme supplementation (Jul 2023)
item Foliar fungal communities in agroecosystems depend on crop identity and neighboring vegetation (Jul 2023)
item Complete genome of the toxic mold Aspergillus pseudotamarii isolate NRRL 25517 reveals genomic instability of the aflatoxin biosynthesis cluster (Jul 2023)
item Editorial: Perspectives in avian skeletal systems and skeletal abnormalities (Jun 2023)
item Are current Aspergillus sojae strains originated from native aflatoxigenic Aspergillus species population also present in California? (Jun 2023)
item NX trichothecenes are required for Fusarium graminearum infection of wheat (May 2023)
item Population structure and genetic diversity of Fusarium graminearum from southwestern Russia and the Russian Far East as compared to northern Europe and North America (May 2023)
item The effects of arginine and branched-chain amino acid supplementation to reduced-protein diet on intestinal health, cecal short-chain fatty acid profiles, and immune response in broiler chickens challenged with Eimeria spp. (May 2023)
item Multiplexed host-induced gene silencing of Aspergillus flavus genes confers aflatoxin resistance in groundnut (May 2023)
item Evidence for the efficacy of pre-harvest agricultural practices in mitigating food-safety risks to fresh produce in North America (May 2023)
item Homogeneous immunoassay for cyclopiazonic acid based upon mimotopes and upconversion-resonance energy transfer (Apr 2023)
item Biocontrol impacts on wheat physiology and Fusarium head blight outcomes are bacterial endophyte strain and cultivar specific (Apr 2023)
item When machine learning and deep learning come to the big data in food chemistry (Apr 2023)
item Subclinical doses of dietary fumonisins and deoxynivalenol causes cecal microbiota dysbiosis in broiler chickens challenged with clostridium perfringens (Apr 2023)
item Short-term exposure to fumonisins and deoxynivalenol, on broiler growth performance and cecal Salmonella load during experimental Salmonella enteritidis infection (Mar 2023)
item Detection of T-2 toxin in wheat and maize with a portable mass spectrometer (Mar 2023)
item Two antennae-enriched carboxylesterases mediate olfactory responses and degradation of ester volatiles in the German cockroach Blattella germanica (Mar 2023)
item Effect of Aspergillus flavus fungi infection and aflatoxin contamination on single corn kernel mechanical strength (Mar 2023)
item Aflatoxin contamination of maize and groundnut in Burundi: Distribution of contamination, indentification of casual agents and potential biocontrol genotypes of Aspergillus flavus (Mar 2023)
item A low-cost, portable device for detecting and sorting aflatoxin-contaminated maize kernels (Mar 2023)
item Synthesis and in vitro antiprotozoal evaluation of novel metronidazole–schiff base hybrids (Mar 2023)
item Developments in mycotoxin analysis: an update for 2021-22 (Feb 2023)
item Yeasts and yeast-based products in poultry nutrition (Feb 2023)
item Kojic acid gene clusters and the transcriptional activation mechanism of Aspergillus flavus KojR on expression of clustered genes (Feb 2023)
item Mellein: Production in culture by macrophomina phaseolina isolates from soybean plants exhibiting symptoms of charcoal rot and its role in pathology (Feb 2023)
item Genome dynamics, chromosomal rearrangements and potential functional impacts in Fusarium, a genus of endophytic, plant pathogenic and saprophytic fungi (Jan 2023)
item A secondary function of trehalose-6-phosphate synthase is required for resistance to oxidative and desiccation stress in Fusarium verticillioides (Jan 2023)
item A simple CRISPR/Cas9 system for efficiently targeting genes of Aspergillus section Flavi species, Aspergillus nidulans, Aspergillus fumigatus, Aspergillus terreus and Aspergillus niger (Jan 2023)
item Putative core transcription factors affecting virulence in Aspergillus flavus during infection of maize (Jan 2023)
item Crystal structure of a polyglycine hydrolase determined using a RoseTTAFold model (Jan 2023)
item A novel trichothecene toxin phenotype associated with horizontal gene transfer and a change in gene function in Fusarium (Dec 2022)
item Food toxicology and food safety: report of the 3rd international electronic conference on foods: food, microbiome, and health - a celebration of the 10th anniversary of foods' impact on our wellbeing (Dec 2022)
item Characterization of a stress-enhanced promoter from the grass halophyte, Spartina alterniflora L (Dec 2022)
item Comparative Penicillium spp. transcriptomics: conserved pathways and processes revealed in ungerminated conidia and during postharvest apple fruit decay (Dec 2022)
item Effect of farnesol on Trichoderma physiology and fungal-plant interaction (Nov 2022)
item Discovery of a secreted Verticillium dahliae protease that cleaves cotton CRR1 and induces plant cell death (Nov 2022)
item In vitro antibacterial and antifungal efficacy assessment of ethanolic and aqueous extracts of Rumex nervosus leaves against selected bacteria and fungi (Nov 2022)
item Fhb1 disease resistance QTL does not exacerbate wheat grain protein loss at elevated CO2 (Nov 2022)
item Flavonoids modulate Aspergillus flavus proliferation and aflatoxin production (Nov 2022)
item Effects of trichothecene production by Trichoderma arundinaceum isolates from bean-field soils on the defense response, growth and development of bean plants (Phaseolus vulgaris) (Nov 2022)
item Gradient boosting and bayesian network machine learning models predict aflatoxin and fumonisin contamination of maize in Illinois – First USA case study (Nov 2022)
item Effects of synbiotic supplementation as an antibiotic growth promoter replacement on cecal Campylobacter jejuni load in broilers challenged with C. jejuni (Nov 2022)
item Characterization of the Aspergillus flavus population from highly aflatoxin-contaminated corn in the United States (Nov 2022)
item Effect of an eco-friendly cuminaldehyde guanylhydrazone disinfectant on Shiga toxin production and global transcription of Escherichia coli (Nov 2022)
item Gene drive by Fusarium SKC1 is dependent on its competing allele (Oct 2022)
item Campylobacter jejuni in poultry: pathogenesis and control strategies (Oct 2022)
item Small NRPS-like enzymes in Aspergillus sections Flavi and Circumdati selectively form substituted pyrazinone metabolites (Oct 2022)
item Fusarium verticillioides NAT1 (FDB2) N-malonyltransferase is structurally, functionally, and phylogenetically distinct from its N-acetyltransferase (NAT) homologues (Oct 2022)
item Benzaldehyde use to protect seeds from foodborne fungal pathogens (Oct 2022)
item Editorial: Fusarium pathogenesis: Infection mechanisms and disease progression in host plants (Oct 2022)
item Necrotic enteritis in broiler chickens: A review on the pathogen, pathogenesis, and prevention (Sep 2022)
item Identification of polyketide synthase genes required for aspinolides biosynthesis in Trichoderma arundinaceum (Sep 2022)
item Why do plant-pathogenic fungi produce mycotoxins? Potential roles for mycotoxins in the plant ecosystem (Sep 2022)
item Donald Thomas Wicklow, 1940–2021: Distinguished Fungal Ecologist and Model Scientist (Aug 2022)
item Cyclopiazonic acid in soft-ripened and blue cheeses marketed in the USA (Aug 2022)
item Planting date and cultivar selection to manage southern blight in potatoes in the mid-Atlantic United States (Aug 2022)
item Modification of deoxynivalenol by a fungal laccase paired with redox mediator TEMPO (Aug 2022)
item Measurement of fumonisins in maize using a portable mass spectrometer (Jul 2022)
item Subclinical doses of combined fumonisins and deoxynivalenol predispose Clostridium perfringens-inoculated broilers to necrotic enteritis (Jul 2022)
item Advances in antifungal development: Discovery of new drugs and drug repurposing (Jul 2022)
item Determination of therapeutic and safety effects of zygophyllum coccineum extract in induced inflammation in rats (Jul 2022)
item PATHMAP (Pathogen And Tree fruit Health MAP): A smart phone app and interactive dashboard to record and map tree fruit diseases, disorders, and insect pests (Jul 2022)
item Near-infrared hyperspectral imaging for evaluation of aflatoxin contamination in corn kernels (Jul 2022)
item Advances in antifungal development: Discovery of new drugs and drug repurposing (Jun 2022)
item Fusarium abutilonis and F. guadeloupense, two novel species in the Fusarium buharicum clade supported by multilocus molecular phylogenetic analyses (Jun 2022)
item Complete genome sequence of two Bacillus velezensis strains isolated from California raisin vineyard soil (Jun 2022)
item Combining maternal and post-hatch dietary 25-hydroxycholecalciferol supplementation on broiler chicken growth performance and carcass characteristics (May 2022)
item Cumulative effects of non-aflatoxigenic Aspergillus flavus volatile organic compounds to abate toxin production by mycotoxigenic aspergilli (May 2022)
item FUSARIUM-ID v.3.0: An updated, downloadable resource for Fusarium species identification (May 2022)
item DNA sequence-based identification of Fusarium: A work in progress (May 2022)
item Phylogenetic diversity and mycotoxin potential of emergent phytopathogens within the Fusarium tricinctum species complex (May 2022)
item Antimicrobial efficacy of edible mushroom extracts: assessment of fungal resistance (Apr 2022)
item Genus-wide analysis of Fusarium polyketide synthases reveals broad chemical potential (Apr 2022)
item Natural salicylaldehyde for fungal and pre- and post-emergent weed control (Apr 2022)
item Comparison of current peanut fungicides against Athelia rolfsii through a laboratory bioassay of detached plant tissues (Mar 2022)
item Fusarium graminearum species complex: A bibliographic analysis and web-accessible database for global mapping of species and trichothecene toxin chemotypes (Mar 2022)
item Developments in mycotoxin analysis: an update for 2020-2021 (Feb 2022)
item Pigment produced by glycine-stimulated macrophomina phaseolina is a (-)-botryodiplodin reaction product and the basis for an in-culture assay for (-)-botryodiplodin production (Feb 2022)
item A-to-I mRNA editing controls spore death induced by a fungal meiotic drive gene in homologous and heterologous expression systems (Feb 2022)
item Chitin triggers tissue-specific immunity in wheat associated with Fusarium head blight (Feb 2022)
item Weeds harbor Fusarium species that cause malformation disease of economically important trees in western Mexico (Feb 2022)
item Aspergillus flavus La3279, a component strain of the Aflasafe biocontrol product, contains a partial aflatoxin biosynthesis gene cluster followed by a genomic region highly variable among A. flavus isolates (Feb 2022)
item Development of sexual structures influences metabolomic and transcriptomic profiles in Aspergillus flavus (Jan 2022)
item New insights of transcriptional regulator AflR in Aspergillus flavus physiology (Jan 2022)
item Vibrio gazogenes inhibits aflatoxin production through downregulation of aflatoxin biosynthetic genes in Aspergillus flavus (Jan 2022)
item Spatial and temporal population dynamics of Aspergillus flavus in commercial pistachio orchards in Arizona (Jan 2022)
item Fusarium head blight resistance exacerbates nutritional loss of wheat grain at elevated CO2 (Jan 2022)
item Raman spectral analysis for rapid determination of zearalenone and alpha-zearalanol (Jan 2022)
item Meta-analysis of the field efficacy of seed- and soil-applied nematicides on Meloidogyne incognita and Rotylenchulus reniformis across the U.S. Cotton Belt (Jan 2022)
item Volatile organic compound profile fingerprints using DART–MS shows species-specific patterns in Fusarium mycotoxin producing fungi (Dec 2021)
item Enzymatic degradation is an effective means to reduce aflatoxin contamination in maize (Dec 2021)
item Distribution, function, and evolution of a gene essential for trichothecene toxin biosynthesis in Trichoderma (Dec 2021)
item Flavonoids modulate the accumulation of toxins from Aspergillus flavus in maize kernels (Nov 2021)
item Effects of atmospheric CO2 and temperature on wheat and corn susceptibility to Fusarium graminearum and deoxynivalenol contamination (Nov 2021)
item Editorial: Redox-active molecules as antimicrobials: Mechanisms and resistance (Nov 2021)
item Genetic responses and aflatoxin inhibition during co-culture of aflatoxigenic and non-aflatoxigenic Aspergillus flavus (Nov 2021)
item Harnessing chemical ecology for environment-friendly crop protection (Nov 2021)
item Application of ambient ionization mass spectrometry to detect the mycotoxin roquefortine C in blue cheese (Nov 2021)
item Antifungal activity of Antrodia cinnamomea mushroom extracts: Efficacy and resistance (Nov 2021)
item Resistance to aflatoxin accumulation in maize mediated by host-induced silencing of the Aspergillus flavus alkaline protease (alk) gene (Oct 2021)
item Time-lapse imaging of root pathogenesis and fungal proliferation without physically disrupting roots (Oct 2021)
item Conspecific leaf litter induces negative feedbacks in Asteraceae seedlings (Oct 2021)
item Editorial: redox-active molecules as antimicrobials: mechanisms and resistance (Sep 2021)
item Antifungal efficacy of redox-active natamycin against some foodborne fungi—comparison with Aspergillus fumigatus (Sep 2021)
item Roquefortine C in blue-veined and soft-ripened cheeses in the USA (Aug 2021)
item Local plants, not soils, are the primary source of foliar fungal community assembly in a C4 grass (Aug 2021)
item Complete genome sequence of Enterobacter asburiae strain AEB30, determined using Illumina and PacBio sequencing (Aug 2021)
item Host genetic by environment interactions in crop and wild plant microbiomes (Aug 2021)
item Trichothecene NX-3 is required for Fusarium graminearum initial infection and disease spread (Aug 2021)
item Rising CO2 more severely impacts FHB moderately resistant HRSW compared to susceptible cultivars (Jul 2021)
item Host-induced silencing of a Fusarium graminearum effector enhances wheat resistance to Fusarium Head Blight (Jul 2021)
item Species diversity and mycotoxin production by members of the Fusarium tricinctum species complex associated with Fusarium head blight of wheat and barley in Italy (Jun 2021)