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Subject of Investigation

Agricultural supplies, general/other
Animal research, general
Aquatic plants
Arboreta and botanical gardens
Atmosphere, general/other
Baitfish (minnows and shiners)
Beans (dry)
Beans (fresh, fresh-processed)
Bedding/garden plants
Beef cattle, general/other
Beef cattle, live animal
Berries and cane fruits, other
Biological Cell Systems
Broadleaf forests of the South
Chemurgic Crops
Citrus, general/other
Clothing and textiles, general
Cole crops (includes cabbage, kale, broccoli, brussels sprouts, cauliflower,
Conifer forests of the North
Conifer forests of the South
Conifer forests of the West
Cool season perennial grasses (includes bluegrass, bromegrass, fescue)
Corn (for sweetcorn use 1480)
Cotton, other
Cottonseed (for meal, oil, etc.)
Cross-commodity research--multiple animal species
Cross-commodity research--multiple crops
Cucurbits, other (includes pumpkin, squash, gourd)
Cut flowers, foliage, and greens
Dairy cattle, general/other
Dairy cattle, live animal
Deciduous and small fruits, general/other
Deciduous tree fruits, other
Desert and semidesert shrub land and shinnery
Domestic and community water supply facilities and systems
Drainage and irrigation facilities and systems
Duck and goose, live animal
Durum wheat
Economy, general/other
Edible tree nuts, general/other
Egg-type chicken, live animal
Experimental design and statistical methods
Feed and feed additives
Fiber crops, general/other
Fish habitats
Florist crops, other
Food (not readily associated with specific plant and animal products)
Forage legumes, other
Freshwater shrimp
Fungi (includes yeast)
General Commodity
General technology
Goats, meat and mohair
Grain crops, general/other (includes buckwheat, millet, triticale)
Grain sorghum
Grapes, other
Greens and leafy vegetables (includes endive, lettuce, spinach)
Ground covers
Hard red spring wheat
Hard red winter wheat
Hard white wheat
Herbaceous perennials and decorative greens
Herbs and spices
Honey bees
Horses, ponies, and mules
Individuals (as workers, consumers, members of society)
Invertebrates, general/other
Laboratory animals
Leguminous vegetables, other
Long fiber cotton
Machinery and equipment
Marine shrimp
Meat, beef cattle
Meat, dairy cattle
Meat, sheep
Meat, swine
Meat-type chicken, live animal
Melons (includes cantaloupe, muskmelon, watermelon)
Microorganisms, general/other
Miscellaneous and new crops, general/other
Mixed conifer-broadleaf forests
Mountain grasslands, meadow, and alpine
Mushrooms and other edible fungi
Narcotic plants
Noncrop plant research
Nonfarm structures and related facilities, including those used in
Oilseed and oil crops, general/other
Onion, garlic, leek, shallot
Ornamental trees and shrubs
Ornamentals and turf, general/other (includes cacti)
Other animals, general
Other beef cattle products
Other bees (non-Apis bees)
Other cultured finfish
Other dairy cattle products
Other non-bee pollinators, general
Other poultry products
Other swine products
Paper and pulp derived products
Parks and urban green space
Pasture and forage crops, general/other
Peas (dry)
Peas (fresh, fresh-processed)
People and communities, general/other
Perennial grasses, other
Pesticides (includes herbicides, insecticides, fungicides, etc.)
Plant research, general
Potted plants
Poultry meat
Poultry, general/other
Raisin grapes
Rangelands and grasslands, general
Rangelands, other
Red clover
Remote sensing equipment and technology
Research equipment and methods, general/other
Research on research management (not research management per se)
Rhizomes, tubers, bulbs, and root crops, general/other (for potato use 1310)
River basins
Rubber, gum, and resin plants, other
Seeds and other plant propagules
Sewage and waste disposal facilities and systems
Sheep and wool, general/other
Sheep, live animal
Soft red wheat
Soft white wheat (includes club, western)
Soil and land, general
Solanaceous and related crops, general/other (for potato use 1310)
Solar radiation
Spiders, mites, ticks, and other arthropods
Striped bass
Structures, facilities, and equipment, general/other
Sugar beet
Sugar cane
Sugar crops, general/other
Summer annual grasses (includes forage sorghums, sudangrass, sorghum)
Sweet potato
Sweet sorghum
Swine, general/other
Swine, live animal
Table grapes
The family and its members
The farm as an enterprise
Trees, forests, and forest products, general
Tropical/subtropical fruit, general/other
Turf (includes bentgrass, bermudagrass, bluegrass, dichondra, fescue)
Turkey, live animal
Upland cotton
Vegetables, general/other
Viroids, mycoplasmas, spiroplasmas, etc.
Warm season perennial grasses (includes dallisgrass, bluestems)
Water resources
Watersheds and river basins, general
Wetland and riparian systems
Wheat, other
Wild animals
Wildlife and natural fisheries, general/other
Wildlife habitats
Wine grapes
Winter annual legumes (includes subterranean clover, arrowleaf clover)
Wood and wood products
Wool fiber
Individuals (as workers, consumers, members of society)
item A Systematic Research Approach to Responsive Agriculture for the Advancement of Health
item A Systems Approach to Responsive Agriculture
item Absorption, Distribution, Metabolism and Excretion of Food Components and their Impact on Chronic Disease Risk
item Additive Effects of Honey and Whole Foods in Altering Postprandial Glycemia
item Advancing Methods and Applications in Metagenomics Sequence Analysis
item Agricultural Vulnerability Assessment for the Northeast
item AI Institute for Next Generation Food Systems
item Aligning Production Agricultural Systems to Enhance Diet and Health Outcomes
item An Integrated Approach to Using Precision Nutrition, Responsive Agriculture, and Behavioral Research to Reduce Diet-Related Chronic Disease
item Analysis of Foods for FoodData Central (FDC)
item Are Protective Effects of Blueberry Polyphenols Mediated by the Microbiome
item Assessing Environmental, Economic, Health, and Social Effects of Northeastern Food Systems
item Assessment of Intestinal Permeability in Adults
item Biological Effects of Particles Generated by Biodiesel Fuels and Wildfires
item Biological Mechanisms Through Which TMAO Promotes Atherosclerosis
item Biomarkers of Nutritional Status Resulting from Altered Food Composition
item California Partnership for Personalized Nutrition
item Characterizing the Physiological Role of SLC22A24
item Characterizing the Physiological Role of SLC22A24
item Clinical Research
item Collaboration Agreement for the Transfer of Human Data
item Collaboration on a Dietary Recall Interview Innovation Project
item Collaboration on Dietary Assessment Innovations for Collection and Dissemination of National Dietary Data
item Collaborative Animal Research Between Cornell University and USDA-ARS
item Collaborative Research in Human Nutrition
item Community Nutrition and Physical Activity Program
item Connecting Social And Environmental Characteristics To Soil Health On New England Farms
item Data Pooling Project for Investigation Red Meat and Omnivorous Dietary Patterns, and Human Health via Metabolomics and Machine Learning Methods
item Designing Cool-Season Grain Polycultures for High Yield and Quality, Stability and Weed Suppression
item Detection and Management of Invasive Ants
item Development of Advanced Techniques and Systems for Management of Stable Flies, House Flies, and Other Filth Flies
item Development of Effective Analytical Methods for Evaluation of Hemp Materials & Processing Products for Phytochemical Composition, incl Cannabinoids
item Development of Enhanced Bio-Based Products from Low Value Agricultural Co-Products and Wastes
item Development of New Standard Rodent Diet
item Diet and Neurocognitive Development: A Metabolomic Enhanced Analysis
item Diet, Attitudes, and Behaviors (DAB) Study
item Diet, Attitudes, and Behaviors (DAB) Study - OSU
item Diet, Attitudes, and Behaviors (DAB) Study - Purdue
item Diet, Attitudes, and Behaviors (DAB) Study - U of M
item Diet, Attitudes, and Behaviors (DAB) Study - UND
item Dietary and Physical Activity Influences on Infant/Child/ Adolescent/Maternal Health and Development
item Dietary and Physical Activity Influences on Infant/Child/Adolescent/Maternal Health and Development
item Dietary Database Technical Support for National Surveillance
item Early Life Factors and Microbiota Impact on Healthy Development
item Early Life Factors and Microbiota Impact on Healthy Development
item Early-Life Environment, Critical Windows, and Long-Term Health
item Economic and Environmental Analysis of Expanding New York and New England Beef Cattle Production
item Effect of Daily Consumption of Peanuts/Peanut Butter on Immune Function and Cardiometabolic Markers and Risk Factors in Free-Living Individuals
item Effect of Diet on Gut Microbiome, Gastrointestinal Health, and Immune Function
item Effect of Minimally Processed Meat and Further Processed Meat on Biomarkers and Risk Factors for Cancer and Cardiovascular Disease - Phase 2
item Effect of Yogurt on Mucosal Immunity in the Gastrointestinal Tract
item Effects of Ant-Produced Compounds on Microbes
item Enabling Analysis, Interpretation, Publication and Dissemination of MILQ Data MILQ3
item Enhancing Childhood Health and Lifestyle Behaviors
item Evaluation of Dietary and Nutritional Assessment
item Evaluation of Human Milk, Dairy Resources, and Medical Nutrition Products to Optimally Meet Human Infant's Nutrition Needs
item Examine Drivers of Obesity Risk in Youth from Under-Represented Families
item Factors Regulating Plant Nutritional Quality and Productivity
item Food Characteristics that Affect Ingestive Behavior and Risk of Diet-Related Chronic Diseases in Humans
item Fostering the Development of Future Dietitians
item FY23 Developing Biological Control and other Safeguarding Tools to Manage Invasive Pests
item Headquarters Cooperative Programs - Food Nutrition, Safety, and Quality (FNSQ)
item Health Benefits of Specific Dietary Components
item Healthy Eating and Lifestyle for Total Health (HEALTH)
item Human Dietary Interventions to Reduce Risk of Chronic Diseases
item Human Dietary Interventions to Reduce Risk of Chronic Diseases
item Human Nutrition through Food Systems
item Human Obesity Prevention Research
item Identification of Molecular Traits of Specific Pulses that Maximize Human Health
item Identifying the Role of Pulses in a Healthful Diet: Metabolomic Signatures of Dietary Pulses and their Benefits on Cardiometabolic Risk Factors
item Impact of Dietary Components on Health
item Impact of Food and Particulates on Metabolic Risk
item Impact of Prenatal and Postnatal Factors on Mother and Child Health
item Impact of Prenatal and Postnatal Factors on Mother and Child Health
item Impact of Prenatal and Postnatal Factors on Mother and Child Health
item Impact of Prenatal Fish Oil on Newborn Cognition and Fetal Gestation
item Impact of Pulse Consumption on Lowering Antimicrobial Resistance in Gut Microbiomes
item Improved National Dietary Assessment and the Relationship of Dietary Intake to the Environmental Impact of Foods and Beverages
item Improved Surveillance and Control of Stable Flies, House Flies, and Other Filth Flies
item Improving Environmental, Economic, and Social Sustainability of Animal-based Food Systems in the Northeast States in a Manner that Enhances Nutrition and Public Health
item Improving Food Systems in the New England States to Enhance Small Farm Sustainability, Value-Added Processing, and Public Nutrition and Health
item Increasing Small-Farm Viability, Sustainable Production and Human Nutrition in Plant-Based Food Systems of the New England States
item Innovative Uses for Alfalfa Biomass: A Path to New Income for Farmers
item Integrated Pest Management of Mosquitoes and Biting Flies
item Integrating Community Nutrition with Improved Pregnancy Outcomes
item Interaction of Microbiome and Phenylalanine Metabolism in Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Diseases
item Interplay Between Health Behaviors and Food Environments in the Mississippi Delta
item Interplay of Food and Nutrition Insecurity, Measured and Perceived Diet Quality, and Risk Factors for Cardiovascular Disease
item Investigating Alternative Protein Foods in the Dietary Guidelines
item Lactation and Nutritional Health
item Management of Fire Ants and Other Invasive Ants
item Maternal Diet, Trans-generational Inheritance of Microbiota and Metabolic Syndrome
item Mechanisms by which Nutrition During Critical Windows of Development Programs Cardiometabolic, Musculoskeletal and Gut Health
item Metagenomic Approaches to Dietary Interventions
item Modeling Fresh Produce Supply Chain Systems in the Northeast US
item Modernizing Dietary Assessment: Adapting Deep Learning to Predict Ingredients from Food Photos
item Molecular Mechanisms in Diet-Related Chronic Disease
item Network Service Agreement for ARS - Nutrition Center Location
item Neural Signaling and Feeding/Glycemic Control
item Nutrition Research and Chronic Disease Prevention for Infants, Children, Adolescents, and Pregnant and Lactating Women
item Nutritional Determinants of Child Health
item Nutritional Quality and Micronutrient Bioavailability of Foods
item Pediatric Physical Activity, Sleep, and Nutrition Impacting Cardiometabolic Health
item Physical Activity, Energy Balance, Sleep and Health in Children
item Regulatory Aspects of Nutritional Metabolism
item Regulatory Aspects of Obesity Development
item Relationships Between Perceived and Objective Measures of Health Behavior
item Relationships Between Perceived and Objective Measures of Health Behavior
item Research to Understand How Maternal-Child Nutrition and Physical Activity Optimize Health and Development
item Role of Perinatal Nutrition on Overall Health and the Prevention of Disease
item Rural Aging Study (Geisinger)
item Rural Aging Study: Longitudinal Analysis of Community Factors, Diet Quality, and Epigenetic Aging
item Rural Diet Diversity in New England
item Strengthening Gut Barrier Integrity with Beneficial Microbes to Increase Lifespan and Healthspan
item Survey of Bacterial Microbes on Fire Ant Nests
item Technical Applications Used in Monitoring, Processing, and Reporting Dietary Intakes of U.S. Population
item Technical Nutrition Support for National Dietary Databases (2020-2025)
item The Impact of Sugar Reduction on Perception of Sweetness and Food Intake
item The Impact of Sugar Reduction on Perception of Sweetness and Food Intake
item The Study of Dietary and Nutritional Assessment of Older Adults
item UC Davis Dietary Biomarkers Development Center - Metabolomics and Intervention Cores
item UC Davis West Coast Metabolomics Center
item Understanding Multiscale Environmental Predictors of Zoonotic Risk from Satellite Data
item Unraveling the Complexities of Lactation: Exploring Gene-Variant Networks, Hypothalamic Regulation, and Metabolic Adaptations of the Liver-Gut Axis
item USDA FoodData Central Optimization
item USDA Global Branded Foods Products Database & Public Private Partnership
item Using Deep Learning To Simulate Individual Responses In Cardiovascular Disease Risk To Different Dietary Patterns
item Using Diversity Outbred Mice to Model Heterogenous Diet Responses
item Utilizing Precision Approaches to Refine Dietary Guidance of Americans to Reduce Chronic Disease
item Utilizing the University of Arkansas Medical Sciences Animal Care and Use Committee and the Institutional Biosafety Committee
item Valorization of Dairy Sidestreams to Fight Calcium Deficits in Postmenopausal Women
item WHNRC Fiber Intervention Study: Dietary Assessment