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Research Project: The Impact of Sugar Reduction on Perception of Sweetness and Food Intake

Location: Food Components and Health Laboratory

Project Number: 8040-10700-002-008-R
Project Type: Reimbursable Cooperative Agreement

Start Date: May 1, 2023
End Date: Jul 31, 2025

Leading health organizations around the world, both governmental and non-governmental, have recommended substantial reductions in consumption of simple sugars, in particular added sugars, to enhance human health. Unfortunately, due to the inherent appeal of sweet foods and beverages, together with the relatively low cost of sugar, simple sugars pervade the food supply. The objective of this research is to investigate the possibility that people acclimate to reduced sugar intake over time, such that perception of and preference for sweet foods shifts over several months.

A randomized controlled trial will be conducted in which sugar reduction will occur to determine if an individual’s perception of sweetness adapts. Sensory measures of sweet liking and intensity preference will be measured monthly for 6 months.