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ARS Home » Midwest Area » Wooster, Ohio » Corn, Soybean and Wheat Quality Research » People & Locations » Byung-Kee Baik

Byung-Kee Baik
Corn, Soybean and Wheat Quality Research
Research Leader

Phone: (330) 439-3638

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Enhancement of Eastern U.S. Wheat Quality, Genetics and Marketability
In-House Appropriated (D)
  Accession Number: 438203
Development of Alpha-Amylase Immunoassays to Replace the Falling Number Method
Reimbursable Cooperative Agreement (R)
  Accession Number: 444534
Protein and Kernel Hardness Profiles of Eastern Soft Wheat Desirable for Making Noodles and Tortilla
Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement (S)
  Accession Number: 438908
Genetic Associations of the Quality Traits of Eastern Soft Wheat & Development of Germplasms Carrying Novel Functional and Agronomic Characteristics
Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement (S)
  Accession Number: 441555
Development of Pre-Harvest Sprouting (PHS) Resistant Germplasms for Eastern U.S. Soft Winter (ESW) Wheat
Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement (S)
  Accession Number: 442797
Mondelez Soft Wheat Quality
Trust Fund Cooperative Agreement (T)
  Accession Number: 445617

Publications (Clicking on the reprint icon Reprint Icon will take you to the publication reprint.)
A genome-wide association study approach to identify novel major-effect quantitative trait loci for end-use quality traits in soft red winter wheat Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Subedi, M., Bagwell, J.W., Lopez, B., Baik, B.V., Babar, M.A., Mergoum, M. 2024. A genome-wide association study approach to identify novel major-effect quantitative trait loci for end-use quality traits in soft red winter wheat. Genes. 15. Article 1177.
High-molecular-weight glutenin subunit profiles of eastern U.S. soft winter wheat desirable for making soft-bite white salted noodles Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Ma, F., Baik, B.V. 2024. High-molecular-weight glutenin subunit profiles of eastern U.S. soft winter wheat desirable for making soft-bite white salted noodles. Cereal Chemistry. 1-13. Article 10813.
Registration of FL16045-25: An early-maturing, high-yielding, disease-resistant soft red facultative wheat variety for the Southern U.S. Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Babar, M., Khan, N., Blount, A., Barnett, R.D., Harrison, S.A., Dewitt, N., Johnson, J., Mergoum, M., Boyles, R., Murphy, P., Mason, E., Shakiba, E., Ibrahim, A., Sutton, R., Brown Guedira, G.L., Marshall, D., Cowger, C., Baik, B.V., Santantonio, N., Cambron, S.E., Jin, Y., Mailhot, D. 2024. Registration of FL16045-25: An early-maturing, high-yielding, disease-resistant soft red facultative wheat variety for the Southern U.S.. Journal of Plant Registrations. 18(2):374-387.
Soft textured wheat with high protein content and strength is suitable for making hot-press tortillas Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Ma, F., Baik, B.V. 2023. Soft textured wheat with high protein content and strength is suitable for making hot-press tortillas. Cereal Chemistry. 100:1203-1214.
Registration of 12 soft red winter partial waxy wheat germplasms carrying one or two null alleles at the Wx loci Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Ma, F., Sturbaum-Abud, A.K., Baik, B.V. 2023. Registration of 12 soft red winter partial waxy wheat germplasms carrying one or two null alleles at the Wx loci. Journal of Plant Registrations. 17:593-598.
Grain and flour characteristics of eastern U.S. soft winter wheat desirable for making soft-bite white salted noodles Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Ma, F., Baik, B.V. 2022. Grain and flour characteristics of eastern U.S. soft winter wheat desirable for making soft-bite white salted noodles. Cereal Chemistry. 100(2):445-459.
Allelic variations in phenology genes of eastern U.S. soft winter and Korean winter wheat and their associations with heading date Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Ma, F., Brown Guedira, G.L., Kang, M., Baik, B.V. 2022. Allelic variations in phenology genes of eastern U.S. soft winter and Korean winter wheat and their associations with heading date. Plants. 11(22). Article #3116.
Registration of ‘Pembroke 2021’ soft red winter wheat Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Van Sanford, D., Clark, A.J., Bradley, C.A., Brown Guedira, G.L., Cowger, C., Dong, Y., Baik, B.V. 2023. Registration of ‘Pembroke 2021’ soft red winter wheat. Journal of Plant Registrations. 17:376-384.
Environmental conditions after fusarium head blight visual symptom development affect contamination of wheat grain with deoxynivalenol and deoxynivalenol-3- glucoside Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Moraes, W.B., Baik, B.V., Madden, L.V., Paul, P.A. 2023. Environmental conditions after fusarium head blight visual symptom development affect contamination of wheat grain with deoxynivalenol and deoxynivalenol-3- glucoside. Phytopathology. 113(2): 206-224.
Grain, flour and batter properties estimating cake baking potential of wheat flour Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Baik, B.V., Donelson, T.S. 2022. Grain, flour and batter properties estimating cake baking potential of wheat flour. Cereal Chemistry. Article 10560.
Description of U6719-004 wheat germplasm with YrAS2388R stripe rust resistance introgression from Aegilops tauschii Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Lopez, S.R., Wiersma, A.T., Strauss, N.M., Watkins, T., Baik, B.V., Zhang, G., Sehgal, S.K., Kolb, F.L., Poland, J.A., Mason, R.E., Carter, A.H., Olson, E.L. 2023. Description of U6719-004 wheat germplasm with YrAS2388R stripe rust resistance introgression from Aegilops tauschii. Journal of Plant Registrations. 17(1):26-33.
Influences of hydrothermal and pressure treatments of wheat bran on the quality and sensory attributes of whole wheat Chinese steamed bread and pancakes Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Ma, F., Lee, Y., Park, E., Luo, Y., Delwiche, S.R., Baik, B.V. 2021. Influences of hydrothermal and pressure treatments of wheat bran on the quality and sensory attributes of whole wheat Chinese steamed bread and pancakes. Journal of Cereal Science. 102. Article 103356.
Registration of ten soft red winter waxy wheat germplasm lines Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Ma, F., Sturbaum-Abud, A.K., Baik, B.V. 2021. Registration of ten soft red winter waxy wheat germplasm lines. Journal of Plant Registrations. 16:147-151.
Influences of hydrothermal and pressure treatments on compositional and hydration properties of wheat bran and dough mixing properties of whole wheat meal Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Lee, Y., Ma, F., Byars, J.A., Felker, F.C., Liu, S.X., Mosier, N.S., Lee, J., Kenar, J.A., Baik, B.V. 2021. Influences of hydrothermal and pressure treatments on compositional and hydration properties of wheat bran and dough mixing properties of whole wheat meal. Cereal Chemistry. 98(3):673-682.
Influences of grain and protein characteristics on in vitro protein digestibility of modern and ancient wheat species Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Ma, F., Baik, B.V. 2021. Influences of grain and protein characteristics on in vitro protein digestibility of modern and ancient wheat species. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. 101(12):4578-4584.
A new soft red winter wheat cultivar, 'GA 07353-14E19', adapted to Georgia and the U.S. Southeast environments Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Mergoum, M., Johnson, J.W., Buck, J.W., Sutton, S., Lopez, B., Bland, D., Chen, Z., Buntin, G.D., Mailhot, D.J., Babar, M.A., Mason, R.E., Harrison, S.A., Murphy, J., Ibrahim, A.M., Sutton, R.L., Simoneaux, B.E., Bockelman, H.E., Baik, B.V., Marshall, D.S., Cowger, C., Brown Guedira, G.L., Kolmer, J.A., Jin, Y., Cambron, S.E. 2021. A new soft red winter wheat cultivar, 'GA 07353-14E19', adapted to Georgia and the US Southeast environments. Journal of Plant Registrations. 15(2):337-344.
Sensory and physicochemical properties of whole wheat salted noodles under different preparations of bran Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Sim, E., Park, E., Ma, F., Baik, B.V., Fonseca, J.M., Delwiche, S.R. 2020. Sensory and physicochemical properties of whole wheat salted noodles under different preparations of bran. Journal of Cereal Science. 96(1):Article 103112.
Soft red winter wheat, ‘GA 051207-14E53’: Adapted cultivar to Georgia and the USA southeast region Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Mergoum, M., Johnson, J.W., Sutton, S., Lopez, B., Bland, D., Chen, Z., Mailhot, D.J., Buck, J.W., Buntin, G.D., Babar, M.A., Mason, R.E., Harrison, S.A., Murphy, J.P., Ibrahim, A.M., Sutton, R., Simoneaux, B.E., Bockelman, H.E., Baik, B.V., Marshall, D.S., Cowger, C., Brown Guedira, G.L., Kolmer, J.A., Jin, Y., Cambron, S.E., Boyles, R. 2021. Soft red winter wheat, ‘GA 051207-14E53’: Adapted cultivar to Georgia and the USA southeast region. Journal of Plant Registrations. 15(1):132-139.
‘GA JT141-14E45’: A new soft red winter wheat cultivar adapted to Georgia and the south east US environments Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Mergoum, M., Johnson, J.W., Sutton, S., Lopez, B., Bland, D., Chen, Z., Buntin, G.D., Mailhot, D.J., Babar, M.A., Mason, R.E., Harrison, S.A., Murphy, J.P., Ibrahim, A.M., Sutton, R., Simoneaux, B.E., Griffey, C.A., Bockelman, H.E., Baik, B.V., Marshall, D.S., Cowger, C., Brown Guedira, G.L., Kolmer, J.A., Jin, Y., Cambron, S.E. 2021. ‘GA JT141-14E45’: A new soft red winter wheat cultivar adapted to Georgia and the south east US environments. Journal of Plant Registrations. 15:471-478.
Registration of ‘Hilliard’ wheat Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Griffey, C., Malla, S., Brooks, W., Seago, J., Christopher, A., Thomason, W., Pitman, R., Markham, R., Vaughn, M., Dunaway, D., Beahm, M., Barrack, C.L., Rucker, E., Behl, H., Hardiman, T., Beahm, B., Browning, P., Schmale Iii, D., Mcmaster, N., Curtis, J.T., Gulick, S., Ashburn, S.B., Jones Jr., N., Baik, B.V., Bockelman, H.E., Marshall, D.S., Fountain, M.O., Brown Guedira, G.L., Cowger, C., Cambron, S.E., Kolmer, J.A., Jin, Y., Chen, X., Garland Campbell, K.A., Sparry, E. 2020. Registration of ‘Hilliard’ wheat. Journal of Plant Registrations. 14(3):406-417.
Registration of ‘Curiosity CL+' soft white winter wheat Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Gill, K.S., Kumar, N., Carter, A.H., Randhawa, H.S., Morris, C.F., Baik, B.V., Higginbotham, R.W., Engle, D.A., Guy, S.O., Burke, I.C., Lyon, D., Murray, T.D., Chen, X. 2020. Registration of ‘Curiosity CL+' soft white winter wheat. Journal of Plant Registrations. 14(3):377-387.
Influences of high-molecular-weight glutenin subunits and rye translocations on dough-mixing properties and sugar-snap cookie-baking quality of soft winter wheat Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Ma, F., Kim, J., Baik, B.V. 2020. Influences of high-molecular-weight glutenin subunits and rye translocations on dough-mixing properties and sugar-snap cookie-baking quality of soft winter wheat. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. 100(10):3850-3856.
Genetic dissection of heat-responsive physiological traits to improve adaptation and increase yield potential in soft winter wheat Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Pradhan, Sumit, Babar, M., Bai, G., Khan, J., Shahi, D., Avci, M., Guo, J., McBreen, J., Asseng, S., Gezan, S., Baik, B.V., Blount, A., Harrison, S. 2019. Genetic dissection of heat-responsive physiological traits to improve adaptation and increase yield potential in soft winter wheat. BMC Genomics. 66:941–950.
Registration of three soft red winter wheat germplasm lines with exceptional milling and cookie baking performance Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Meier, N., Malla, S., Oakes, J.C., Murphy, J.P., Baik, B.V., Chao, S., Griffey, C.A. 2020. Registration of three soft red winter wheat germplasm lines with exceptional milling and cookie baking performance. Journal of Plant Registrations. 14(3):450-456.
Evaluation of aleurone flour on dough, textural, and nutritional properties of instant fried noodles Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Xu, M., Hou, G.G., Ma, F., Ding, J., Deng, L., Kahraman, O., Niu, M., Trivettea, K., Lee, B., Wu, L., Baik, B.V. 2020. Evaluation of aleurone flour on dough, textural, and nutritional properties of instant fried noodles. LWT - Food Science and Technology. 126: Article 109294.
Registration of 'GA06343-13E2 (TX-EL2)' soft red winter wheat Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Ibrahim, A.M., Sutton, R., Johnson, J.W., Mergoum, M., Simoneaux, B., Harrison, S.A., Murphy, J.P., Mason, R.E., Baber, M.A., Neely, C., Opena, G., Jin, Y., Kolmer, J.A., Boyles, R., Cambron, S.E., Baik, B.V., Brown Guedira, G.L., Marshall, D.S., Fountain, M.O. 2021. Registration of 'GA06343-13E2 (TX-EL2)' soft red winter wheat. Journal of Plant Registrations. 15(1):107-112.
Biochemical characteristics of soft wheat grain associated with endosperm separation from bran and flour yield Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Ji, T., Ma, F., Baik, B.V. 2020. Biochemical characteristics of soft wheat grain associated with endosperm separation from bran and flour yield. Cereal Chemistry. 97(3):566-572.
Experimental cake-baking method applicable to nonchlorinated flour Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Baik, B.V., Donelson, T.S. 2020. Experimental cake-baking method applicable to nonchlorinated flour. Cereal Chemistry. 97(2):394-403.
Understanding the genetic basis of spike fertility to improve grain number, harvest index, and grain yield in wheat under high temperature stress environments Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Pradhan, S., Babar, M., Robbins, K., Bai, G., Mason, R., Khan, J., Shahi, D., Avci, M., Guo, J., Hossain, M., Bhatta, M., Mergoum, M., Asseng, S., St. Amand, P.C., Gezan, S., Baik, B.V., Blount, A., Bernardo, A.E. 2019. Understanding the genetic basis of spike fertility to improve grain number, harvest index, and grain yield in wheat under high temperature stress environments. Frontiers in Plant Science. 10. Article 1481.
Registration of 'Mela CL+' soft white winter wheat Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Gill, K.S., Kumar, N., Randhawa, H.S., Carter, A.H., Yenish, J., Morris, C.F., Baik, B.V., Higginbotham, R.W., Guy, S.O., Engle, D.A., Chen, X., Murray, T.D., Lyon, D. 2020. Registration of 'Mela CL+' soft white winter wheat. Journal of Plant Registrations. 14(2):144:152.
Strategies to improve whole wheat bread quality Reprint Icon - (Review Article)
Baik, B.V. 2019. Strategies to improve whole wheat bread quality. Cereal Foods World. 64(6).
HMW-GS composition and rye translocations of U.S. eastern soft winter wheat and their associations with protein strength Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Ma, F., Kim, J., Cho, E., Brown Guedira, G.L., Park, C., Baik, B.V. 2019. HMW-GS composition and rye translocations of U.S. eastern soft winter wheat and their associations with protein strength. Journal of Cereal Science.
Collaborative study report: Automated measurement of wheat flour solvent retention capacity with the Chopin-SRC Instrument (AACCI Approved Method 56-15.01) Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Dubat, A., Berra, M., Baik, B.V. 2019. Collaborative study report: Automated measurement of wheat flour solvent retention capacity with the Chopin-SRC Instrument (AACCI Approved Method 56-15.01). Cereal Foods World.
Bran characteristics influence the quality of whole wheat pancakes and baking powder biscuits Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Ma, F., Lee, Y., Baik, B.V. 2019. Bran characteristics influence the quality of whole wheat pancakes and baking powder biscuits. Cereal Chemistry. 96(3):497-507.
Solvent retention capacity (SRC) application to assess soft wheat flour quality for making white-salted noodles Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Jeon, S., Baik, B.V., Kweon, M. 2019. Solvent retention capacity (SRC) application to assess soft wheat flour quality for making white-salted noodles. Cereal Chemistry. 96(3):497-507.
Effect of bran hydration with enzymes on functional properties of flour-bran blends Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Park, E., Fuerst, E., Baik, B.V. 2018. Effect of bran hydration with enzymes on functional properties of flour-bran blends. Cereal Chemistry. 96(2):273-282.
Pre-harvest sprouting resistance of soft winter wheat varieties and associated grain characteristics Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Ji, T., Penning, B., Baik, B-K. 2018. Pre-harvest sprouting resistance of soft winter wheat varieties and associated grain characteristics. Journal of Cereal Science. 83:110-115.
Registration of ‘Pembroke 2016’ Soft Red Winter Wheat - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Van Sanford, D., Clark, A., Bradley, C., Brown Guedira, G.L., Cowger, C., Dong, Y., Baik, B.V. 2018. Registration of ‘Pembroke 2016’ Soft Red Winter Wheat. Journal of Plant Registrations. 12(3):373-378.
Bran characteristics influencing quality attributes of whole wheat Chinese steamed bread - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Ma, F., Lee, Y., Baik, B-K. 2018. Bran characteristics influencing quality attributes of whole wheat Chinese steamed bread. Journal of Cereal Science. 79:431-439.
Soft wheat quality characteristics required for making baking powder biscuits - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Ma, F., Baik, B-K. 2018. Soft wheat quality characteristics required for making baking powder biscuits. Journal of Cereal Science. 79:127-133.
Post-harvest and post-milling changes in wheat grain and flour quality characteristics Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Baik, B-K., Donelson, T.S. 2018. Post-harvest and post-milling changes in wheat grain and flour quality characteristics. Cereal Chemistry. 95:141-148.
Effects of deep-fat frying temperature on antioxidant properties of whole wheat doughnuts Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Nsabimana, P., Powers, J.R., Mattinson, S., Baik, B.V. 2017. Effects of deep-fat frying temperature on antioxidant properties of whole wheat doughnuts. International Journal of Food Science and Technology. 53(3):665-675. https://doi:10.1111/ijfs.13641.
‘Savoy’: An adapted soft red winter wheat cultivar for Georgia and the South East regions of the USA Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Johnson, J.W., Chen, Z., Buck, J.W., Buntin, G.D., Babar, M.A., Mason, R.E., Harrison, S.A., Murphy, J.P., Ibrahim, A.M., Sutton, R.L., Simoneaux, B.E., Bockelman, H.E., Baik, B-K., Marshall, D.S., Cowger, C., Brown Guedira, G.L., Kolmer, J.A., Jin, Y., Chen, X., Cambron, S.E., Mergoum, M. 2018. ‘Savoy’: An adapted soft red winter wheat cultivar for Georgia and the South East regions of the USA. Journal of Plant Registrations. 12:85-89.
Effects of bran pre-hydration on functional characteristics and bread baking quality of bran and flour blends Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Park, E., Fuerst, E.P., Baik, B.-K. 2017. Effects of bran pre-hydration on functional characteristics and bread baking quality of bran and flour blends. Cereal Chemistry. 94(5):834-839.
Qualitative effect of added gluten on dough properties and quality of Chinese steamed bread Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Ma, F., Baik, B.-K. 2017. Qualitative effect of added gluten on dough properties and quality of Chinese steamed bread. Cereal Chemistry. 94(5): 827-833.
Quality characteristics of northern-style Chinese steamed bread prepared from soft red winter wheat flours with waxy wheat flour substitution Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Ma, F., Ji, T., Baik, B.V. 2017. Quality characteristics of northern-style Chinese steamed bread prepared from soft red winter wheat flours with waxy wheat flour substitution. Journal of Cereal Science. 73:99-107.
Volatile organic compounds of whole grain soft winter wheat Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Ji, T., Kang, M., Baik, B.V. 2017. Volatile organic compounds of whole grain soft winter wheat. Cereal Chemistry. 94(3):594-601.
‘GA 03564-12E6’: A high-yielding soft red winter wheat cultivar adapted to Georgia and the southeastern regions of the United States Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Johnson, J.W., Chen, Z., Buck, J.W., Buntin, G.D., Babar, M.A., Mason, R.E., Harrison, S.A., Murphy, J.P., Ibrahim, A.H., Sutton, R.L., Simoneaux, B.E., Bockelman, H.E., Baik, B.-K., Marshall, D.S., Cowger, C., Brown Guedira, G.L., Kolmer, J.A., Jin, Y., Chen, X., Cambron, S.E., Mergoum, M. 2017. ‘GA 03564-12E6’: A high-yielding soft red winter wheat cultivar adapted to Georgia and the southeastern regions of the United States. Journal of Plant Registrations. 11:159-164.
Current and potential barley grain food products - (Review Article)
Baik, B.-K. 2016. Current and potential barley grain food products. Cereal Foods World. September-October 2016 61(5):188-196.
Phytate negatively influences wheat dough and bread characteristics by interfering with cross-linking of glutenin molecules Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Park, E., Fuerst, E.P., Baik, B.-K. 2016. Phytate negatively influences wheat dough and bread characteristics by interfering with cross-linking of glutenin molecules. Journal of Cereal Science. 70:199-206.
Identifying rare FHB-resistant transgressive segregants in intransigent backcross and F2 winter wheat populations - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Clark, A., Sarti-Dvorjak, D., Brown Guedira, G.L., Dong, Y., Baik, B.V., Van Sanford, D. 2016. Identifying rare FHB-resistant transgressive segregants in intransigent backcross and F2 winter wheat populations. Frontiers in Microbiology. 7:277.
Degree of starchy endosperm separation from bran as a milling quality trait of wheat grain Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Kong, L., Baik, B.-K. 2016. Degree of starchy endosperm separation from bran as a milling quality trait of wheat grain. Journal of Cereal Science. 69:49-56.
Row width influences wheat yield, but has little effect on wheat quality Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Lindsey, L.E., Lentz, E., Baik, B.-K. 2016. Row width influences wheat yield, but has little effect on wheat quality. Crop, Forage & Turfgrass Management. doi:10.2134/cftm2015.0158.
Quality requirements of soft red winter wheat for making northern-style Chinese steamed bread Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Ma, F., Baik, B.-K. 2016. Quality requirements of soft red winter wheat for making northern-style Chinese steamed bread. Cereal Chemistry. 93:314-322.
Storage conditions affecting increase in falling number of soft red winter wheat grain Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Ji, T., Baik, B.-K. 2016. Storage conditions affecting increase in falling number of soft red winter wheat grain. Cereal Chemistry. 93:263-267.
Registration of ‘Pembroke 2014’ soft red winter wheat - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Van Sanford, D.A., Clark, A.J., Hershman, D., Brown Guedira, G.L., Cowger, C., Dong, Y., Baik, B.V. 2016. Registration of ‘Pembroke 2014’ soft red winter wheat. Journal of Plant Registrations. 10:41-46.
Bran hydration and physical treatments improve the bread-baking quality of whole grain wheat flour - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Cai, L., Choi, I., Park, C., Baik, B.-K. 2015. Bran hydration and physical treatments improve the bread-baking quality of whole grain wheat flour. Cereal Chemistry. 92:557-564.
Functional and nutritional characteristics of wheat grown in organic and conventional cropping systems Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Park, E.Y., Baik, B.-K., Miller, P.R., Burke, I.C., Wegner, E.A., Tautges, N.E., Morris, C.F., Puerst, E. 2015. Functional and nutritional characteristics of wheat grown in organic and conventional cropping systems. Cereal Chemistry. 92(5):504-512.
Registration of ‘Sprinter’ hard red winter wheat - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Carter, A.H., Kidwell, K.K., Demacon, V., Balow, K.A., Shelton, G.B., Higginbotham, R.W., Chen, X., Engle, D.A., Baik, B.V., Morris, C.F. 2015. Registration of ‘Sprinter’ hard red winter wheat. Journal of Plant Registrations. 9:196-200.
Functional and nutritional characteristics of soft wheat grown in no-till and conventional cropping systems Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Park, E., Baik, B.-K., Machado, S., Gollany, H.T., Fuerst, E.P. 2015. Functional and nutritional characteristics of soft wheat grown in no-till and conventional cropping systems. Cereal Chemistry. 92:332-338.
Starch characteristics influencing resistant starch content of cooked buckwheat groats Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Lu, L., Baik, B.-K. 2015. Starch characteristics influencing resistant starch content of cooked buckwheat groats. Cereal Chemistry. 92(1):65-72.
Physiochemical and thermal characteristics of starch isolated from a waxy wheat genotype exhibiting partial expression of Wx proteins Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Jung, T., Kim, J.Y., Baik, B.-K., Park, C.S. 2015. Physiochemical and thermal characteristics of starch isolated from a waxy wheat genotype exhibiting partial expression of Wx proteins. Cereal Chemistry. 92(1):14-21.
Association mapping of grain hardness, polyphenol oxidase, total phenolics, amylose content, and ß-glucan in US barley breeding germplasm - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Mohammadi, M., Endelman, J.B., Nair, S., Chao, S., Jones, S.S., Muehlbauer, G.J., Ullrich, S.E., Baik, B.-K., Wise, M.L., Smith, K.P. 2014. Association mapping of grain hardness, polyphenol oxidase, total phenolics, amylose content, and ß-glucan in US barley breeding germplasm. Molecular Breeding. 34:1229-1243.
Registration of ‘Puma’ soft white winter wheat - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Carter, A.H., Jones, S.S., Cai, X., Lyon, S.R., Balow, K.A., Shelton, G.B., Higginbotham, R.W., Chen, X., Engle, D.A., Baik, B.V., Guy, S.O., Murray, T.D., Morris, C.F. 2014. Registration of ‘Puma’ soft white winter wheat. Journal of Plant Registrations. 8(3):273-278.
Effect of allelic variations at the Glu-D1, Glu-A3, Glu-B3 and Pinb-D1 loci on flour characteristics and bread loaf volume Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Ahn, J.H., Kang, C.S., Jeung, J.U., Baik, B.-K., Pena, R.J., Park, C.S. 2014. Effect of allelic variations at the Glu-D1, Glu-A3, Glu-B3 and Pinb-D1 loci on flour characteristics and bread loaf volume. International Food Research Journal. 21(3):1177-1185.
Bran characteristics and bread-baking quality of whole grain wheat flour - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Cai, L., Choi, I., Lee, C., Park, K., Baik, B.-K. 2014. Bran characteristics and bread-baking quality of whole grain wheat flour. Cereal Chemistry. 91(4):398-405.
Significance of starch properties and quantity on sponge cake volume Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Choi, H., Baik, B.-K. 2014. Significance of starch properties and quantity on sponge cake volume. Cereal Chemistry. 91(3):280-285.
Relationship between physicochemical characteristics of flour and sugar-snap cookie quality in Korean wheat cultivar Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Kang, C.S., Jung, J.U., Baik, B.-K., Park, C.S. 2014. Relationship between physicochemical characteristics of flour and sugar-snap cookie quality in Korean wheat cultivar. International Food Research Journal. 21(2):617-624.