2013 News Archive
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More Archives
December 23 |
Making White Layer Cakes with More Fiber, Less Fat |
December 19 |
Sesame Seed Oil Extract May Improve Soy Oil for Frying |
December 17 |
Allergenic Properties of Proteins in Browned Peanuts |
December 16 |
Taking Aim at Deadly Swine Diseases |
December 12 |
Dust from Dairies Not Likely to Pose Hazard to Nearby Communities |
December 9 |
Biodegradable Packaging from Cotton Waste |
December 5 |
Lending a Hand in Hybrid Catfish Production |
December 3 |
Another Weapon to Fight FMD |
December 2 |
Assessing the U.S. Population's Sodium Intake |
November 27 |
Healthy Breakfast: A "Plus" for Kids' Math Performance, Study Shows |
November 25 |
Ramping Up Pterostilbene in Crops |
November 22 |
Kitty Litter: Potential New Use for Spent Corn Grains |
November 21 |
Disease-resistant Peas Developed for Release |
November 18 |
Fungus May Offer Natural Weed Control |
November 15 |
Studies Confirm Breadfruit's Ability to Repel Insects |
November 13 |
Newest Issue of Healthy Animals Now Online |
November 12 |
Reclaiming Turf from an Irksome Invader |
November 8 |
Researchers Investigate Nut Allergy Mechanisms |
November 6 |
Field Drainage Innovations Can Improve Lake Erie Water Quality |
October 31 |
Great Plains Producers Could Profit from Spring Canola Crops |
October 28 |
The Search for What Makes a Tasty Tomato |
October 24 |
Novel Method Makes FMD Vaccine Production Safer |
October 21 |
New Trap on Tap for Better Beetle Control |
September 26 |
Shedding Light in the Forest: Climate Change's Effects on Timber |
September 23 |
Multiple Studies Pay Off for Maine Potato Producers |
September 19 |
Following a Pesticide Away From the Field |
September 16 |
ARS Scientists Develop Improved Method to Estimate Calories |
September 11 |
Three Scientists Named to ARS Science Hall of Fame |
September 9 |
ARS Researchers Develop Strategies to Stop Tuberculosis Infections in Cattle |
September 5 |
Searching for Ways to Control an Agricultural Nuisance |
September 3 |
Temporary Coating May Help Protect Homes from Wildfires |
August 29 |
USDA Study Shows Benefits of Weaning Calves Early |
August 26 |
Beneficial Fungi Examined for Battle against Destructive Beetles |
August 22 |
USDA Study Hints at Possible Links between Soil Characteristics and Stroke Risk |
August 19 |
Nickel and Phosphite Help Growers Fight Pecan Scab |
August 15 |
Broader Scope May Enhance UV Screening of Navel Oranges, ARS Study Suggests |
August 12 |
Scientists Rely on High-tech Eyes to Spy on Microscopic World |
August 9 |
ARS Scientists Verify Soil Moisture Data Collected by Satellites |
August 8 |
Study Reveals Top Traits of Different Sheep Breeds |
August 5 |
Recipe for HLB-affected Citrus: Apply Heat-Lots of It |
August 2 |
Researchers Study Fire Ant Venom as Natural Fungicide |
July 29 |
New Maps Show the Way for Rangeland Management |
July 26 |
French Fries' Oil Content: It's Lower with Infrared Heat |
July 25 |
Fungi Collection Key in Identifying Diseases |
July 24 |
Bees Exposed to Fungicide More Vulnerable to Nosema Parasite |
July 22 |
USDA Scientists Explore Use of Invasive Trees to Develop Jet Fuel |
July 19 |
Scientists Put Citrus in "Deep Freeze" to Preserve It |
July 16 |
ARS Food and Nutrition Research Briefs Issued - July |
July 15 |
New System Gives Insight into Animals' Feeding Habits |
July 12 |
New Strawberry Species Found in Oregon |
July 11 |
Savvy Seed Sorter Separates Good from Bad |
July 8 |
Following the Footprint of Invasive Trees |
July 5 |
Enhanced Lure Proves Irresistible to Orchard Pest |
June 24 |
Plant Compounds Studied for Food Safety Chores |
June 17 |
Gene Discovery Leads to New OPP Test |
June 13 |
Tiny Doses of Bile Acid May Blunt Preemie Liver Disease |
June 11 |
USDA's Agricultural Research Service Announces Scientist of the Year and Other Awards |
June 6 |
Nematodes Encapsulated to Better Battle Corn Pests |
June 5 |
Farmed Salmon Raises Blood Levels of Omega-3s |
May 31 |
Pine Tree Carbs May Help Improve Dogs' Digestive Tract Health |
May 28 |
Project Aims to Biofortify Rice for Improved Nutritional Value |
May 23 |
Olive-oil Milling Leftovers Scrutinized in New ARS Studies |
May 16 |
USDA'S Novel Cell Line Identifies All Foot-and-Mouth Virus Serotypes |
May 13 |
Farm-raised Salmon Retains Healthy Omega-3s When Baked |
May 9 |
Olive Oil Assays May Help Assure Authenticity |
May 2 |
New Yeast Strain Could Lower Costs for Cellulosic Ethanol Production |
April 29 |
Pig Stress Syndrome Linked to Huge Gene |
April 26 |
Two Approaches for Optimizing Water Productivity |
April 25 |
New Issue of Healthy Animals Now Online |
April 22 |
Improved Vitamin B12 Test May Help Young and Old Alike |
April 18 |
User-Friendly Program Updates Phosphorus Management |
April 15 |
Researchers Determine Beneficial Compounds in Whole-grain Rice Varieties |
April 12 |
New Technology Sheds Light on Crop Tissues |
April 11 |
Opening a Window into Vector-borne Viruses |
April 8 |
Delivering a Virus that Gets Rid of House Flies |
April 4 |
Irrigation Wastewater Can Help Salvage Damaged Soils |
April 1 |
Identifying Johne's Disease with Accuracy |
March 25 |
Enhancing Yogurt with Healthful Fiber From Oats |
March 22 |
A Long-Sought Goal: Crystallizing an Elusive Protein |
March 21 |
A Study of Switchgrass for Home Heating in the Northeast |
March 18 |
Chemical Trickery Explored to Help Contain Potato Pest |
March 14 |
A Better Understanding of the Impacts of Grazing Sheep |
March 11 |
Epigenetics Mechanism May Help Explain Effects of Mom's Nutrition on Her Children's Health |
March 8 |
Deterring Ticks with Citrus and Millipedes |
March 7 |
Manure Spills: Detailing the Damage, Finding a Fix |
March 4 |
Scientists Explore Brain, Cortisol, and Weight Loss Connections |
March 1 |
An Interactive Atlas to Preserve Agricultural Biodiversity |
February 28 |
The Right Way to Roll Rye |
February 25 |
Temperament Plays Key Role in Cattle Health |
February 22 |
The Lifetime Journeys of Manure-based Microbes |
February 19 |
New Tool Gets to the Root of the Matter |
February 14 |
New Club Wheat is Tough on Fungi, But Tasty in Baked Goods |
February 11 |
Studying Bed Bug Actions for New Management Tactics |
February 8 |
Virus Helps Scientists Identify "Who's Who" Among Two Veggie Enemies |
February 6 |
Understanding Microbes Blowing in the Wind |
February 4 |
USDA Scientists Say Mix-and-Match Cover Cropping Can Optimize Organic Production |
February 1 |
USDA Scientists Help Select U.S. Dogwood Trees for Planting in Japan |
January 31 |
Corn Cobs Eyed for Bioenergy Production |
January 29 |
ARS Food and Nutrition Research Briefs Issued |
January 28 |
With Hot Air Treatment, Bacteria Fly the Coop |
January 25 |
Fighting Back Against Citrus Greening |
January 24 |
New, Cost-cutting Approach to Formulating Pest-killing Fungi |
January 23 |
Studies Show Biosolids Can Boost Soil Phosphorus Levels for Years |
January 22 |
USDA Studies Confirm Plant Water Demands Shift with Water Availability |
January 18 |
ARS Scientists Test Improved Stink Bug Trapping Methods |
January 16 |
Pulp as Biodegradable Plastic in Disposable Food Containers |
January 14 |
Amino Acid Studies May Aid Battle Against Citrus Greening Disease |
January 11 |
Lady Beetle Diet Influences Its Effectiveness as Biocontrol Agent |
January 9 |
Bacteria Pitted Against Fungi to Protect Wheat and Barley |
January 7 |
Combating USDA's Top-ranked Invasive Insect |
January 4 |
Drainage Ditches Can Help Clean Up Field Runoff |
January 2 |
Treating Stable Flies in Pastures |