2009 News Archive
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More Archives
December 31 |
New ARS-Developed Soybean Line Resists Key Nematode |
December 30 |
Bacteria Wins First Round Against Inflammatory Bowel Disease |
December 29 |
Biotech Advance May Yield Genetically Sterile Screwworms |
December 28 |
Tracking Virus Resistance Genes in Watermelon Made Easier with New
Molecular Markers |
December 24 |
New Method Tests Severity of Key Citrus Virus |
December 23 |
Hot Water Treatment Eliminates Rhizoctonia from Azalea Cuttings |
December 22 |
Challenging Weed Meets its Match in Field Trials |
December 18 |
Egg Processing Plant Carts Can Harbor Bacteria |
December 17 |
New Vaccines May Help Thwart E. coli O157:H7 |
December 16 |
Replicating Climate Change to Forecast its Effects |
December 15 |
Sorter Detects and Removes Damaged Popcorn Kernels |
December 14 |
Foodborne Staph Toxin Pinpointed by New Assay |
December 11 |
Watermelon: Fruit on the Fast Track |
December 10 |
ARS Scientists Help Fight Damaging Moth in Africa |
December 9 |
Farms, Fertilizers and Greenhouse Gas Emissions |
December 8 |
Roasting Does More than Enhance Flavor in Peanuts |
December 7 |
Long-Term Effects of Carbon Dioxide on Plants Studied by ARS |
December 4 |
Fungus-on-Fungus Fight Could Benefit Chickpeas |
December 3 |
New Peas Unfazed by Viral Bully |
December 2 |
ARS Explores Ways to Keep Carbon in the Soil |
December 1 |
Catch the Subterranean Slug-Fest--Now, Live on Video |
November 30 |
ARS Survey Helps Growers Track Two Key Cotton Pests |
November 27 |
Scientists Uncover Immunity-Related Genes in Alfalfa Leafcutting Bee |
November 25 |
New Switchgrass Germplasm Collected in Florida |
November 24 |
Sustainable Corn Production Supports Advanced Biofuel Feedstocks |
November 23 |
Dehydration Affects Mood, Not Just Motor Skills |
November 20 |
Time-Tunneling for Climate Change Clues |
November 19 |
USDA Scientists, Colleagues Sequence Corn Genome |
November 19 |
Microwave Meter Measures Moisture and Density of In-Shell Peanuts |
November 18 |
Invasive Nettle Moth Triggers Hawaii Research |
November 17 |
Studying Fertilizers to Cut Greenhouse Gases |
November 16 |
Fungi May Hold Key to Reducing Grapefruit Juice Interactions with
Medications |
November 13 |
Scientists Find Ozone Levels Already Affecting Soybean Yields |
November 12 |
Predicting the Environmental Effects of Transgenic Bt Crop Lines |
November 10 |
Crops and Weeds: Global Climate Change's First Responders |
November 9 |
Researchers Study Effect of Cinnamon Compounds on Brain Cells |
November 6 |
Making NOAA Climate Forecasts Useful to Farmers |
November 5 |
Sweetpotatoes Get High-Tech Help |
November 4 |
Spread of Western Juniper Seeds Studied |
November 3 |
Searching for Ways to Reduce Agriculture's Climate Change Footprint |
November 2 |
Scientists Plot Genetic Ploy Against Grain Pest |
October 30 |
Spying on Corn Rootworm Predators’ Nightlife |
October 29 |
ARS Releases First Hard Winter Wheat Varieties for Eastern U.S.
Production |
October 28 |
Research on Childhood Obesity May Help Fight Epidemic |
October 27 |
ARS Scientists Cryopreserve Pest-Imperiled Ash Trees |
October 26 |
Computer Modeling Can Contribute to Thai Soybean Production |
October 23 |
Test Detects Insect Carriers of Citrus Greening Disease |
October 22 |
ARS, Company Team Up to Fight Biofilm Food Contamination |
October 21 |
New Issue of ARS Healthy Animals Newsletter Available |
October 20 |
Doppler Ultrasound Helps Scientists Understand Fescue Toxicosis in
Cattle |
October 19 |
Sheep Breeding Improvements Arise from ARS-University Research |
October 16 |
Understanding Why Rye Works as a Cover Crop |
October 15 |
Hardy New Corn Lines Released |
October 14 |
Sweet Potato Protection is More Than Skin Deep |
October 13 |
Bacterium Identified as Potato Disease Culprit |
October 9 |
ARS System to Detect Poultry Contamination Passes First Commercial Test |
October 8 |
Squeezing More Crop Out of Each Drop of Water |
October 7 |
Latest Version of USDA's Premier Nutrient Database Released |
October 7 |
October ARS Food and Nutrition Research Briefs Issued |
October 6 |
Beneficial Nocturnal Insects Help Combat Pests in Texas |
October 5 |
Ultrasound Used for Better Breeding in Sheep |
October 2 |
ARS Scientists Study Holstein Milk Production, Fertility |
October 1 |
Ornamentals to Brighten the Fall Garden Palette |
September 30 |
Livestock Can Help Rangelands Recover from Fires |
September 29 |
Springtime Sheep Grazing Helps Control Leafy Spurge |
September 28 |
Drug Eliminates Parasite that Causes Babesiosis in Horses |
September 25 |
ARS Scientist Helps Craft National Academies Report on Alternative Fuels |
September 24 |
Culprit Compounds That Block Beans' Healthful Iron Probed |
September 23 |
The Field Narrows for Cover Crops in Biofuel Production |
September 22 |
New Pest-Resistant Habanero Joins Peck of ARS-Created Peppers |
September 21 |
How Much Corn Stover can a Corn Grower Pick? |
September 18 |
New ARS Study Shows Pathways of Movement of Sudden Oak Death Pathogen |
September 17 |
Agriculture Secretary Vilsack Announces Funding for Research on Food Security in Northeast |
September 17 |
Inventors Offer Ecofriendly Substitutes for Polystyrene |
September 16 |
Three Scientists Inducted into ARS Hall of Fame |
September 15 |
WDGS May Be High-Quality, Low-Cost Livestock Feed |
September 14 |
Aerial Imagery System Helps Save Water |
September 11 |
Scientists Find Evidence of Casuarina Hybrids |
September 10 |
Honey Bees Selected by ARS Toss Out Varroa Mites |
September 9 |
ARS Scientists Help Sequence Genome of Potato Late Blight Pathogen |
September 9 |
No Mistaking this Bug with New Insect ID Technique |
September 8 |
Fish-Killing Toxin Could Kill Cancer Cells |
September 8 |
From Chicken Feathers to Flower Pots |
September 4 |
Recycling Food Scraps into Gardens |
September 3 |
With Biobased Additives, ARS Scientists "Just Say No!" to Petroleum |
September 2 |
Mapping and Modeling Eastern U.S. Food Production |
September 1 |
Researchers Develop New Glue from Corn |
August 31 |
Food "Tattoos" an Alternative to Labels for Identifying Fruit |
August 28 |
Researchers Study Factors that Regulate Vaccination Efficiency |
August 27 |
Researchers Study Benefits of Grain Harvesting Device |
August 26 |
Grasshoppers Can Transmit Virus to Livestock |
August 25 |
Experimental Chickpeas Fend off Caterpillar Pest |
August 25 |
ARS, Australian Researchers Team Up against Fruit Bugs |
August 24 |
Honey Bees with Colony Collapse Disorder Show their Genes |
August 24 |
Plant Essential Oil Eyed as Mosquito, Ant Repellent |
August 21 |
A Hedge with an Edge for Erosion Control |
August 20 |
Research Probes Day Length Sensing in Grapes |
August 19 |
Animation of Giant Reed Plant May Speed Its Demise |
August 18 |
Effective Communication Essential for Pathogens that Need to Succeed |
August 17 |
Creating the Ultimate Drought-Resistant Lawn |
August 14 |
Virus Enzymes Could Promote Human, Animal Health |
August 13 |
Genome for Nasonia Wasp Now Complete |
August 12 |
Pathogen Loads Higher in Bee Colonies Suffering from Colony Collapse
Disorder |
August 11 |
Study Shows ARS Device is Highly Effective at Controlling Ticks that
Spread Lyme Disease |
August 11 |
Chocolate Pod: Not So Sweet for Bean Growers |
August 10 |
Flavorful Fruit and Veggie Wraps Inspire Tasty Creations |
August 7 |
Study by ARS Microbiologist in Texas Shows Farming Practices’ Benefits to Soil Quality |
August 6 |
Corn Research Unlocks Basis of Natural Diversity and Reveals Genetics of Flowering and Hybrid Vigor |
August 6 |
Strawberry Gender Decided by Two Genes, Not One |
August 5 |
New Genetic Material from Group B Streptococcus Identified |
August 4 |
ARS Research Helps Develop New Leads in Cleft Palate Repair |
August 3 |
ARS Helps Preserve Indigenous Crops in Ecuador |
July 31 |
Developing Attractants, Repellants for a Cattle Pest |
July 30 |
Scientists Identify North American Genotypes of Rush Skeletonweed |
July 29 |
Cheatgrass' Success Secret Revealed |
July 28 |
New Yeasts Could Help Fast-Track Biofuel Production |
July 27 |
Trap Would Help Keep Stink Bugs Outdoors |
July 24 |
Four Potential Biocontrols Found for Controlling Giant Reed |
July 23 |
Water Hardness Plays a Role in Removing Bacteria from Chicken Skin |
July 22 |
New Process for Making Activated Carbons Patented by ARS |
July 21 |
ARS to Release Early-Maturing Pecan |
July 20 |
Scientists Identify Weevil as Biocontrol for Garlic Mustard |
July 17 |
Pesky White Peach Scale Targeted in Tropical Studies |
July 16 |
Fungus Tapped to Take on Kudzu |
July 15 |
July Issue of Healthy Animals Now Online |
July 14 |
Study Shows Why North America Tree is Invasive in Europe |
July 13 |
ARS Research Promotes Sustainable Potato Production |
July 10 |
Controlling Red Imported Fire Ants Two Ways |
July 9 |
Antifungal Pepper Compound Has Potential in Agriculture and Medicine |
July 8 |
July ARS Food and Nutrition Research Briefs Issued |
July 7 |
ARS Releases New Leaf Lettuce Breeding Lines with Corky Root
Resistance |
July 6 |
Stem-Destroying Insect May Help Conquer Climbing Fern |
July 2 |
Fire Ant Outcompetes Other Species—Even in its Native Habitat |
July 1 |
New Bait Lures Varroa Mite to its Doom |
June 30 |
Spraying Herbicide on Invasive Weeds Doesn't Always Pay, Study Shows |
June 29 |
Connecting the Dots for Alkaloids, Toxicosis Symptoms |
June 26 |
New Designs for Making Old Dams Safer |
June 25 |
New Test Corners Elusive Biofuels Enzyme |
June 24 |
Researchers Identify Inhibitor that Controls Fungal Pathogen |
June 23 |
ARS Sunflower Research Boosted by New State-of-the-Art Equipment |
June 22 |
More Frying, Less Fat with New Cooking Batter |
June 19 |
Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack Announces $176 Million in Recovery Act Funding to Improve Research Capacity at Laboratories in 29 States |
June 19 |
Pirate Bug Tag-Team Spells Double Trouble for Thrips |
June 18 |
Avian Bacterium More Dangerous Than Believed |
June 17 |
SummerFest and FlavrBurst Join ARS Peach Variety Offerings |
June 16 |
Biotechnology's Potential to Improve Seed Composition Outlined |
June 15 |
Researchers Testing “One-Two Punch” Against Disease-Spreading Thrips |
June 12 |
Reaping More Rewards from Crop Residues |
June 11 |
Golden Success for Yukon Gem Yellow-fleshed Potato |
June 10 |
Breeding Gentler Laying Hens that Still Produce Eggs to Industry Standard |
June 9 |
Farming with Grass May be Just Right for 21st Century |
June 8 |
Inside Look at Cellulose Provides Insight into Cotton Crystals |
June 5 |
Bee-Killing Parasite's Genome Sequenced |
June 4 |
It Pays to Furrow Dike |
June 3 |
Clues on Corn Yields, Weather Conditions and Climate Patterns |
June 2 |
"Junk" DNA Proves to be Highly Valuable |
June 1 |
Arboretum Opens New Living Garden Catalog Exhibit |
May 29 |
Vitamin Mix Helps Health of Farmed Fish |
May 28 |
Phosphorus Leaching Differs in Dairy Manures |
May 27 |
No-till Shows Benefits when Switching from Grasses to Corn |
May 26 |
New Finding Helps Explain How Toxin Harms Farm Animals |
May 22 |
Immunomagnetic Beads Can Attract Plague Bacteria |
May 21 |
Benefits of Compound in Turmeric Spice Studied |
May 20 |
Watermelons Tapped for Ethanol |
May 19 |
Survey Reports Latest Honey Bee Losses |
May 18 |
Lychee Studies Yield Keys to Plentiful, Predictable Harvests |
May 15 |
ARS Preserves Plants and Animals for Future Needs |
May 14 |
Coordinated Pushback Could Help Contain Bovine Bacterial Diseases |
May 13 |
Study Finds Sugar Beet Varieties React Equally to Nitrogen Applications |
May 12 |
Cotton Bests Other Spray-On Erosion Control Mulches |
May 11 |
Online Peanut Warehouse Ventilation Calculator Available |
May 8 |
New Food Safety Technology Developed for Eggs |
May 7 |
Red Fungus Turned Orange May Help Tackle Vitamin Deficiency |
May 6 |
New Techniques Developed for TSE Testing |
May 5 |
A Better Understanding of a Major Threat to Wheat |
May 4 |
Botulism Assay Quickly Detects Potent Foodborne Toxin |
May 1 |
Food Supplements that Fortify Fowl |
April 30 |
Why Invasive Plants Take Over |
April 29 |
There’s Money in Managing Manure--When It’s Done Right |
April 28 |
A Biocontrol for a Wide-Ranging Thrips |
April 27 |
National Arboretum Unveils First Solar-Powered Irrigation System |
April 24 |
Arcobacter: Foodborne Pathogen's Genome Exposed |
April 23 |
Technologies Improve FMD Detection and Control |
April 22 |
Organic Dairy Manure May Offer Fertilizer Option |
April 21 |
ARS Investigate Genes Involved in Forming Plum Pits |
April 20 |
ARS Dietary Supplement Data Supports Nutrient Intake Assessments |
April 17 |
Pest-Resistant Potato on Tap |
April 16 |
Knowing Where to Look for Invasive Leafy Spurge |
April 15 |
Palm Oil Not a Healthy Substitute for Trans Fats |
April 14 |
April ARS Food and Nutrition Research Briefs Issued |
April 13 |
ARS Releases Iceberg Lettuce Breeding Lines Resistant to Bacterial Leaf
Spot |
April 10 |
Byproducts of Biofuels Could be Economically Viable for Growers |
April 9 |
April Issue of Healthy Animals Now Online |
April 8 |
Helping Fruit Fight Back |
April 7 |
Salmonella Strain's Path to Virulence Uncovered |
April 6 |
Studies Reveal How Plants Protect Us from Disease |
April 3 |
Research Closes in on Goat Scrapie |
April 2 |
Estimating Crop Residue from Space via Satellite |
April 1 |
Analyzing Caffeine in Selected Dietary Supplements |
March 31 |
Dietary Intervention Shows Neuroprotection |
March 30 |
Bacteria Tapped to Battle Crop-Damaging Roundworms |
March 27 |
New Clues Discovered about Divergent Origin of Sudden Oak Death Pathogen |
March 26 |
Scientists Identify Rust Resistance Genes in Soybeans |
March 25 |
A Partnership to Promote a Cattle Herding Device |
March 24 |
Catnip Compounds Curb Asian Lady Beetles |
March 23 |
Community Sustains Control of Disease-Causing Ticks |
March 20 |
Need Wild Bees? Plastic Totes Make A Superb Bee "Nursery" |
March 19 |
New Approach Could Improve Safety Assessments of Biocontrol
Pathogens |
March 18 |
Company Expands ARS Technology to Save Water, Energy |
March 17 |
Conservation Tillage and Cotton: The Bottom Line |
March 16 |
New Ornamental Peppers Heading to Market |
March 12 |
A Burning Issue in Winter Wheat Production |
March 11 |
"Alkali Load" May Help Conserve Bone and Muscle |
March 10 |
ARS Teams Up to Help Farmers in Jordan |
March 9 |
Microsatellites Have Major Benefits for Berry Research |
March 6 |
Lenetah and Tetonia: Two Top-Notch Barleys for Bovines |
March 5 |
New Bacterial Species Named after ARS Scientist |
March 4 |
ARS, Cooperators Produce New DNA Maps for Rainbow Trout |
March 3 |
Satellites Help Keep Chesapeake Bay Clean |
March 2 |
National Collection Conserves Colonial Sheep |
February 27 |
Discovery May Solve Devastating Rust Fungus Issue for Bean Growers |
February 26 |
Olive Fruit Fly Damage Pinpointed by X-ray Vision |
February 25 |
Sorting Seeds, Saving Water |
February 24 |
Longer Marketing Time Increases the Risk of Naturalization by
Horticultural Plants |
February 23 |
Lettuce Carotenoids Affected by UV Light in Greenhouse |
February 20 |
Guayule: Is This Desert Shrub a Fuel of the Future? |
February 19 |
ARS, Cooperators Discover Wheat Gene with Resistance to Stripe Rust |
February 19 |
ARS Ships More Seeds to Genebank Facility in Norway |
February 18 |
Less Nitrogen Could Increase Profit, Sustainability |
February 17 |
Olives May Be Rescued By Helpful Wasp |
February 13 |
USDA Pressure Chamber Makes Egg Microcracks Shine |
February 12 |
ARS Scientists Sequence Citrus Disease Bacterium |
February 11 |
Inventors Win ARS Technology Transfer Honors |
February 10 |
ARS Honors Scientists and Support Staff |
February 9 |
Futuristic Seafood: Raising Delicious Cobia and Pompano–Inland! |
February 6 |
New Method Speeds the Detection of Ratoon Stunting Disease |
February 5 |
Milkweed Oil Tapped for Sunscreen and Other Products |
February 4 |
Piglet Feed Supplements Support Immune Systems |
February 3 |
Food Choices and Health Indicators |
February 2 |
Technology Improves Peanut Grading, Moisture Detection |
January 30 |
Neutralizing Acidosis and Bone Loss among Mature Adults |
January 29 |
Floating Vegetative Mats May Help Clean Fishery Wastewater |
January 28 |
Grass Strips Help Curb Erosion, Herbicide Transport |
January 27 |
Reducing Nitrate Discharge to Downstream Ecosystems |
January 26 |
Gene Variants Affecting Blood Fats Identified |
January 23 |
Canopy Cover Provides Practical Clue to Plants' Thirst |
January 22 |
Wastewater Irrigation Effective on Bermudagrass Hay |
January 21 |
ARS Research Explains Link between Stink Bug, Cotton Disease |
January 16 |
MIRI Method Reduces Water Use in Rice Field Tests |
January 15 |
Hogget Joins Nekton—and More—in New Glossary and Thesaurus of Agriculture |
January 15 |
New Issue of Healthy Animals Now Online |
January 14 |
Nutrient Supports Bone Health Over Time |
January 13 |
From Golf to Gulf, Drainage Industry Greens |
January 12 |
Remediated Water Expands Irrigation Options |
January 9 |
New Test Speeds Triclosan Detection in Water |
January 8 |
ARS Food and Nutrition Research Briefs Issued |
January 7 |
Scientists Aim to Spike Pest's Biochemical Punch Bowl |
January 6 |
Careful Land Management Protects Mississippi Watersheds |
January 5 |
Conservation Tactics to Help Fish and Wildlife Thrive Featured in
New Bibliography |
January 5 |
New Tools Aid Arid-Land Water Management |
January 2 |
Helping Canneries Make Better Use of Leftover Water |