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Subject of Investigation

Agricultural supplies, general/other
Animal research, general
Aquatic plants
Arboreta and botanical gardens
Atmosphere, general/other
Baitfish (minnows and shiners)
Beans (dry)
Beans (fresh, fresh-processed)
Bedding/garden plants
Beef cattle, general/other
Beef cattle, live animal
Berries and cane fruits, other
Biological Cell Systems
Broadleaf forests of the South
Chemurgic Crops
Citrus, general/other
Clothing and textiles, general
Cole crops (includes cabbage, kale, broccoli, brussels sprouts, cauliflower,
Conifer forests of the North
Conifer forests of the South
Conifer forests of the West
Cool season perennial grasses (includes bluegrass, bromegrass, fescue)
Corn (for sweetcorn use 1480)
Cotton, other
Cottonseed (for meal, oil, etc.)
Cross-commodity research--multiple animal species
Cross-commodity research--multiple crops
Cucurbits, other (includes pumpkin, squash, gourd)
Cut flowers, foliage, and greens
Dairy cattle, general/other
Dairy cattle, live animal
Deciduous and small fruits, general/other
Deciduous tree fruits, other
Desert and semidesert shrub land and shinnery
Domestic and community water supply facilities and systems
Drainage and irrigation facilities and systems
Duck and goose, live animal
Durum wheat
Economy, general/other
Edible tree nuts, general/other
Egg-type chicken, live animal
Experimental design and statistical methods
Feed and feed additives
Fiber crops, general/other
Fish habitats
Florist crops, other
Food (not readily associated with specific plant and animal products)
Forage legumes, other
Freshwater shrimp
Fungi (includes yeast)
General Commodity
General technology
Goats, meat and mohair
Grain crops, general/other (includes buckwheat, millet, triticale)
Grain sorghum
Grapes, other
Greens and leafy vegetables (includes endive, lettuce, spinach)
Ground covers
Hard red spring wheat
Hard red winter wheat
Hard white wheat
Herbaceous perennials and decorative greens
Herbs and spices
Honey bees
Horses, ponies, and mules
Individuals (as workers, consumers, members of society)
Invertebrates, general/other
Laboratory animals
Leguminous vegetables, other
Long fiber cotton
Machinery and equipment
Marine shrimp
Meat, beef cattle
Meat, dairy cattle
Meat, sheep
Meat, swine
Meat-type chicken, live animal
Melons (includes cantaloupe, muskmelon, watermelon)
Microorganisms, general/other
Miscellaneous and new crops, general/other
Mixed conifer-broadleaf forests
Mountain grasslands, meadow, and alpine
Mushrooms and other edible fungi
Narcotic plants
Noncrop plant research
Nonfarm structures and related facilities, including those used in
Oilseed and oil crops, general/other
Onion, garlic, leek, shallot
Ornamental trees and shrubs
Ornamentals and turf, general/other (includes cacti)
Other animals, general
Other beef cattle products
Other bees (non-Apis bees)
Other cultured finfish
Other dairy cattle products
Other non-bee pollinators, general
Other poultry products
Other swine products
Paper and pulp derived products
Parks and urban green space
Pasture and forage crops, general/other
Peas (dry)
Peas (fresh, fresh-processed)
People and communities, general/other
Perennial grasses, other
Pesticides (includes herbicides, insecticides, fungicides, etc.)
Plant research, general
Potted plants
Poultry meat
Poultry, general/other
Raisin grapes
Rangelands and grasslands, general
Rangelands, other
Red clover
Remote sensing equipment and technology
Research equipment and methods, general/other
Research on research management (not research management per se)
Rhizomes, tubers, bulbs, and root crops, general/other (for potato use 1310)
River basins
Rubber, gum, and resin plants, other
Seeds and other plant propagules
Sewage and waste disposal facilities and systems
Sheep and wool, general/other
Sheep, live animal
Soft red wheat
Soft white wheat (includes club, western)
Soil and land, general
Solanaceous and related crops, general/other (for potato use 1310)
Solar radiation
Spiders, mites, ticks, and other arthropods
Striped bass
Structures, facilities, and equipment, general/other
Sugar beet
Sugar cane
Sugar crops, general/other
Summer annual grasses (includes forage sorghums, sudangrass, sorghum)
Sweet potato
Sweet sorghum
Swine, general/other
Swine, live animal
Table grapes
The family and its members
The farm as an enterprise
Trees, forests, and forest products, general
Tropical/subtropical fruit, general/other
Turf (includes bentgrass, bermudagrass, bluegrass, dichondra, fescue)
Turkey, live animal
Upland cotton
Vegetables, general/other
Viroids, mycoplasmas, spiroplasmas, etc.
Warm season perennial grasses (includes dallisgrass, bluestems)
Water resources
Watersheds and river basins, general
Wetland and riparian systems
Wheat, other
Wild animals
Wildlife and natural fisheries, general/other
Wildlife habitats
Wine grapes
Winter annual legumes (includes subterranean clover, arrowleaf clover)
Wood and wood products
Wool fiber
item Administration of the National Predictive Modeling Tool Initiative (NPMTI)
item Advancing Knowledge of the Biology and Etiology of Bacterial Plant Pathogens Towards Management Strategies
item Agricultural Biosecurity: A Versatile High-Throughput Molecular Diagnostic Protocol To Detect Plant Pathogens
item AI-based Morphological Feature Analysis for Early and Rapid Diagnosis of Phytoplasma Diseases in Plants
item Alternatives to Antibiotics and Genomics of Antimicrobial Resistance to Control Foodborne Pathogens in Poultry
item Antimicrobials for Biorefining and Agricultural Applications
item Application of Electron Beam in the Inactivation of Viruses, Bacteria, Protozoan Parasites, and Fungi in Pure Culture and Different Matrices
item Assembly and Annotation of Rumen Protist Genomes to Determine Their Metabolic Contribution and Environmental Presence
item Assembly and Annotation of Rumen Protist Genomes to Determine Their Metabolic Contribution and Environmental Presence
item Assembly and Annotation of Rumen Protist Genomes to Determine their Metabolic Contribution and Environmental Presence
item Assessing Romaine Lettuce “Forward Processing” for Potential Impacts on EHEC Growth, Antimicrobial Susceptibility, and Infectivity
item Assessing Romaine Lettuce Forward Processing for Potential Impacts on EHEC Growth, Antimicrobial Susceptibility, and Infectivity
item Augmenting Microbial Biopesticides with Genetic Biocontrol for Improved Weed Suppression
item Behavioral Control for Colorado Potato Beetle
item Biocontrol of Gypsy Moth and Other Lepidopteran Pests of the Northeast Area through Development of Microbial Pathogen-Based Biological Control
item Biological Control of Invasive Ventenata Using Plant Pathogens
item Building Climate Smart Farming Systems with Weed and Cover Crop Mapping Technology
item Building Resilient Organic Weed Management Systems with Precision Smart Sprayer Technologies
item Building Resilient Organic Weed Management Systems with Precision Smart Sprayer Technologies
item Building Resilient Organic Weed Management Systems with Precision Smart Sprayer Technologies
item Building Resilient Organic Weed Management Systems With Precision Smart Sprayer Technologies
item Characterization and Utilization of Genetic Diversity in Soybean and Common Bean and Management and Utilization of the National Rhizobium Genetic Resource Collection
item Citrus Research and Field Trials (CRAFT) Demonstrations
item Collaboration on Plant Pathogen Strain Identification (CPPSI)
item Control of Phytophthora, Powdery Mildew, and Downy Mildew in Greenhouse Production
item Creating a Central Information Resource for Weed Control in the US
item Cucurbitacins for Management of Cucumber Beetles
item Designing and Developing the Cyberinfrastructure and Web-based Decision Tools for Conservation Vegetation Management in Agriculture
item Designing and Developing the Cyberinfrastructure and Web-Based Decision Tools for Conservation Vegetation Management in Agriculture
item Developing Cas12a-Based Technologies for Early Detection of Exotic Phytoplasmas
item Developing Low-cost Mapping Technologies for Precision Nitrogen Management with Cover Crops
item Developing Plant-based Drinking Water Supplements for Controlling Salmonella and Campylobacter Jejuni in Broiler Chickens
item Developing Strategies to Improve Dairy Cow Performance and Nutrient Use Efficiency with Nutrition, Genetics, and Microbiology
item Development and Validation of Predictive Models and Pathogen Modeling Programs; and Data Acquisition for International Microbial Databases
item Development of Bioinformatic Tools for Omic Data Integration
item Development of Lab-based Assays to Screen for Potato Soft Rot and Blackleg Disease Resistance
item Development of Lab-based Assays to Screen for Potato Soft Rot and Blackleg Disease Resistance
item Development of Microbial Consortia for Enhanced Mosquito Control
item Development of Novel Microbial-Based Biological Controls for Insect Pests in the Northeast Area
item Development of Prediction Tools for Diseases and Mycotoxins Affecting Corn and Mississippi Cotton Disease Predictive Tool Development
item Discover Genomic Loci Controlling Agronomic Traits & Develop Tools to Enable Rapid Characterization of Populations & Selection in Breeding Programs
item Discovery and Development of Microbial-Based Biological Control Agents for Use Against Invasive Weeds in the United States
item Electron Beam (eBeam)-Killed Multivalent Vaccine to Control Clostridium Perfringens and Mycoplasma Gallisepticum in Chickens - Texas A&M
item Electron Beam (eBeam)-Killed Multivalent Vaccine to Control Clostridium Perfringens and Mycoplasma Gallisepticum in Chickens- Ohio State University
item Electron Beam (eBeam)-Killed Multivalent Vaccine to Control Clostridium Perfringens and Mycoplasma Gallisepticum in Chickens- University of Arkansas
item Electron Beam-Killed Multivalent Vaccines to Control Clostridium Perfringens, and Mycoplasma Gallisepticum in Chickens - Fayetteville, AR
item Elucidating Tick-fungal Entomopathogen Interactions for Improved Tick Control
item Enabling Tools for Microbiome-based Trait Selection in Dairy Cows
item Engineering Bacterial Biosensors to Detect Potato Pathogens
item Enhancing Microbiological Safety and Production Efficiency in Organic Poultry Farming: An Interdisciplinary Investigation of Innovative Strategies
item Enterprising Artificial Intelligence and Phenotyping for ARS and Beyond
item Est. Infrastructure to Develop Prediction Tools for Cotton & Wheat Diseases & Mycotoxins Affecting Cotton to Better Inform Mgmt Decisions(TXAREC)
item Establishing the Infrastructure for Disease Prediction Tools to Manage Foliar Diseases in Wheat and Root Rot in Pulse Crops
item Establishing the Infrastructure to Develop Prediction Tools for Diseases & Affecting Cotton to Better Inform Management Decisions (U.GA)
item Establishing the Infrastructure to Develop Prediction Tools for Diseases & Affecting Cotton to Better Inform Mgmt. Decisions (Clemson)
item Establishing the Infrastructure to Develop Prediction Tools for Diseases & Mycotoxins Affecting Corn & Cotton to Better Inform Mgmt Decisions (MI)
item Establishing the Infrastructure to Develop Prediction Tools for Diseases and Affecting Cotton to Better Inform Management Decisions (U.FL)
item Establishing the Infrastructure to Develop Prediction Tools for Diseases and Mycotoxins Affecting Corn to Better Inform Management Decisions (Ohio)
item Establishing the Infrastructure to Develop Predictive Tools for Wheat Diseases & Support Grower Mgmt Decisions (KS St U)
item Establishing the Infrastructure to Develop Predictive Tools for Wheat Diseases and Support Grower Management Decisions (MT St U)
item Establishing the Infrastructure to Develop Predictive Tools for Wheat Diseases and Support Grower Management Decisions (SDSU)
item Establishing the Infrastructure to Develop Predictive Tools for Wheat Diseases and Support Grower Management Decisions (WA St U)
item Evaluate the Ability of Insect Meal to Reduce Colonization of Foodborne Pathogens in Broiler Chickens
item Evaluating Alfalfa Bred for Intercropping in a Corn Alfalfa Intercropping System
item Evaluation of Genetic and Management Factors to Reduce Foodborne Pathogens and Antimicrobial Resistance in Dairy Cattle
item Evaluation of Toxicities of Methyl Benzoate and Analogs as Green Pesticide to Control Agricultural Insect Pests
item Expanding the Cover Crop Breeding Network: New Species and Traits for Organic Growers
item Expanding the Limits of Cut Flower Postharvest Longevity
item Expanding the Utility of Direct Dormant Tuber Testing
item Exploring Diet, Microbiome, and Health in an Economically Important Cricket (Gryllodes sigillatus)
item Factors Affect the Transfer of Bacterial Pathogens to Leafy Greens from Soils
item Factors Affect the Transfer of Bacterial Pathogens to Leafy Greens from Soils
item Farming for More Than Food: Management Impact on Soil Organic Carbon and Mineralogy
item Fast and Accurate Identification of Grapevine Flavescence Dorée Phytoplasma Strains via MinION, a Portable Real-Time Device for DNA Sequencing
item Field Release and Evaluation of Ramularia Crupinae for the Management of Invasive Crupina Vulgaris Populations in Idaho
item Field-scale testing of weed dynamics, cover crop performance, and soybean health sensing technology mapping tools.
item Field-Scale Testing of Weed Identification and Mapping Tools for Accelerating Integrated Weed Management Adoption
item Field-Scale Testing of Weed Identification and Mapping Tools for Accelerating Integrated Weed Management Adoption
item Field-Scale Testing of Weed Identification and Mapping Tools for Accelerating Integrated Weed Management Adoption
item Field-Scale Testing of Weed Identification and Mapping Tools for Accelerating Integrated Weed Management Adoption
item Field-Scale Testing of Weed Identification and Mapping Tools for Accelerating Integrated Weed Management Adoption
item Field-Scale Testing of Weed Identification and Mapping Tools for Accelerating Integrated Weed Management Adoption
item Field-Scale Testing of Weed Identification and Mapping Tools for Accelerating Integrated Weed Management Adoption
item Field-Scale Testing of Weed Identification and Mapping Tools for Accelerating Integrated Weed Management Adoption
item Field-Scale Testing of Weed Identification and Mapping Tools for Accelerating Integrated Weed Management Adoption
item Field-Scale Testing of Weed Identification and Mapping Tools for Accelerating Integrated Weed Management Adoption
item Field-Scale Testing of Weed Identification and Mapping Tools for Accelerating Integrated Weed Management Adoption
item Field-Scale Testing of Weed Identification and Mapping Tools for Accelerating Integrated Weed Management Adoption
item Field-Scale Testing of Weed Identification and Mapping Tools for Accelerating Integrated Weed Management Adoption
item Field-Scale Testing of Weed Identification and Mapping Tools for Accelerating Integrated Weed Management Adoption
item Field-Scale Testing of Weed Identification and Mapping Tools for Accelerating Integrated Weed Management Research and Adoption
item Field-Scale Testing of Weed Identification and Mapping Tools for Accelerating Integrated Weed Management Research and Adoption
item Field-Scale Testing of Weed Identification and Mapping Tools for Accelerating Integrated Weed Management Research and Adoption - NC State
item Field-Scale Testing of Weed Identification and Mapping Tools for Accelerating Integrated Weed Management Research and Adoption - NDSU
item Field-Scale Testing of Weed Identification and Mapping Tools for Accelerating Integrated Weed Management Research and Adoption - OH State Univ.
item Field-Scale Testing of Weed Identification and Mapping Tools for Accelerating Integrated Weed Management Research and Adoption - Penn State Univ.
item Field-Scale Testing of Weed Identification and Mapping Tools for Accelerating Integrated Weed Management Research and Adoption - Southern IL Univ.
item Field-Scale Testing of Weed Identification and Mapping Tools for Accelerating Integrated Weed Management Research and Adoption - Un of KY
item Field-Scale Testing of Weed Identification and Mapping Tools for Accelerating Integrated Weed Management Research and Adoption - Un of MN
item Field-Scale Testing of Weed Identification and Mapping Tools for Accelerating Integrated Weed Management Research and Adoption - VPI
item Genomic and Molecular Characterization of Bacterial Strategies Used in Plant Pathogen Interactions
item GROW: A National Response to the Herbicide-Resistant Weed Epidemic
item GROW: A National Response to the Herbicide-Resistant Weed Epidemic
item GROW: A National Response to the Herbicide-Resistant Weed Epidemic - CSU
item GROW: A National Response to the Herbicide-Resistant Weed Epidemic - Montana State Univ.
item GROW: A National Response to the Herbicide-Resistant Weed Epidemic - NC State
item GROW: A National Response to the Herbicide-Resistant Weed Epidemic - Penn State Univ.
item GROW: A National Response to the Herbicide-Resistant Weed Epidemic - Purdue
item GROW: A National Response to the Herbicide-Resistant Weed Epidemic - Southern IL Univ.
item GROW: A National Response to the Herbicide-Resistant Weed Epidemic - Texas AgriLife
item GROW: A National Response to the Herbicide-Resistant Weed Epidemic - Un of IL
item GROW: A National Response to the Herbicide-Resistant Weed Epidemic - Un of KY
item GROW: A National Response to the Herbicide-Resistant Weed Epidemic - Un of NE
item GROW: A National Response to the Herbicide-Resistant Weed Epidemic - Univ of GA
item GROW: A National Response to the Herbicide-Resistant Weed Epidemic - VPI
item GROW: A National Response to the Herbicide-Resistant Weed Epidemic - WSU
item Immune Divergent Chickens as a Novel Source of Probiotics Capable of Preventing Foodborne Pathogen Carriage in Broilers
item Impact of Microbial Population Levels on Water Uptake in Cut Flowers
item Improvement of Pheromone Synthesis for Commercialization to Manage Cucurbit Pests
item Improving Pre-harvest Produce Safety through Reduction of Pathogen Levels in Agricultural Environments and Development and Validation of Farm-Scale Microbial Quality Model for Irrigation Water Sources
item Incidence of Bacterial Pathogens in Regulated Foods and Applied Processing Technologies for Their Destruction
item Influence of Ingredients and Processing Methods on the Safety of Fermented and Acidified Foods
item Innovative Detection and Intervention Technologies Mitigating Shellfish-borne Pathogens
item Intentional Genomic Alteration of Beef Cattle for Reducing Susceptibility to Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus (BVDV)
item Intervention Strategies to Mitigate the Food Safety Risks Associated with the Fresh Produce Supply Chain
item Investigating the Role of Lighting Photoperiods in Broiler Production on Pre-Harvest Foodborne Pathogen Carriage
item Leveraging Neuroimmune Pathways of Host-Microbe Interaction in the Development of Novel E-beam Antibiotic Alternative Strategies in Poultry
item Machine Intelligence Driven Design of Anti-microbial Coatings for Fresh Produce
item Machine Learning-Enabled Novel Pathogen Detection Platform for Nondestructive Supply Chain Surveillance
item Maintain & Rebuild CRaFT Mgmt Tools Directly Supporting Animals & Plant Health Inspection Service Plant Protection & Quarantine Citrus Programs
item Making Microbiology More Predictable: An Integrative Platform for the Engineering and Functional Rehabilitation of Root-Associated Microbiomes
item Management and Characterization of Microbial Genetic Resources and Associated Descriptive Information
item Methyl Benzoate and Analogs to Control Mosquitoes of Medical Importance
item Microbiome Transplantation as a Novel Approach to Prevent Climate Change Mediated Susceptibility to Foodborne Pathogen Carriage in Poultry
item Mitigating Mercury Migration Through a Novel Treatability Study on Soil Amendments
item Mitigation of Foodborne Pathogens in Water and Fresh Produce via Application of Biochar
item Molecular Analysis of Foodborne Pathogen Responses to Stressors
item Monitoring and Managing Microbial Water Quality for Food Safety
item Monitoring and Modeling Microbial Quality of Irrigation Water
item Multi-hurdle Approaches for Controlling Foodborne Pathogens in Poultry
item Multi-hurdle Approaches for Controlling Foodborne Pathogens in Poultry: Salmonella Vaccine Potency Testing
item Multiplex Detection of Viable Pathogen - Empowering Conventional QA/QC Toolkits with Nano-Dyes and Machine Learning
item National Predictive Modeling Tool Initiative
item National Predictive Modeling Tool Initiative’s Networking and Facilitation Office and Website
item Novel Microbubble Technology to Reduce Contamination of Poultry Products and Fresh Produce for Small and Medium Veteran Farmers
item Omics of Rhizoctonia Solani for Molecular Identification and Deciphering Pathogenicity on Agricultural Crops
item Omics-Based Approach to Detection, Identification, and Systematics of Plant Pathogenic Phytoplasmas and Spiroplasmas
item Phytopathogenic Bacteria Biology, Diagnostics, Epidemiology, and Control
item Precision Integrated Weed Management in Conventional and Organic Crop Production Systems
item Prevention of Pathogen Contamination in the Lettuce Production Continuum-Beltsville
item Public/Private Partnerships for Assessing Integrated Weed Management - LSU
item Public/Private Partnerships for Assessing Integrated Weed Management Strategies
item Public/Private Partnerships for Assessing Integrated Weed Management Strategies - Texas A&M
item Public/Private Partnerships for Assessing Integrated Weed Management Strategies - Univ. of IL
item Public/Private Partnerships for Assessing Integrated Weed Management Strategies - VPI
item Quarantine, Germplasm Acquisition/Maintenance, Phytopathology Studies and Clone Evaluation of Theobroma Cacao
item Regulation of Maintenance of Bovine Herepsvirus (BoHV-1) Latency by Viral and Cellular Factors
item Risk Analysis of Invasive Weeds as Pathways for the Spread of Foreign Plant Pathogens
item Soil, Crop, and Manure Biochemistry and Molecular Ecology: Bridging Knowledge Gaps in Microbiome Response to Management and Climate Change
item Strategies to Control Respiratory Diseases of Cattle
item Sustainable Insect Pest Management for Urban Agriculture and Landscapes
item Systems-based Integrated Program for Enhancing the Sustainability of Antibiotic Restricted Poultry Production
item Targeted Depletion of Cattle Host Transcripts for High-resolution, Metatranscriptomics Analysis of Tissue-embedded Microbial Communities
item Tracking Sources of Dickeya and Pectobacterium That Lead to Soft Rot and Blackleg Outbreaks
item U.S. Egypt Science and Technology Joint Fund Cycle 21 U.S. Sub-Award PERUSE: Predicting Emerging Resistance in the US
item User-testing of Cover Crop Performance Mapping Tool for Precision Integrated Weed Management
item User-testing of cover crop performance mapping tool for precision integrated weed management
item User-Testing of Cover Crop Performance Mapping Tool for Precision Integrated Weed Management
item User-Testing of Cover Crop Performance Mapping Tool for Precision Integrated Weed Management
item Using Metatranscriptomics to Investigate the Liver and Blood Microbiome in the Young Calf and Mid-lactation Cows with Feed-induced Acidosis
item Using Modeling to Develop Monitoring Strategy and Scheduling for Microbial Quality of Irrigation Water Sources