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Raymond K Yokomi (Ray) (PhD)
Crop Diseases, Pests and Genetics Research
Research Plant Pathologist

Phone: (559) 596-2990
Fax: (559) 596-2992

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Development of Applied Management Systems for Diseases of Perennial Crops with Emphasis on Vector-Borne Pathogens of Grapevine and Citrus
In-House Appropriated (D)
  Accession Number: 441572
Identifying Vulnerabilities in Vector-host-pathogen Interactions of Grapevine and Citrus Pathosystems to Advance Sustainable Management Strategies
In-House Appropriated (D)
  Accession Number: 442038
Study of the Putative Vectors Associated with Citrus Yellow Vein Clearing Virus (CYVCV) discovered in Tulare County, California
Interagency Reimbursable Agreement (I)
  Accession Number: 443374
CAP- Advanced Testing and Commercialization of Novel Defensin Peptides and Therapies for HLB Control
Reimbursable Cooperative Agreement (R)
  Accession Number: 442343
Host Range of Citrus Yellow Vein Clearing Virus
Reimbursable Cooperative Agreement (R)
  Accession Number: 447324
Development of a Rapid and Sensitive Serological Method for Early Detection of Citrus Yellow Vein Clearing Virus in Citrus Groves
Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement (S)
  Accession Number: 444519

Publications (Clicking on the reprint icon Reprint Icon will take you to the publication reprint.)
The discovery of Citrus yellow vein learing virus Hacienda Heights isolate diversifies the geological origins of the virus in California, United States Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Sun, Y., Yokomi, R.K. 2024. The discovery of Citrus yellow vein learing virus Hacienda Heights isolate diversifies the geological origins of the virus in California, United States. Viruses. 16(9): Article 1479.
Citrus tristeza virus: a century-long challenge for the world's citrus industries Reprint Icon - (Review Article)
Sun, Y., Yokomi, R.K., Folimonova, S. 2024. Citrus tristeza virus: a century-long challenge for the world's citrus industries. Annals of Applied Biology. 1-19.
Genotype sequencing and phylogenetic analysis revealed the origins of Citrus yellow vein clearing virus California isolates Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Sun, Y., Yokomi, R.K. 2024. Genotype sequencing and phylogenetic analysis revealed the origins of Citrus yellow vein clearing virus California isolates. Viruses. 16(2). Article 188.
Multiplex qPCR detection of ‘Candidatus Liberibacter spp.’ and Spiroplasma citri - (Abstract Only)
Improved tissue sampling for reliable detection of Candidatus liberibacter asiaticus Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Hajeri, S., Kumagai, L., Yokomi, R.K. 2023. Improved tissue sampling for reliable detection of Candidatus liberibacter asiaticus. Plants. 12(19). Article e3364.
Whole genome sequence of Citrus yellow vein clearing virus CA1 isolate Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Sun, Y., Yokomi, R.K. 2023. Whole genome sequence of Citrus yellow vein clearing virus CA1 isolate. BMC Research Notes. 16. Article 166.
Pathosystems research advances agricultural pest and specialty crop disease management in the San Joaquin Valley of California - (Abstract Only)
Perez De Leon, A.A., Chen, J., Krugner, R., Yokomi, R.K., Wallis, C.M. 2023. Pathosystems research advances agricultural pest and specialty crop disease management in the San Joaquin Valley of California. American Chemical Society Abstracts.
Surveys of Citrus tristeza virus in commercial citrus orchards in California - (Trade Journal)
Yokomi, R.K., Hareji, S. 2023. Surveys of Citrus tristeza virus in commercial citrus orchards in California. Citrograph. available:
The changing status of citrus pest in California: from the past to the future - (Abstract Only)
Yokomi, R.K., Gautam, S. 2022. The changing status of citrus pest in California: from the past to the future. Book of Abstracts XIV International Citrus Congress. Meeting Abstract.
Current research to control agricultural pests and disease vectors at the USDA-ARS San Joaquin Valley Agricultural Sciences Center - (Abstract Only)
An improved Recombinase polymerase amplification coupled with lateral flow assay for rapid field detection of "Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus" Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Rattner, R., Godfrey, K., Hajeri, S., Yokomi, R.K. 2022. An improved Recombinase polymerase amplification coupled with lateral flow assay for rapid field detection of "Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus". Plant Disease.
Citrus tristeza virus Reprint Icon - (Book / Chapter)
Hajeri, S., Yokomi, R.K. 2023. Citrus tristeza virus. In: Gaur, R.K., Patil, B.L., Selvarajan, R., editors. Plant RNA Viruses. 1st edition. Cambridge, MA: Academic Press. p.117-133.
Amino acid, sugar, phenolic, and terpenoid profiles are capable of distinguishing Citrus tristeza virus infection status in citrus cultivars: Grapefruit, lemon, mandarin, and sweet orange Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Wallis, C.M., Gorman, Z.J., Rattner, R., Hajeri, S., Yokomi, R.K. 2022. Amino acid, sugar, phenolic, and terpenoid profiles are capable of distinguishing Citrus tristeza virus infection status in citrus cultivars: Grapefruit, lemon, mandarin, and sweet orange. PLoS ONE. 17(5) Article e0268255.
Estimated incidence and genotypes of CTV in Southern California - (Abstract Only)
Yokomi, R.K., Rattner, R., Hajeri, S. 2022. Estimated incidence and genotypes of CTV in Southern California. California Citrus Conference. Citrus Research Board.
Evaluation of reliable sampling tissue and seasonality for consistent detection of CLas by qPCR - (Abstract Only)
Hajeri, S., Kumagai, L., Yokomi, R.K. 2021. Evaluation of reliable sampling tissue and seasonality for consistent detection of CLas by qPCR. California Citrus Conference. Citrus Research Board.
Recombinase polymerase amplification coupled with lateral flow assay for rapid field detection of “Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus” in citrus plants - (Abstract Only)
Rattner, R., Hajeri, S., Godfrey, K., Yokomi, R.K. 2021. Recombinase polymerase amplification coupled with lateral flow assay for rapid field detection of “Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus” in citrus plants. California Citrus Conference. Citrus Research Board.
Host metabolomic responses to CTV infection - (Abstract Only)
Wallis, C.M., Rattner, R., Gorman, Z., Hajeri, S., Yokomi, R.K. 2021. Host metabolomic responses to CTV infection. Meeting Abstract. Proceedings of the 2021 Citrus Research Conference.
Molecular advances in larval fruit moth identification to facilitate fruit export from western United States under systems approaches Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Yokomi, R.K., Delgado, J.K., Unruh, T.R., Barcenas, N.M., Garczynski, S.F., Walse, S., Perez de Leon, A.A., Cooper, W.R. 2021. Molecular advances in larval fruit moth identification to facilitate fruit export from western United States under systems approaches. Annals of the Entomological Society of America. 115(1):105-112.
Genome analysis of Spiroplasma citri strains from different host plants and its leafhopper vectors Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Rattner, R., Thapa, S.P., Dang, T., Osman, F., Selvaraj, V., Maheshwari, Y., Pagliaccia, D., Espindola, A.S., Hajeri, S., Chen, J., Coaker, G., Vidalakis, G., Yokomi, R.K. 2021. Genome analysis of Spiroplasma citri strains from different host plants and its leafhopper vectors. BMC Genomics. 22:373.
Impact of MCA13-Reactive CTV and its eradication in commercial citrus - (Other)
Yokomi, R.K., Rattner, R., Hajeri, S. 2021. Impact of MCA13-Reactive CTV and its eradication in commercial citrus. Citrograph.
Multiplex detection of candidatus liberibacter asiaticus and Spiroplasma citri by qPCR and droplet digital PCR Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Maheshwari, Y., Sevaraj, V., Godfrey, K., Hajeri, S., Yokomi, R.K. 2021. Multiplex detection of “Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus” and Spiroplasma citri by qPCR and droplet digital PCR. PLoS ONE. 16(3):e0242392.
Improvements to HLB and stubborn testing - (Trade Journal)
Yokomi, R.K., Selvaraj, V., Maheshwari, Y., Rattner, R., Godfrey, K.E., Chen, J., Hajeri, S. 2021. Improvements to HLB and stubborn testing. Citrograph. 12(2):64-68.
Detection of viroids using RT-qPCR Reprint Icon - (Book / Chapter)
Hajeri, S., Vidalakis, G., Yokomi, R.K. 2021. Detection of viroids using RT-qPCR. In: Rao, A.L.N., Lavagi-Craddock, I., Vidalakis, G., editors. Viroids. Methods in Molecular Biology, vol 2316. New York, NY: Humana. p. 153-162.
Immunocapture-reverse transcriptase loop-mediated isothermal amplification assay for detection of plant RNA viruses Reprint Icon - (Book / Chapter)
Hajeri S., Yokomi R. 2021. Immunocapture-reverse transcriptase loop-mediated isothermal amplification assay for detection of plant RNA viruses. In: Wang, A., Li, Y., editors. Plant Virology. Methods in Molecular Biology, vol 2400. New York, NY: Humana. p. 245-252.
Whole genome sequence of five strains of Spiroplasma citri isolated from different host plants and its leafhopper vector Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Yokomi, R.K., Rattner, R., Osman, F., Maheshwari, Y., Selvaraj, V., Pagliaccia, D., Chen, J., Vidalakis, G. 2020. Whole genome sequence of five strains of Spiroplasma citri isolated from different host plants and its leafhopper vector. BMC Research Notes. 13. Article 320.
Genetically-engineered citrus tristeza virus: establishing and examining its interaction with wild type CTV - (Trade Journal)
Yokomi, R.K., Selvaraj, V., Maheshwari, Y., Hajeri, S. 2020. Genetically-engineered citrus tristeza virus: establishing and examining its interaction with wild type CTV. Citrograph. 10(4):66-69.
Spread of citrus tristeza virus in central California Reprint Icon - (Abstract Only)
Yokomi, R.K., Sisterson, M.S., Hajeri, S. 2021. Spread of citrus tristeza virus in central California. Phytopathology. 110:S2.1.
Spread of Citrus tristeza virus in citrus orchards in central California Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Yokomi, R.K., Sisterson, M.S., Hajeri, S. 2020. Spread of Citrus tristeza virus in citrus orchards in central California. Plant Disease. 104(7):1925-1931.
Reliable sampling tissue and seasonality for consistent detection of 'Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus' by qPCR Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Hajeri, S., Yokomi, R.K. 2020. Reliable sampling tissue and seasonality for consistent detection of 'Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus' by qPCR. Current Agriculture Research Journal. 8(1).
Genome sequence resource for Spiroplasma citri, strain CC-2, associated with citrus stubborn disease in California Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Yokomi, R.K., Chen, J., Rattner, R., Selvaraj, V., Majeshwari, Y., Osman, F., Pagliacica, D., Vidalakis, G. 2019. Genome sequence resource for Spiroplasma citri, strain CC-2, associated with citrus stubborn disease in California. Phytopathology. 110(2):254-256.
A rapid detection tool for VT isolates of Citrus tristeza virus by immunocapture- reverse transcriptase loop mediated isothermal amplification assay Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Selvaraj, V., Maheshwari, Y., Hajeri, S., Yokomi, R.K. 2019. A rapid detection tool for VT isolates of Citrus tristeza virus by immunocapture- reverse transcriptase loop mediated isothermal amplification assay. PLoS One. 14(9):e0222170.
Droplet digital PCR for absolute quantification of plant pathogens Reprint Icon - (Book / Chapter)
Selvaraj V., Maheshwari Y., Hajeri S., Yokomi R. 2019. Droplet digital PCR for absolute quantification of plant pathogens. In: Khurana S., Gaur R., editors. Plant Biotechnology: Progress in Genomic Era. Singapore: Springer. p. 583-595.
Development and validation of a Loop-Mediated Isothermal Amplification technique (LAMP) for the detection of Spiroplasma citri, the causal agent of citrus stubborn disease Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Drais, M.D., Maheshwari, Y., Selvaraj, V., Varvaro, L., Yokomi, R.K., Djelouah, K. 2019. Development and validation of a Loop-Mediated Isothermal Amplification technique (LAMP) for the detection of Spiroplasma citri, the causal agent of citrus stubborn disease. European Journal of Plant Pathology. 155(1):125-134.
“Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus” strains from multiple locations in southern California are different - (Abstract Only)
Dai, Z., Wu, F., Zheng, Z., Yokomi, R.K., Kumagai, L., Cai, W., Rascoe, J., Polek, M., Deng, Z. 2019. “Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus” strains from multiple locations in southern California are different. International Research Conference on Huanglongbing, March 10-15, 2019, Riverside, California.
Progress on the development of a field-use optical sensor for screening of citrus pathogens in California - (Abstract Only)
Edwards, P., Ochochi, B., Liu, Z., Hajeri, S., Yokomi, R.K. 2019. Progress on the development of a field-use optical sensor for screening of citrus pathogens in California. International Research Conference on Huanglongbing. p. 4-57.
Progress on the development of a field-use optical sensor for screening of citrus pathogens in California - (Abstract Only)
Drais, M., Maheshwari, Y., Selvaraj, Y., Varvaro, L., Yokomi, R.K., Djelouah, K. 2019. Progress on the development of a field-use optical sensor for screening of citrus pathogens in California. Conference of International Organization of Citrus Virologists. p. 7-24.
High-risk based field survey and high-throughput qPCR detection system for Huanglongbing-associated bacteria in commercial groves in California - (Abstract Only)
Hajeri, S., Liao, W., Westerman, K., Barnier, J., Luo, W., Gottwald, T.R., Yokomi, R.K. 2019. High-risk based field survey and high-throughput qPCR detection system for Huanglongbing-associated bacteria in commercial groves in California. International Research Conference on Huanglongbing. p. 5-61.
Characterization of California Citrus tristeza virus (CTV) strains that react with CTV MCA13 monoclonal antibody - (Abstract Only)
Identification and characterization of RB isolates of citrus tristeza virus - (Book / Chapter)
Saponari, M., Giampetruzzi, A., Selvaraj, V., Maheshwari, Y., Yokomi, R.K. 2019. Identification and characterization of RB isolates of citrus tristeza virus. In: Catara A., Bar-Joseph M., Licciardello G., editors. Citrus Tristeza Virus. Methods in Molecular Biology. New York, NY: Humana Press. p. 105-126.
CTV vectors and interactions with the virus and host plants - (Book / Chapter)
Yokomi, R.K. 2019. CTV vectors and interactions with the virus and host plants. In: Catara, A., Bar-Joseph, M., Licciardello, G., editors. Citrus Tristeza Virus. Methods in Molecular Biology. New York, NY: Humana Press. p. 29-53.
Prophage diversity of “Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus” strains in California Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Dai, Z., Wu, F., Zheng, Z., Yokomi, R.K., Kumagai, L., Cai, W., Rasco, J., Polek, M., Deng, Z., Chen, J. 2019. Prophage diversity of “Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus” strains in California. Phytopathology. 109(4):551-559.
Nucleotide heterogeneity at the terminal ends of the genomes of two California Citrus tristeza virus strains and their complete genome sequence analysis Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Chen, A.Y., Watanabe, S., Yokomi, R.K., Ng, J.C. 2018. Nucleotide heterogeneity at the terminal ends of the genomes of two California Citrus tristeza virus strains and their complete genome sequence analysis. Virology Journal. 15(1):141.
Development of a duplex droplet digital PCR assay for absolute quantitative detection of "Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus" Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Selvaraj, V., Maheshwari, Y., Hajeri, S., Chen, J., Mccollum, T.G., Yokomi, R.K. 2018. Development of a duplex droplet digital PCR assay for absolute quantitative detection of "Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus". PLoS One. 13(5):e0197184.
Description of a novel mild strain of Citrus tristeza virus in California that reacts with monoclonal antibody MCA13 - (Abstract Only)
Application of duplex droplet digital PCR for detection of “Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus” using 16S rRNA and ribonucleotide reductase genes - (Abstract Only)
Preinfection of citrus by RB strains of Citrus tristeza virus (CTV) negatively affected expression of a modified T36 CTV vector - (Abstract Only)
Diversity of “Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus” strains in California Reprint Icon - (Abstract Only)
Dai, Z., Wu, F., Zheng, Z., Yokomi, R.K., Kumagai, L., Cai, W., Rascoe, J., Polek, M., Deng, X., Chen, J. 2018. Diversity of “Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus” strains in California. Phytopathology. 108:S1.93.
Molecular and biological characterization of a novel mild strain of citrus tristeza virus in California Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Yokomi, R.K., Selvaraj, V., Maheshwari, Y., Chiumenti, M., Saponari, M., Giampetruzzi, A., Weng, Z., Xiong, Z., Hajeri, S. 2018. Molecular and biological characterization of a novel mild strain of citrus tristeza virus in California. Archives of Virology. 163(7):1795-1804.
Endemic pathogens may interfere with HLB - (Trade Journal)
Godfrey, K., Araujo, K., Foster, E., Polek, M., Yokomi, R.K., Hajeri, S., Douhan, G. 2018. Endemic pathogens may interfere with HLB. Citrograph. 9(2):52-55.
California mild CTV strains that break resistance in Trifoliate Orange - (Trade Journal)
Yokomi, R.K., Selvaraj, V., Maheshwari, Y., Hajeri, S. 2018. California mild CTV strains that break resistance in Trifoliate Orange. Citrograph. 9(2):66-69.
Application of droplet digital PCR for quantitative detection of Spiroplasma citri in comparison with real time PCR Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Maheshwari, Y., Selvaraj, V., Hajeri, S., Yokomi, R.K. 2017. Application of droplet digital PCR for quantitative detection of Spiroplasma citri in comparison with real time PCR. PLoS ONE. 12(9):e0184751.
Detection of Spiroplasma citri by droplet digital PCR - (Abstract Only)
Maheshwari, Y., Selvaraj, V., Hajeri, S., Yokomi, R.K. 2017. Detection of Spiroplasma citri by droplet digital PCR. Phytopathology. 107:S5:58.
Novel development of a lateral flow immunoassay for rapid field detection of citrus tristeza virus - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Maheshwari, Y., Selvaraj, V., Hajeri, S., Ramadugu, C., Keremane, M.L., Yokomi, R.K. 2017. Novel development of a lateral flow immunoassay for rapid field detection of citrus tristeza virus. Molecular Biotechnology. doi: 10.1007/s12600-017-0591-0.
Identification and characterization of Citrus tristeza virus isolates breaking resistance in trifoliate orange in California - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Yokomi, R.K., Selvaraj, V., Maheshwari, Y., Saponari, M., Giampetruzzi, A., Chiumenti, M., Hajeri, S. 2017. Identification and characterization of Citrus tristeza virus isolates breaking resistance in trifoliate orange in California. Phytopathology. 107(7):901-908.
Association of Neonectria macrodidyma with dry root rot of citrus in California - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Adesemoye, A., Hajeri, S., Yokomi, R.K., Eskalen, A. 2017. Association of Neonectria macrodidyma with dry root rot of citrus in California. Journal of Plant Pathology & Microbiology. 8:391. doi:10.4172/2157-7471.1000391.
The complete mitochondrial genome sequence of Bactericera cockerelli and its comparison with three other psylloidea species - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Wu, F., Deng, X., Wallis, C.M., Trumble, J., Prager, S., Yokomi, R.K., Liang, G., Cen, Y., Chen, J. 2016. The complete mitochondrial genome sequence of Bactericera cockerelli and its comparison with three other psylloidea species. PLoS One. 11(5):e0155318. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0155318.
Digital PCR for detection of citrus pathogens - (Abstract Only)
Selvaraj, V., Maheshwari, Y., Hajeri, S., Yokomi, R.K. 2016. Digital PCR for detection of citrus pathogens. Conference of International Organization of Citrus Virologists. p.71.
Molecular characterization of Peruvian Citrus tristeza virus isolates based on 3’UTR sequences - (Abstract Only)
Selvaraj, V., Maheshwari, Y., Bederski, K., Hartung, J.S., Hajeri, S., Yokomi, R.K. 2016. Molecular characterization of Peruvian Citrus tristeza virus isolates based on 3’UTR sequences. Conference of International Organization of Citrus Virologists. p.58.
Lateral flow immunoassay for the rapid detection of citrus tristeza virus - (Abstract Only)
Maheshwari, Y., Selvaraj, V., Ramadugu, C., Keremane, M.L., Hajeri, S., Yokomi, R.K. 2016. Lateral flow immunoassay for the rapid detection of citrus tristeza virus. Conference of International Organization of Citrus Virologists. p.57.
Fighting HLB with Citrus tristeza virus (CTV): Heterogeneity in the genome ends of CTV is an important consideration - (Trade Journal)
Ng, J., Chen, A., Yokomi, R.K. 2016. Fighting HLB with Citrus tristeza virus (CTV): Heterogeneity in the genome ends of CTV is an important consideration. Citrograph. 7:76-81.
Survey of citrus tristeza virus populations in Central California that react with MCA13 monoclonal antibody - (Abstract Only)
Yokomi, R.K., Hajeri, S., Barnier, J. 2015. Survey of citrus tristeza virus populations in Central California that react with MCA13 monoclonal antibody. Phytopathology. 105:S4.154.
Nucleotide heterogeneity at the genomic 5’- and 3’-termini of California (CA) isolates of Citrus tristeza virus (CTV) - (Abstract Only)
Chen, A.Y., Watanabe, S., Yokomi, R.K., Ng, J.C. 2015. Nucleotide heterogeneity at the genomic 5’- and 3’-termini of California (CA) isolates of Citrus tristeza virus (CTV). Phytopathology. 105:S4.27.
Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) profiling of Citrus tristeza virus (CTV) infection in sweet orange citrus varietals using thermal desorption gas chromatography time of flight mass spectrometry (TD-GC/TOF-MS) - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Cheung, W.H., Zhao, W., Pasamontes, A., Kapaun, T., Yokomi, R.K., Swe, M., Fiehn, O., Davis, C.E. 2015. Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) profiling of Citrus tristeza virus (CTV) infection in sweet orange citrus varietals using thermal desorption gas chromatography time of flight mass spectrometry (TD-GC/TOF-MS). Metabolomics. doi: 10.1007/s11306-015-0807-6.
Survey of the auchenorrhyncha in the Salento Peninsula in search of putative vectors of Xylella fastidiosa Pauca Codiro strain - (Abstract Only)
Cornara, D., Loconsole, G., Boscia, D., Yokomi, R.K., Bosco, D., Porcelli, F., Saponari, M., Martelli, G. 2014. Survey of the auchenorrhyncha in the Salento Peninsula in search of putative vectors of Xylella fastidiosa Pauca Codiro strain. Journal of Plant Pathology. 96(4):S4.98.
Improved real-time PCR diagnosis of citrus stubborn disease by targeting prophage genes of Spiroplasma citri - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Wang, X., Doddapaneni, H., Chen, J., Yokomi, R.K. 2015. Improved real-time PCR diagnosis of citrus stubborn disease by targeting prophage genes of Spiroplasma citri. Plant Disease. 99:149-154.
Infectivity and transmission of Xylella fastidiosa Salento strain by Philaenus spumarius L. (Hemiptera: Aphrophoridae) in Apulia, Italy - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Saponari, M., Loconsole, G., Cornara, D., Yokomi, R.K., De Stradis, A., Boscia, D., Bosco, D., Martelli, G., Krugner, R., Porcelli, F. 2014. Infectivity and transmission of Xylella fastidiosa Salento strain by Philaenus spumarius L. (Hemiptera: Aphrophoridae) in Apulia, Italy. Journal of Economic Entomology. 107(4):1316-1319.
Novel mild strains of Citrus tristeza virus from California and Peru. - (Abstract Only)
Yokomi, R.K., Hajeri, S., Bederski, K., Giampetruzzi, A., Loconsole, G., Saponari, M. 2014. Novel mild strains of Citrus tristeza virus from California and Peru. Phytopathology. 104:S3.133.
Thirty years of citrus tristeza virus observations in Peru - (Proceedings)
Bederski, K., Silvestre, P., Roistacher, C., Giampetruzzi, A., Lonconsole, G., Hartung, J.S., Saponari, M., Yokomi, R.K. 2014. Thirty years of citrus tristeza virus observations in Peru. Society of Citrus Nurserymen International Congress. Available:
Genetic diversity of citrus tristeza virus from cross-protected and unprotected citrus trees after 20 years of natural challenge in Peru - (Abstract Only)
Silvestre, P., Bederski, K., Roistacher, C., Giampetruzzi, A., Loconsole, G., Hartung, J.S., Saponari, M., Yokomi, R.K. 2014. Genetic diversity of citrus tristeza virus from cross-protected and unprotected citrus trees after 20 years of natural challenge in Peru. In: Abstract Book of the 10th Congress, International Society of Citrus Nurseries, Feb 14-19, 2014, Mazatlan, Sinaloa, Mexico.
Deep sequencing of small RNAs from citrus affected by graft-transmissible diseases of unknown etiology leads to discovery of two novel viruses - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Loconsole, G., Giampetruzzi, A., Saldarelli, P., Onelge, N., Yokomi, R.K., Saponari, M. 2015. Deep sequencing of small RNAs from citrus affected by graft-transmissible diseases of unknown etiology leads to discovery of two novel viruses. Acta Horticulturae. 1065(2):817-824.
Past and future of a century old Citrus Tristeza Virus collection: A California citrus germplasm tale - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Wang, J., Bozan, O., Kwon, S., Rucker, T., Yokomi, R.K., Lee, R.F., Folimonova, S., Greer, G., Krueger, R., Bash, J., Vidalakis, G. 2013. Past and future of a century old Citrus Tristeza Virus collection: A California citrus germplasm tale . Frontiers in Microbiology. 4:366. DOI: 10.3389/fmicb.2013.00366.
Rapid differentiation of citrus Hop stunt viroid variants by use of real-time RT-PCR and high resolution melting analysis - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Loconsole, G., Onelge, N., Yokomi, R.K., Abou-Kubaa, R., Savino, V., Saponari, M. 2013. Rapid differentiation of citrus Hop stunt viroid variants by use of real-time RT-PCR and high resolution melting analysis. Molecular and Cellular Probes. 27:221-229.
Validation of high-throughput real time polymerase chain reaction assays for simultaneous detection of invasive citrus pathogens - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Saponari, M., Loconsole, G., Liao, H., Bo, J., Savino, V., Yokomi, R.K. 2013. Validation of high-throughput real time polymerase chain reaction assays for simultaneous detection of invasive citrus pathogens. Journal of Virological Methods. 193:478-486.
Prophages in “Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus” and Spiroplasma citri - (Abstract Only)
Chen, J., Deng, X., Wang, X., Yokomi, R.K. 2013. Prophages in “Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus” and Spiroplasma citri. In: Book of Abstracts, 19th Conference of International Organization of Citrus Virologists. p.78.
Occurrence, sequence polymorphism and population structure of Circulifer tenellus virus 1 in a field population of the beet leafhopper - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Spear, A., Yokomi, R.K., French, R.C., Stenger, D.C. 2013. Occurrence, sequence polymorphism and population structure of Circulifer tenellus virus 1 in a field population of the beet leafhopper. Virus Research. 176:307-311.
Molecular characterization of Cirus tristeza virus isolates associated with stem pitting CTV cross-protection in Peru - (Proceedings)
Differentiation of citrus Hop stunt viroid variants by real-time RT-PCR and high resolution melting analysis - (Abstract Only)
Molecular diversity of Citrus tristeza virus in California - (Abstract Only)
Wang, J., Yokomi, R.K., Lee, R.F., Folimonova, S., Vidalakis, G. 2013. Molecular diversity of Citrus tristeza virus in California. Phytopathology. 103:S2.156.
Sensitive detection of Spiroplasma citri by targeting prophage sequences - (Abstract Only)
Wang, X., Yokomi, R.K., Chen, J. 2013. Sensitive detection of Spiroplasma citri by targeting prophage sequences. Phytopathology. 103:S2.157.
Small RNA profiling reveals phosphorus deficiency as a contributing factor in symptom expression for Citrus Huanglongbing Disease - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Zhao, H., Sun, R., Albrecht, U., Padmanabhan, C., Wang, A., Coffey, M.D., Girke, T., Wang, Z., Close, T.J., Roose, M., Yokomi, R.K., Folimonova, S., Vidalakis, G., Rouse, R., Bowman, K.D., Jin, H. 2013. Small RNA profiling reveals phosphorus deficiency as a contributing factor in symptom expression for Citrus Huanglongbing Disease. Molecular Plant. 6(2):301-310.
Past and future of a century old Citrus Tristeza virus collection: A California citrus germplasm tale - (Abstract Only)
Wang, J., Orhan, B., Kwon, S., Rucker, T., Yokomi, R.K., Lee, R.F., Folimonova, S.Y., Greer, G., Krueger, R., Bash, J., Vidalakis, G. 2013. Past and future of a century old Citrus Tristeza virus collection: A California citrus germplasm tale. Frontiers in Microbiology. Available:
Presence of two host races of Aphis gossypii Glover (Hemiptera: Aphididae) collected in Turkey - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Satar, S., Kersting, U., Yokomi, R.K. 2012. Presence of two host races of Aphis gossypii Glover (Hemiptera: Aphididae) collected in Turkey. Annals of Applied Biology. 162:41-49.
Deep sequencing of citrus affected by graft-transmissible diseases of unknown etiology leads to discovery of two novel viruses. - (Abstract Only)
Loconsole, G., Giampetruzzi, A., Saldarelli, P., Yokomi, R.K., Onelge, N., Saponari, M. 2012. Deep sequencing of citrus affected by graft-transmissible diseases of unknown etiology leads to discovery of two novel viruses. International Citrus Congress Proceedings. S14011, p. 237.
Molecular diversity of Citrus tristeza virus (CTV) strains collected over the past 50 years and maintained in CTV collections in California - (Abstract Only)
Wang, J., Bozan, O., Kwon, S., Rucker, T., Thomas, C., Yokomi, R.K., Lee, R.F., Folimonova, S., Vidalakis, G. 2012. Molecular diversity of Citrus tristeza virus (CTV) strains collected over the past 50 years and maintained in CTV collections in California. International Citrus Congress Proceedings. S14P06, p.240.
Identification and characterization of Citrus yellow vein clearing virus, a putative new member of the genus Mandarivirus infecting Citrus spp. - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Loconsole, G., Onelge, N., Potere, O., Giampetruzzi, A., Bozan, O., Satar, S., De Stradis, A., Savino, V., Yokomi, R.K., Saponari, M. 2012. Identification and characterization of Citrus yellow vein clearing virus, a putative new member of the genus Mandarivirus infecting Citrus spp. Phytopathology. 102: 1168-1175.
Genetic variation of Spiroplasma citri populations in California revealed by two genomic loci - (Abstract Only)
Wang, X., Doddapaneni, H., Chen, J., Yokomi, R.K. 2012. Genetic variation of Spiroplasma citri populations in California revealed by two genomic loci . International Citrus Congress Proceedings. S12P35, p. 213.
Investigation of seedling yellows cross protection by mild components of the Dekopon strain of Citrus tristeza virus - (Popular Publication)
Yokomi, R.K., Saponari, M., Doddapaneni, H. 2011. Investigation of seedling yellows cross protection by mild components of the Dekopon strain of Citrus tristeza virus. Citrograph. 3(4):38-43.
Citrus tristeza virus-aphid interactions - (Book / Chapter)
Harper, S.J., Yokomi, R.K., Dawson, W.O. 2016. Citrus tristeza virus-aphid interactions. In: Brown, J.K., editor. Vector-Mediated Transmission of Plant Pathogens. St. Paul, MN: APS Press. p. 121-130.
Development of a High Throughput Assay for Rapid and Accurate 10-Plex Detection of Citrus Pathogens - (Abstract Only)
Wang, J., Vidalakis, G., Lee, R., Yokomi, R.K. 2012. Development of a High Throughput Assay for Rapid and Accurate 10-Plex Detection of Citrus Pathogens. Phytopathology. 102:S4.131.
Estimation of incidence and spatial temporal distribution of Citrus Stubborn disease - (Abstract Only)
Yokomi, R.K., Sisterson, M.S. 2012. Estimation of incidence and spatial temporal distribution of Citrus Stubborn disease. Phytopathology. 102:S4:141.
Genetic differentiation and biology of Citrus Tristeza virus populations spreading in California - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Yokomi, R.K., Saponari, M., Metheny, P., Vidalakis, G. 2012. Genetic differentiation and biology of Citrus Tristeza virus populations spreading in California. International Organization of Citrus Virologists Proceedings. Available:
Overview of Current Quarantines and Management of Citrus Pests in California - (Proceedings)
Yokomi, R.K. 2012. Overview of Current Quarantines and Management of Citrus Pests in California. In: Proceedings of the American Society of Agronomy. 2012 Conference Proceedings, February 7-8, 2012, Visalia, California. p. 98-105. Available:
Validation and comparison of a hierarchal sampling plan for estimating incidence of citrus stubborn disease - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Yokomi, R.K., Sisterson, M.S. 2012. Validation and comparison of a hierarchal sampling plan for estimating incidence of citrus stubborn disease. International Organization of Citrus Virologists Proceedings. Available:
Genetic differentiation and biology of Citrus tristeza virus populations spreading in California - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Yokomi, R., Saponari, M., Metheney, P., Vidalakis, G. 2011. Genetic differentiation and biology of Citrus tristeza virus populations spreading in California. In: Proceedings of the 18th Conference of the International Organizaion of Citrus Virologists. Available:
Calculation of diagnostic parameters of advanced serological and molecular tissue-print methods for detection of Citrus tristeza virus. A model for other plant pathogens - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Vidal, E., Yokomi, R.K., Moreno, A., Bertolini, E., Cambra, M. 2012. Calculation of diagnostic parameters of advanced serological and molecular tissue-print methods for detection of Citrus tristeza virus. A model for other plant pathogens. Phytopathology. 102:114-121.
Etiology, background, worldwide situation and control of Citrus Tristeza virus and its vectors - (Proceedings)
Yokomi, R.K. 2011. Etiology, background, worldwide situation and control of Citrus Tristeza virus and its vectors. Symposium Proceedings. available:
Citrus stubborn disease (CSD) - (Other)
Yokomi, R.K. 2013. Citrus stubborn disease (CSD). Review Article. available:
Citrus-CTV molecular interactions: What is the host side of the story? - (Abstract Only)
Doddapaneni, H., Saponari, M., Giampetruzzi, A., Loconsole, G., Saldarelli, P., Yokomi, R.K. 2011. Citrus-CTV molecular interactions: What is the host side of the story?. Phytopathology. 101:S43.
Molecular analysis among MCA13-reactive isolates reveals a rapid strategy for assessment of Citrus tristeza virus severity - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Yokomi, R.K., Saponari, M. 2011. Molecular analysis among MCA13-reactive isolates reveals a rapid strategy for assessment of Citrus tristeza virus severity. Acta Horticulturae. 892:251-256.
Genetic differentiation and biology of Citrus tristeza virus populations spreading in eradicative and non-eradicative areas of California - (Abstract Only)
Yokomi, R.K., Saponari, M., Metheney, P., Vidalakis, G. 2010. Genetic differentiation and biology of Citrus tristeza virus populations spreading in eradicative and non-eradicative areas of California [abstract]. Conference of International Organization of Citrus Virologists. 31:s27.
Studies of Seedling Yellows Amelioration of Citrus tristeza virus Strain Mixtures to Elucidate Mechanisms of Cross Protection - (Abstract Only)
Saponari, M., Doddapaneni, H., Loconsole, G., Giampetruzzi, A., Saldarelli, P., Yokomi, R.K. 2010. Studies of Seedling Yellows Amelioration of Citrus tristeza virus Strain Mixtures to Elucidate Mechanisms of Cross Protection [abstract]. International Organization of Citrus Virologists Proceedings. 31:s93.
Global Analyses of Small Interfering RNAs from Sour Orange seedlings Infected with Different Citrus tristeza virus Genotypes - (Abstract Only)
Saponari, M., Giampetruzzi, A., Doddapaneni, H., Loconsole, G., Xiong, Z., Saldarelli, P., Yokomi, R.K. 2010. Global Analyses of Small Interfering RNAs from Sour Orange seedlings Infected with Different Citrus tristeza virus Genotypes[abstract]. International Organization of Citrus Virologists Proceedings. 31:s64.
Estimation of Incidence and Spatial Temporal Distribution of Citrus Stubborn Disease - (Abstract Only)
Yokomi, R.K., Sisterson, M.S. 2010. Estimation of Incidence and Spatial Temporal Distribution of Citrus Stubborn Disease [abstract]. International Organization of Citrus Virologists Proceedings. 31:s53.
Tissue-print real-time RT-PCR for accurate detection of Citrus tristeza virus. Validation and comparison with Tissue print-ELISA. - (Abstract Only)
Vidal, E., Yokomi, R.K., Moreno, A., Bertolini, E., Cambra, M. 2010. Tissue-print real-time RT-PCR for accurate detection of Citrus tristeza virus. Validation and comparison with Tissue print-ELISA [abstract]. International Organization of Citrus Virologists Proceedings. 31:s97.
Current status of Citrus tristeza virus in Central California - (Abstract Only)
Yokomi, R.K., Metheney, P., Grafton-Cardwell, E., Stewart-Leslie, J. 2010. Current status of Citrus tristeza virus in Central California [abstract]. Conference of International Organization of Citrus Virologists. 31:s23.
Profiling of the small RNA populations derived from sour orange seedlings cross-protected against seedling yellows strains of Citrus tristeza virus - (Abstract Only)
Saponari, M., Doddapaneni, H., Loconsole, G., Giampetruzzi, A., Saldarelli, P., Yokomi, R.K. 2011. Profiling of the small RNA populations derived from sour orange seedlings cross-protected against seedling yellows strains of Citrus tristeza virus. Journal of Plant Pathology. 92(4):S4.71-105.
Plant-feeding insects harbor double-stranded RNA viruses encoding a novel proline-alanine rich protein and a polymerase distantly related to that of fungal viruses - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Spear, A., Sisterson, M.S., Yokomi, R.K., Stenger, D.C. 2010. Plant-feeding insects harbor double-stranded RNA viruses encoding a novel proline-alanine rich protein and a polymerase distantly related to that of fungal viruses. Virology. 404:304-311.
New Perspectives on the Epidemiology of Citrus Stubborn Disease in California Orchards - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Mello, A.F., Yokomi, R.K., Melcher, U., Chen, J., Civerolo, E.L., Wayadande, A., Fletcher, J. 2010. New Perspectives on the Epidemiology of Citrus Stubborn Disease in California Orchards. Plant Health Progress. Online publication,(DOI:10.1094/PHP-2010-0526-04-SY).
Novel double-stranded RNA viruses of plant-feeding insects encode a serine-alanine-proline rich protein and a polymerase distantly related to fungal viruses - (Abstract Only)
Spear, A., Sisterson, M.S., Yokomi, R.K., Stenger, D.C. 2010. Novel double-stranded RNA viruses of plant-feeding insects encode a serine-alanine-proline rich protein and a polymerase distantly related to fungal viruses. American Society for Virology Meeting Scientific Program. P.79.
First Report of “Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus” Associated with Huanglongbing in Ethiopia - (Research Notes)
De Bac, G., Saponari, M., Loconsole, G., Martelli, G., Yokomi, R.K., Catalano, L., Breithaupt, J. 2010. First Report of “Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus” Associated with Huanglongbing in Ethiopia. Plant Disease 94(4):482.
Effect of Citrus Stubborn Disease on Navel Orange Production in a Commercial Orchard in California - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Mello, A.F., Yokomi, R.K., Payton, M.E., Fletcher, J. 2010. Effect of Citrus Stubborn Disease on Navel Orange Production in a Commercial Orchard in California. Journal of Plant Pathology. 92:429-438.
Rapid Differentiation and Identification of Potential Severe Strains of Citrus tristeza Virus by Real-Time Reverse Transcription Polymerase Chain Reaction Assays - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Yokomi, R.K., Saponari, M., Sieburth, P.J. 2010. Rapid Differentiation and Identification of Potential Severe Strains of Citrus tristeza Virus by Real-Time Reverse Transcription Polymerase Chain Reaction Assays. Phytopathology. 100:319-327.
Citrus Stubborn Severity is Associated with Spiroplasma Citri Titer but Not with Bacterial Genotype. - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Mello, A.F., Yokomi, R.K., Melcher, U., Chen, J., Fletcher, J. 2009. Citrus Stubborn Severity is Associated with Spiroplasma Citri Titer but Not with Bacterial Genotype. Plant Disease. 94:75-82.
Molecular Detection of Spiroplasma Citri Associated with Stubborn Disease in Citrus Orchards in Syria - (Abstract Only)
Kubaa, R., Saponari, M., Djelouah, K., Yokomi, R.K., El-Khateeb, A., Jamal, M. 2009. Molecular Detection of Spiroplasma Citri Associated with Stubborn Disease in Citrus Orchards in Syria. Arabian Journal of Plant Protection. 27(V57):93. Available:
Molecular Analysis Among MCA13-reactive Isolates Reveals a Strategy for Rapid Assessment of Citrus tristeza Virus Severity - (Abstract Only)
Yokomi, R.K., Saponari, M. 2009. Molecular analysis among MCA13-reactive isolates reveals a strategy for rapid assessment of citrus tristeza virus severity. Meeting Abstract. p. 112.
Transmission of different strains of Spiroplasma citri to carrot and citrus by Circulifer tenellus Baker (Hemiptera:Cicadellidae) - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Mello, A.F., Wayadande, A., Yokomi, R.K., Fletcher, J. 2009. Transmission of different strains of Spiroplasma citri to carrot and citrus by Circulifer tenellus Baker (Hemiptera:Cicadellidae). Journal of Economic Entomology. 102(4):1417-1422.
Genetic Diversity of Citrus tristeza Virus Isolates Collected Recently in California - (Abstract Only)
Yokomi, R.K., Saponari, M., Metheney, P., Polek, M., Vidalakis, G. 2009. Genetic Diversity of Citrus tristeza Virus Isolates Collected Recently in California. Phytopathology 99:S147.
Assessment of the Citrus tristeza virus isolates detected in spring 2007 at the Lindcove Research and Extension Center, Exeter, California - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Yokomi, R.K., Polek,, M., Grafton-Cardwell,, B., Vidalakis,, G., O'Connell,, N., Saponari,, M. 2011. Assessment of the Citrus tristeza virus isolates detected in spring 2007 at the Lindcove Research and Extension Center, Exeter, California. International Organization of Citrus Virologists Proceedings. p. 28-35.
Elevated Background in double antibody sandwich-indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for the detection of Citrus tristeza virus in mandarin cultivars - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Yokomi, R.K., Polek, M. 2011. Elevated Background in double antibody sandwich-indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for the detection of Citrus tristeza virus in mandarin cultivars. International Organization of Citrus Virologists Proceedings. p. 36-42.
Estimation of Citrus Stubborn Disease Incidence in Citrus Groves by real-time PCR - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Yokomi, R.K., Mello,, A.F., Fletcher,, J., Saponari,, M. 2011. Estimation of Citrus Stubborn Disease Incidence in Citrus Groves by real-time PCR. Conference of International Organization of Citrus Virologists. p.131-141.
Differential stylet penetration behaviors of two Aphis gossypii biotypes in relation to host or vector infection with Citrus tristeza virus - (Abstract Only)
Gutierrez, J.D., Backus, E.A., Yokomi, R.K., Schreiber, F. 2008. Differential stylet penetration behaviors of two Aphis gossypii biotypes in relation to host or vector infection with Citrus tristeza virus. Entomological Society of America Annual Meeting. Paper No. 36418.
Assessment of Stubborn Disease Incidence in Citrus - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Mello, A.F., Yokomi, R.K., Fletcher, J. 2011. Assessment of Stubborn Disease Incidence in Citrus. In: Proceedings of the International Organization of Citrus Virologists. p. 123-130.
Genetic Diversity of Spiroplasma citri strains from Different Regions, Hosts, and Isolation Dates - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Mello, A.F., Yokomi, R.K., Mulcher, U., Chen, J., Wayadande, A., Fletcher, J. 2008. Genetic Diversity of Spiroplasma citri strains from Different Regions, Hosts, and Isolation Dates. Phytopathology. 98:960-968.
Citrus stubborn symptom severity and Spiroplasma citri location within the tress canopy - (Abstract Only)
Mello,, A.F., Yokomi, R.K., Payton,, M., Fletcher,, J. 2008. Citrus stubborn symptom severity and Spiroplasma citri location within the tress canopy. American Phytopathological Society Annual Meeting. 98:S104.
Genetic diversity of Citrus tristeza virus isolates spreading in Central California - (Abstract Only)
Yokomi, R.K., Polek,, M., Saponari,, M. 2008. Genetic diversity of Citrus tristeza virus isolates spreading in Central California. American Phytopathological Society Abstracts. 98:S178.
Use of the Coat Protein (CP) and minor CP Intergene Sequence to Discriminate Severe Strains of Citrus tristeza virus - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Saponari,, M., Yokomi, R.K. 2011. Use of the Coat Protein (CP) and minor CP Intergene Sequence to Discriminate Severe Strains of Citrus tristeza virus. In: Proceedings of the International Organization of Citrus Virologists. p.43-57.
Citrus stubborn disease incidence determined by quantitative real time PCR - (Abstract Only)
Yokomi, R.K., Mello,, A.F., Fletcher,, J. 2008. Citrus stubborn disease incidence determined by quantitative real time PCR. Journal of Plant Pathology 90 (2, Suppl.) S2.465.
Transmission of Spiroplasma citri to Carrots by Circulifer tenellus - (Abstract Only)
Mello,, A.F., Yokomi, R.K., Chen, J., Wayadande,, A., Fletcher,, J. 2008. Transmission of Spiroplasma citri to Carrots by Circulifer tenellus. Journal of Plant Pathology 90(2, Suppl.), S2.463.
Molecular analyses revealed genetic complexity in Citrus tristeza virus Dekopon isolate and its aphid-transmitted progeny - (Abstract Only)
Yokomi, R.K., Saponari,, M., Weng,, Z., Xiong,, Z. 2008. Molecular analyses revealed genetic complexity in Citrus tristeza virus Dekopon isolate and its aphid-transmitted progeny [abstract]. Journal of Plant Pathology 90(2, Suppl.),S2.314.
PCR-based Detection of Spiroplasma Citri Associated with Citrus Stubborn Disease - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Yokomi, R.K., Mello, A., Saponari, M., Fletcher, J. 2008. PCR-based detection of spiroplasma citri associated with citrus stubborn disease. Plant Disease. 92:253-260.
Use of the CP and CPm Intergene Sequences to Discriminate CTV Strains - (Abstract Only)
Saponari,, M., Yokomi, R.K. 2007. Use of the CP and CPm Intergene Sequences to Discriminate CTV Strains. In: Proceedings of the 17th International Organization of Citrus Virologists, October 22-26, 2007, Adana, Turkey. p. 138.
Elevated Background in DAS-I ELISA for the Detection of Citrus Tristeza Virus in Mandarin Varieties - (Abstract Only)
Yokomi, R.K., Polek,, M. 2007. Elevated Background in DAS-I ELISA for the Detection of Citrus Tristeza Virus in Mandarin Varieties. In: Proceedings of the 17th Conference International Organization of Citrus Virologists, October 22-26, 2007, Adana, Turkey. p. 66.
Rapid Assessment of the Citrus Tristeza Virus Isolates Detected in Spring 2007 at the Lindcove Research and Extension Center, Exeter, Calif. - (Abstract Only)
Yokomi, R.K., Polek,, M., Grafton-Cardwell,, B., O'Connell,, N. 2007. Rapid Assessment of the Citrus Tristeza Virus Isolates Detected in Spring 2007 at the Lindcove Research and Extension Center, Exeter, California. In: Proceedings of the 17th Conference of International Organization of Citrus Virologists, October 22-26, 2007, Adana, Turkey. p. 58.
Biological and Molecular Characterization of Two Virulent CTV Isolates Found in Central California - (Abstract Only)
Yokomi, R.K., Saponari,, M. 2007. Biological and Molecular Characterization of Two Virulent CTV Isolates Found in Central California. In: Proceedings of the 17th International Organization of Citrus Virologists. p. 71.
Assessment of Stubborn Disease Incidence in Citrus - (Abstract Only)
Mello,, A.F., Yokomi, R.K., Fletcher,, J. 2007. Assessment of Stubborn Disease Incidence in Citrus. In: Proceedings of the 17th International Organization of Citrus Virologists, October 22-26, 2007, Adana, Turkey. p. 173.
Characterization of Citrus Tristeza Virus Isolates by Single-strand Conformation Polymorphism Analysis of the Coat Protein Gene - (Abstract Only)
Saponari,, M., Yokomi, R.K. 2007. Characterization of Citrus Tristeza Virus Isolates by Single-strand Conformation Polymorphism Analysis of the Coat Protein Gene. In: Proceedings of the 17th International Organization of Citrus Virologists, October 22-26, 2007, Adana, Turkey. p. 139
Quantitative Detection of Spiroplasma Citri by Real Time PCR - (Abstract Only)
Yokomi, R.K., Mello,, A.F., Fletcher,, J., Saponari, M. 2007. Quantitative Detection of Spiroplasma Citri by Real Time PCR. In: Proceedings of the 17th Conference International Organization of Citrus Virologists, October 22-26, 2007, Adana, Turkey. p. 172.
Real-time RT-PCR assay for detection and differentiation of Citrus tristeza virus isolates - (Abstract Only)
Saponari,, M., Yokomi, R.K. 2007. Real-time RT-PCR assay for detection and differentiation of Citrus tristeza virus isolates. Journal of Plant Pathology 89 (3, supplement):S60.
Quantitative Detection of Citrus tristeza virus (CTV) in Citrus and Aphids by Real-time Reverse Transcription-PCR (TaqMan®) - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Saponari, M., Keremane, M.L., Yokomi, R.K. 2008. Quantitative Detection of Citrus tristeza virus (CTV) in Citrus and Aphids by Real-time Reverse Transcription-PCR (TaqMan®). Journal of Virological Methods. 147:43-53.
Real-time RT-PCR Assay for Detection and Differentiation of Citrus Tristeza Virus Isolates - (Abstract Only)
Saponari, M., Yokomi, R.K. 2007. Real-time RT-PCR Assay for Detection and Differentiation of Citrus Tristeza Virus Isolates. Phytopathology. 97:S104.
PCR-based Detection of Spiroplasma citri Associated with Citrus Stubborn Disease - (Abstract Only)
Yokomi, R.K., Mello, A.F., Saponari, M., Fletcher, J. 2007. PCR-based Detection of Spiroplasma citri Associated with Citrus Stubborn Disease. Phytopathology. 97:S127.
Genetic Diversity of Spiroplasma citri Isolates from Different Geographical Regions, Plant Hosts, and Dates of Isolations - (Abstract Only)
Mello, A.F., Yokomi, R.K., Melcher, U., Chen, J., Fletcher, J. 2007. Genetic Diversity of Spiroplasma citri Isolates from Different Geographical Regions, Plant Hosts, and Dates of Isolations. Phytopathology. 97:S75.
Spiroplasma citri Infection Affects Yield and Fruit Quality in Commercial Citrus Grove in California - (Abstract Only)
Mello, A.F., Fletcher, J., Yokomi, R.K. 2007. Spiroplasma citri Infection Affects Yield and Fruit Quality in Commercial Citrus Grove in California. Phytopathology. 97:S74.
Yokomi, R.K., Mello, A., Fletcher, J., Chen, J.C. 2006. Identification of infection loci of Spiroplasma citri in the San Joaquin Valley. Phytopathology 97:S172. APS Net. 2006 Pacific Division Meeting Abstracts, June 13-16, 2006 - Boise, ID. Posted online Oct. 2, 2006. meetings/div/pc06abs.asp.
Mello, A.F.S., Yokomi, R.K., Melcher, U., Chen, J.C., Fletcher. J. 2006. Molecular techniques to assess genetic diversity among isolates of Spiroplasma citri [abstract]. 16th International Congress International Organization for Mycoplasmology (IOM), St John's College Cambridge, UK, July 9-14, 2006.
Mello, A.F., Yokomi, R.K., Melcher, U., Chen, J., Fletcher, J. 2006. Assessment of Genetic Diversity in Spiroplasma citri by RAPD, rep-PCR and Bacteriophage Primers. Meeting Abstract. Phytopathology 96:S77
Lin, H., Doddapaneni, H., Civerolo, E.L., Yao, J., Yokomi, R.K., Bai, X., Cao, H., Zhao, X., Wen, R. 2006. Multiplex taqman-based pcr for sensitive and accurate quantification of citrus hlb and cvc pathogens; candidatus liberibacter and xylella fastidiosa [Abstract]. Proceedings of the Huanglongbing-greening International Workshop. p. 83.
Yokomi, R.K., Mello, A., Kallsen, C., Nunez, J., Gorden, J., O’Connell, N., Freeman, M., Chen, J.C., Fletcher, J. 2006. Initial survey for Spiroplasma citri, a leafhopper-transmitted pathogen infecting citrus and other crops in central California [abstract]. In: Abstracts 90th Annual Meeting Pacific Branch ESA, Maui, Hawaii, March 5-8, 2006. p.108-109.
Yokomi, R.K., Polek, M., Gumpf, D.J. 2010. TRANSMISSION AND SPREAD OF CITRUS TRISTEZA VIRUS IN CENTRAL CALIFORNIA. In: Karasev, A.V., and M.E. Hilf, editors. Citrus Tristeza Virus Complex and Tristeza Diseases. APS Press, St. Paul, MN. p. 151-165.
Yokomi, R.K., Deborde, R.L. 2005. Incidence, transmissibility, and genotype of citrus tristeza virus (CTV) isolates from a CTV eradicative and a non-eradicative district in central california. Plant Disease. 89(8):859-866.
Roy, G., Yokomi, R.K., Ullman, D. 2005. Amino acid sequence variations assoicated with aphid transmissibility of citrus tristeza virus.[Abstract]. Phytopathology. 95:S91.
Yokomi, R.K. 2005. Transmission profiles of California Citrus tristeza virus isolates by the cotton aphid, Aphis gossypii (homoptera: aphididae). Entomology Society of America Pacific Branch 89th Annual Meeting. p.103
Garnsey, S.M., Civerolo, E.L., Gumpf, D.J., Paul, C., Hilf, M.E., Lee, R.F., Brlanskyr, R.H., Yokomi, R.K., Hartung, J.S. 2004. Biocharacterization of an international collection of citrus tristeza virus (CTR) isolates. International Organization of Citrus Virologists Abstracts, Page 49.
Garnsey, S.M., Civerolo, E.L., Gumpf, D.J., Paul, C., Hilf, M.E., Lee, R.F., Brlansky, R.H., Yokomi, R.K., Hartung, J.S. 2007. Biological characterization of an international collection of citrus tristeza virus (ctv)isolates. In: Proceedings of Conference of International Organization of Citrus Virologists. p. 75-93.
Yokomi, R.K., Joost, J.H., Backus, E.A. 2004. Preliminary evaluation of two biotypes of aphis gossypii on the transmission of citrus tristeza virus. [Abstract] Conference of International Organization of Citrus Virologists. p.136.
Yokomi, R.K. 2004. Transmissibility and genotype analysis of Central California isolates of Citrus tristeza closterovirus. Phytopathology 94:S-131.
APHELINUS DALMAN (1820) - (Book / Chapter)
ARS News Articles