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Human Nutrition Research
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Fresh produce Looking for useful online information about human nutrition, especially nutrition research? The links below will take you to pages hosted by ARS, including our National Agricultural Library. "Related Links" on the right go to web sites of other USDA agencies and other organizations.

ARS National Research Program on Human Nutrition

ARS Research Locations Concentrating on Human Nutrition:

Arkansas Children's Nutrition Center
Beltsville Human Nutrition Research Center
Children's Nutrition Research Center at Baylor College of Medicine
Grand Forks Human Nutrition Research Center
Jean Mayer Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging at Tufts University
Western Human Nutrition Research Center
U.S. Plant, Soil, and Nutrition Laboratory

Food Consumption Surveys - Surveys on what Americans eat

Food Composition for Kids - Reproducible master for teachers

Food and Nutrition Research Briefs - Short, user-friendly summaries about recent ARS nutrition research results

Newsworthy Nutrition Issues - Short articles by scientists at the ARS Grand Forks Human Nutrition Research Center

Food and Nutrition Information Center (FNIC) - Nutrition resources on a variety of nutrition topics from the National Agricultural Library

Agricultural Research magazine - ARS' monthly magazine often includes stories about the agency's human nutrition research.

ARS News - Our daily news stories often cover ARS research on human nutrition.