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Research Projects Subjects of Investigation at this Location

Each ARS research project has related subjects of investigation.  Listed below are the subjects of investigation currently conducted at this location.

Clicking on a subject of investigation will list the research projects within that  subject of investigation.

Subjects of Investigation

Atmosphere, general/other
Beans (dry)
Beans (fresh, fresh-processed)
Bedding/garden plants
Beef cattle, general/other
Beef cattle, live animal
Berries and cane fruits, other
Citrus, general/other
Cole crops (includes cabbage, kale, broccoli, brussels sprouts, cauliflower,
Cool season perennial grasses (includes bluegrass, bromegrass, fescue)
Corn (for sweetcorn use 1480)
Cotton, other
Cottonseed (for meal, oil, etc.)
Cross-commodity research--multiple crops
Cucurbits, other (includes pumpkin, squash, gourd)
Cut flowers, foliage, and greens
Dairy cattle, live animal
Deciduous and small fruits, general/other
Deciduous tree fruits, other
Desert and semidesert shrub land and shinnery
Drainage and irrigation facilities and systems
Durum wheat
Edible tree nuts, general/other
Fiber crops, general/other
Florist crops, other
Food (not readily associated with specific plant and animal products)
General Commodity
Goats, meat and mohair
Grain crops, general/other (includes buckwheat, millet, triticale)
Grain sorghum
Grapes, other
Greens and leafy vegetables (includes endive, lettuce, spinach)
Hard red spring wheat
Hard red winter wheat
Herbaceous perennials and decorative greens
Honey bees
Horses, ponies, and mules
Individuals (as workers, consumers, members of society)
Leguminous vegetables, other
Long fiber cotton
Meat-type chicken, live animal
Melons (includes cantaloupe, muskmelon, watermelon)
Microorganisms, general/other
Miscellaneous and new crops, general/other
Mountain grasslands, meadow, and alpine
Mushrooms and other edible fungi
Oilseed and oil crops, general/other
Onion, garlic, leek, shallot
Ornamental trees and shrubs
Ornamentals and turf, general/other (includes cacti)
Other bees (non-Apis bees)
Other non-bee pollinators, general
Parks and urban green space
Pasture and forage crops, general/other
Peas (dry)
Peas (fresh, fresh-processed)
Perennial grasses, other
Plant research, general
Potted plants
Poultry meat
Raisin grapes
Rangelands and grasslands, general
Rangelands, other
Remote sensing equipment and technology
Research equipment and methods, general/other
Rubber, gum, and resin plants, other
Seeds and other plant propagules
Sewage and waste disposal facilities and systems
Sheep, live animal
Soft red wheat
Soft white wheat (includes club, western)
Soil and land, general
Solanaceous and related crops, general/other (for potato use 1310)
Spiders, mites, ticks, and other arthropods
Structures, facilities, and equipment, general/other
Sugar beet
Sugar cane
Sweet potato
Swine, general/other
Swine, live animal
Table grapes
The farm as an enterprise
Trees, forests, and forest products, general
Tropical/subtropical fruit, general/other
Turf (includes bentgrass, bermudagrass, bluegrass, dichondra, fescue)
Upland cotton
Vegetables, general/other
Warm season perennial grasses (includes dallisgrass, bluestems)
Water resources
Watersheds and river basins, general
Wetland and riparian systems
Wheat, other
Wild animals
Wildlife and natural fisheries, general/other
Wine grapes
Wood and wood products
Research Projects within Strawberry
item A Metagenomics Marker System for Identification of All Fusarium oxysporum Taxa in Field Soils
item Advancement of Strawberries for Indoor Environments: Mapping Chemical Compositions, Genetics, and Growing Conditions for Premium Flavor (NCGR)
item Aerial Dispersal of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. fragariae and the Airborne Microbiome on the Central Coast of California
item Agricultural Water, Land Retirement, and Habitat on the Pacific Flyway: A Non-market Value Assessment
item Analysis of the Carrot Rhizosphere
item Application of a Watershed Model to Assess Groundwater Sustainability Under Changing Climatic and Management Scenarios
item Applications of Innovative Sensors to Quantify Atmospheric and Subsurface Fluxes of Water, Energy, and Contaminants
item Areawide Management of Spotted-wing Drosophila and Adoption of Sustainable Practices (NBF)
item Areawide Management of Spotted-wing Drosophila and Adoption of Sustainable Practices (ODA)
item Areawide Management of Spotted-wing Drosophila and Adoption of Sustainable Practices (OSU)
item Areawide Management of Spotted-wing Drosophila and Adoption of Sustainable Practices (WSU)
item Assessing the Fate of Metal Oxide Associated Contaminants During Managed Aquifer Recharge
item Automation Technology for use in Strawberry Production Systems Toward Improving Production Practices and Control of Pests and Diseases
item Biological and Biotechnological Approaches for Management of Insect Vectors and Vector-borne Viruses Affecting Vegetable Crops
item Building Sustainable Practices for Managing Insect Pests and Viruses in California Lettuce
item Characterization and Modeling of Strawberry Yield Data Using Remote Sensing Technology
item Characterizing the Accumulation of Impatiens necrotic spot virus (INSV) in Lettuce Tissues and Incidence in Thrips Vectors
item Collaborative Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC) Oversight and Research between UC Riverside and ARS Salinity Lab
item Conservation and Utilization of Temperate-Adapted Fruit, Nut, and Other Specialty Crop Genetic Resources
item Delivering Breeding and Management Solutions to Prevent Losses to Emerging and Expanding Disease Threats in Strawberry
item Deployment of a Commercial Early-Warning System for Airborne Pathogens
item Designing and Building the Next Generation of Soil Steam Applicators for Strawberry Production
item Determining Subsurface Hydraulic Properties and Water Content Using Geophysical Methods and Limited Soil/Sediment Datasets
item Develop Functional Plant-Based Proteins
item Development and Evaluation of Attractants for Anastrepha Fruit Flies
item Development of a Molecular Assay for Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lactucae
item Development of a Molecular Assay for Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lactucae
item Development of a Molecular Assay for Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lactucae
item Development of Biologically-based Pest Control Strategies for Invasive Pests
item Development of Immuno-detection for Lettuce Dieback Associated Virus and Greenhouse Evaluation of Lettuce for Resistance
item Diagnostic Test for Fusarium Oxysporum f. sp. apii Race 4 and Establishment of Pathogen Collection to Support Celery Breeding
item Disease Management and Improved Detection Systems for Control of Pathogens of Vegetables and Strawberries
item Downy Mildew Epidemiology and Control
item Downy Mildew Epidemiology and Spinach Seed Treatment
item Enhanced Surveillance Strategies of Thrips Vectors and Understanding the Interplay between INSV and Pythium Wilt of Lettuce
item Enhancing Specialty Crop Irrigation: Advancing Evapotranspiration Forecasting with Satellites and Machine Learning
item Enhancing Virus Control in Lettuce and Melons by Optimizing Immunity Priming Approaches
item Evaluating Genotypic Differences in the Obligate Fungal Plant Pathogen Poylmyxa betae and its Ability to Vector BNYVV
item Evaluating Models of Radiation Transfer and Carbon-Water Exchange in Vineyard and Orchard Canopies
item Evaluating Physiology and Gene Expression Following Induced Polyploidy of Specialty Crops
item Evaluation of Economic and Environmental Sustainability of Alternative Plant Proteins
item Examining Perennial Crop Physiology, Evapotranspiration, and Carbon Dynamics Using Surface-based Measurements and Proximal Remote Sensing Techniques
item Genomic Sequencing and Assembly of Graminicolous Downy Mildews
item Identification of Biological Targets and Application to Existing and Invasive Pests
item Identification of the Physiological Mechanism of Pheromone Biosynthesis in Thrips and Development of Biological Control Methods
item Identification of Verticillium Wilt Resistant Lettuce Using a Rapid Assay
item Identifying Landscape Variables and Cropping Patterns Associated with Viral Epidemics in Lettuce
item Implementation of gaseous chlorine dioxide fumigation to improve post-harvest stockpile management of almonds
item Implementing a Rapid Response Strategy for the Emergence of Resistance-Breaking Strains of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. fragariae
item Implementing a Rapid Response Strategy for the Emergence of Resistance-Breaking Strains of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. fragariae
item Improved Agroecosystem Efficiency and Sustainability in a Changing Environment
item Improved Methods for Trapping and Monitoring Thrips in Lettuce Crops
item Improved Methods for Trapping and Monitoring Thrips in Lettuce Crops (UC Davis)
item Improved Strategies for Managing Key Pests of Vegetable Crops
item Improved Systems-based Approaches that Maintain Commodity Quality and Control of Arthropod Pests Important to U.S. Agricultural Production, Trade and Quarantine
item Improvement of a Novel Plant-Based Deterrent Against Drosophila Suzukii
item Improving IPM Programs for Blueberries and Raspberries in the PNW
item Improving Irrigation Efficiencies and Sustainability in Woody Perennial Crops Specific to California
item Improving Soil and Water Productivity and Quality in Irrigated Cropping Systems
item Integrated Optimization Framework of California Water and Land Use
item Integration of Host Plant Resistance with Immunity Modification for Management of Established and Emerging Virus Threats to Melons
item Leveraging Population Genomics to Understand the Migration and Evolution of the Causal Pathogens of Boxwood Blight
item Linking Climate Change Impacts on Forest Health, Fire Risk, and Vegetation and Snow Dynamics in California
item Linking Ground Based and Remotely Sensed Stress Physiology of California Woody Perennial Crops
item Linking Measured Root Zone Dynamics to Atmospheric and Subsurface Fluxes
item Long Term Screening of Spinach Cultivars for Downy Mildew Resistance
item Machine Learning for Unearthing Environmental Drivers of Soil Moisture Dynamics and Scaling to Hillslope and Remote Sensing Observations
item Managed Aquifer Recharge to Sustain Irrigated Agriculture
item Management of Soilborne Pathogens in Strawberry Production
item Methyl Bromide Alternative Treatments for Perishable and Stored Products
item Minor Use Pesticide Testing on Vegetables and Sugar Crops
item Molecular Diagnostic Development for Tomato torrado virus (ToTV) and Other Torradoviruses in Seeds and Plant Material of Related Vegetable Crops
item Monitoring and Cultural Strategies to Reduce the Impact of Thrips-Transmitted INSV Affecting Lettuce on the Central Coast of CA
item Monitoring Aquifer Recharge Dynamics in the Deep Vadose zone using Borehole Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Logging
item Monitoring of Insects Using Deep Learning and Automated Systems
item New Sustainable Processes, Preservation Technologies, and Product Concepts for Specialty Crops and Their Co-Products
item Nonequilibrium Processes Influencing Contaminant Fate During Managed Aquifer Recharge
item Novel Isochoric Processing For Sustainable, Safe And High Quality Preservation Of Fluid Foods
item Novel Isochoric Processing for Sustainable, Safe and High Quality Preservation of Fluid Foods
item Novel Precision Technologies to Reduce Insecticide Use Targeting Aphids and Thrips in Lettuce
item On-Farm Integration of Organic Management of Spotted-Wing Drosophila in Fruit Crops
item Optimization of Precision Strawberry Yield Data Collection and Analysis
item Pathogenomics-based Development of Crop-specific Diagnostics Tools for Emerging and Expanding Fungal Diseases in the U.S.
item Pest Management for Spotted Wing-Drosophila - Area Wise Pest Managament
item Precision Agriculture for Management of Strawberry Production
item Pretreatment Technologies for Managed Aquifer Recharge to Mitigate Clogging and to Remove Contaminants
item Quantifying Land-Atmosphere Fluxes of Carbon, Water, and Energy in Woody Perennial Cropping Systems
item Rapid Assay for Identification of Verticillium Wilt Resistant Lettuce
item Rapid Response to Novel Resistance-Breaking Strain of Pathogenic Fusarium oxysporum in Cultivated Strawberry
item Receptor Inference: A Novel IPM Technology for Managing Key Insect Pests of Vegetables in California
item Receptor Inference: A Novel IPM Technology for Managing Key Insect Pests of Vegetables in California (Corvallis)
item Reducing Current and Future Fungicide use in California Crops by Providing Decision Support and Rotation Tools for Managing Fusarium falciforme
item Regional Monitoring, Transplant Monitoring, and Assessing Spray Coverage: Improving Management of Thrips and Aphids in Lettuce
item Replacing Virus Reservoirs with Beneficial Plants to Support Healthy Lettuce Ecosystems
item Rethinking California’s Managed Aquifer Recharge Beyond Flat Terrains: A Multi-Method Assessment of Hillslope Processes
item Site-specific Soil Pest Management in Strawberry & Vegetable Cropping Systems - Modeling Strawberry Yield
item Spatial and Ecological Considerations for Groundwater Markets and Managed Recharge
item Spotted Wing-drosophila Area Wide and Emerging Pests Project
item Spotted Wing-Drosophila Areawide Project
item Sustainable Management of Arthropod Pests in Horticultural Crops
item Sustainable Management of Arthropod Pests in Horticultural Crops
item Synergistic Managed Aquifer Strategies to Sustain Irrigated Agriculture
item Synergistic Managed Aquifer Strategies to Sustain Irrigated Agriculture (CA)
item Synergistic Managed Aquifer Strategies to Sustain Irrigated Agriculture (NACA)
item Testing Sterile Males for Controlling Spotted-wing Drosophila
item Understanding the Extent of Symphylan Damage in Strawberry Production