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Expanding from Field to Global Scale
item Snow simulation for the Rangeland Hydrology and Erosion Model (Sep 2024)
item Canopy temperature dynamics are closely aligned with ecosystem water availability across a water- to energy-limited gradient (Aug 2024)
item Global soil moisture from combined active and passive microwave observations: integrating ASCAT and SMAP observations based on machine learning approaches (Jul 2024)
item Retrieving forest soil moisture from SMAP observations considering a microwave polarization difference index (MPDI) to tau-omega model (Jun 2024)
item Development of a gridded yield data archive for farm management and research at the USDA Beltsville Agricultural Research Center (Jun 2024)
item How three-dimensional forest structure regulates the amount and timing of snowmelt across a climatic gradient of snow persistence (May 2024)
item Insights from the USDA Grazing Land National Resources Inventory and field studies (May 2024)
item Spatial calibration and uncertainty reduction of the SWAT model using multiple remotely sensed data (May 2024)
item Streamflow depletion caused by groundwater pumping: Fundamental research priorities for management-relevant science (May 2024)
item Effects of swine manure dilution with lagoon effluent on microbial communities and odor formation in pit recharge systems (May 2024)
item Evaluating the precise grapevine water stress detection using unmanned aerial vehicles and evapotranspiration-based metrics (Apr 2024)
item Within-field soil moisture variability and time-invariant spatial structures of agricultural fields in the US Midwest (Apr 2024)
item Soil moisture profiles of ecosystem water use revealed with ECOSTRESS (Apr 2024)
item Inclusion of bedrock vadose zone in dynamic global vegetation models is key for simulating vegetation structure and functioning (Apr 2024)
item Precision Soil Moisture Monitoring with Passive Microwave L-band UAS Mapping (Mar 2024)
item A brief history of the thermal IR-based Two-Source Energy Balance (TSEB) model – diagnosing water and energy fluxes from plant to global scales (Mar 2024)
item Geologic controls on apparent root-zone storage capacity (Mar 2024)
item Albedo-induced global warming potential following disturbances in global temperate and boreal forests (Mar 2024)
item Advancements in dielectric soil moisture sensor Calibration: A comprehensive review of methods and techniques (Mar 2024)
item Estimating hydrological regimes from observational soil moisture, evapotranspiration, and air temperature data (Mar 2024)
item County-level evaluation of large-scale gridded datasets of irrigated area over China (Feb 2024)
item Determining sediment deposition dynamics influenced by check dams in a semi-arid mountainous watershed (Feb 2024)
item Using phenology to unravel differential soil water use and productivity in a semiarid savanna (Feb 2024)
item Mitigating drought mortality by incorporating topography into variable forest thinning strategies (Feb 2024)
item Photosynthetically active radiation separation model for high-latitude regions in agrivoltaic systems modeling (Feb 2024)
item Neglect of potential seasonal streamflow forecasting skill in the United States national water model (Feb 2024)
item An artificial neural network to estimate the foliar and ground cover input variables of the Rangeland Hydrology and Erosion Model (Feb 2024)
item Automated earthwork detection using topological persistence (Feb 2024)
item Movement of TNT and RDX from composition B detonation residues in solution and sediment during runoff (Feb 2024)
item Developmental framework for a desktop hydrogeomorphic wetland functional assessment derived from field-based data (Jan 2024)
item Comparing the predictive capacity of allometric models in estimating grass biomass in a desert grassland (Jan 2024)
item Assessing the accuracy of OpenET satellite-based evapotranspiration data to support water resource and land management applications (Jan 2024)
item Methane uptake responses to extreme droughts regulated by seasonal timing and plant composition (Jan 2024)
item Reply to comment on "Five decades of observed daily precipitation reveal longer and more variable drought events across much of the western United States" (Jan 2024)
item Estimating effective hydraulic conductivity (Ke) for the Rangeland Hydrology and Erosion Model (RHEM) (Jan 2024)
item Towards global coverage of gridded parameterization for CLImate GENerator (CLIGEN) (Dec 2023)
item First mapping of polarization-dependent vegetation optical depth and soil moisture from SMAP L-band radiometry (Dec 2023)
item Inter-basin water transfer compensates for unsustainable water use in the North China Plain (Dec 2023)
item Systematic modelling errors undermine the application of land data assimilation systems for hydrological and weather forecasting (Dec 2023)
item Forming the future of agrohydrology research (Dec 2023)
item Spatial estimation of actual evapotranspiration over irrigated turfgrass using sUAS thermal and multispectral imagery and TSEB model (Dec 2023)
item Rangeland Brush Estimation Tool (RaBET): An operational remote sensing-based application for quantifying woody cover on western rangelands (Nov 2023)
item Multivariate calibration of an ecohydrological model using spatial patterns of remote sensing-derived land surface temperature (Nov 2023)
item Interpreting effective hydrologic depth estimates derived from soil moisture remote sensing: A Bayesian non-linear modelling approach (Nov 2023)
item Large-scale urban building function mapping by integrating multi-source web-based geospatial data (Oct 2023)
item Effects of extra-extreme precipitation variability on multi-year cumulative nitrous oxide emission in a semiarid grassland (Oct 2023)
item Validating NISAR’s cropland mapping approach and the USDA/NASS Cropland Data Layer against ground truth data in a fragmented urban agricultural region (Oct 2023)
item Snowpack relative permittivity and density derived from near-coincident lidar and ground-penetrating radar (Oct 2023)
item IMERG precipitation improves the SMAP level-4 soil moisture product (Oct 2023)
item Advances in soil erosion research: mechanism, modeling and applications - A Special Issue in honor of Dr. Mark Nearing (Sep 2023)
item The 50-year Landsat collection 2 archive (Sep 2023)
item Nitrous oxide emissions from multiple agroecosystems in the U.S. Corn Belt simulated using the modified SWAT-C model (Sep 2023)
item Thermography captures the differential sensitivity of dryland functional types to changes in rainfall event timing and magnitude (Sep 2023)
item True global error maps for SMAP, SMOS, and ASCAT soil moisture data based on machine learning and triple collocation analysis (Sep 2023)
item Gradient analysis and classification of tall forb communities in the Bridger-Teton National Forest, United States (Sep 2023)
item Watershed scale modeling of dissolved organic carbon export from variable source areas (Aug 2023)
item Seasonality and evaporation of water resources in Reynolds Creek Experimental Watershed and Critical Zone Observatory, Southwestern Idaho, USA (Aug 2023)
item UAV and satellite-based sensing to map ecological sites at the landscape scale (Aug 2023)
item An introduction to Bayesian Machine Learning with an application in global-scale active and passive satellite-based soil moisture error pattern analysis (Aug 2023)
item Using high frequency digital repeat photography to quantify the sensitivity of a semi-arid grassland ecosystem to the temporal repackaging of precipitation (Jul 2023)
item The effects of forest composition and management on evapotranspiration in the New Jersey Pinelands (Jul 2023)
item A twenty-year dataset of soil moisture and vegetation optical depth from AMSR-E/2 measurements using the multichannel collaborative algorithm (Jul 2023)
item Interannual variability of spring and summer monsoon growing season carbon exchange at a semiarid savanna over nearly two decades (Jun 2023)
item Estimating drought-induced crop yield losses in near-real time (Jun 2023)
item Evapotranspiration regulates leaf temperature and respiration in dryland vegetation (Jun 2023)
item Attributing the drivers of runoff decline in the Thaya River basin (Jun 2023)
item Late-fall satellite-based soil moisture observations show clear connections to subsequent spring streamflow (Jun 2023)
item Seasonal timing of extreme drought regulates N2O fluxes in a semiarid grassland (May 2023)
item Controls on the presence and storage of soil inorganic carbon in a semi-arid watershed (May 2023)
item Modeling earthen treatments for climate change effects (May 2023)
item Multivariate calibration of the SWAT model using remotely sensed datasets (May 2023)
item Inversion and Validation of FY-4A Official Land Surface Temperature Product (May 2023)
item SWAT-3PG: Improving forest growth simulation with a process-based forest model in SWAT (Apr 2023)
item Prosopis velutina response to aerial herbicide application (Apr 2023)
item Bark beetle impacts on forest evapotranspiration and its partitioning (Apr 2023)
item Potential of remote sensing surface temperature- and evapotranspiration-based land-atmosphere coupling metrics for land surface model calibration (Apr 2023)
item Transport of insensitive munitions constituents, NTO, DNAN, RDX, and HMX in runoff and sediment under simulated rainfall (Mar 2023)
item Satellite solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence tracks physiological drought stress development during 2020 southwest US drought (Mar 2023)
item Form field observations to temporally dynamic roughness retrievals in the corn belt (Mar 2023)
item Surface Albedo VALidation (SALVAL) platform: towards CEOS LPV validation stage 4. Application to three global al-bedo climate data records (Feb 2023)
item ET partitioning assessment using the TSEB model and sUAS information across California Central Valley vineyards (Jan 2023)
item Atlas of precipitation extremes for South America and Africa based on depth-duration-frequency relationships in a stochastic weather generator dataset (Jan 2023)
item Upscaling dryland carbon and water fluxes with artificial neural networks of optical, thermal, and microwave satellite remote sensing (Jan 2023)
item Operational water forecast ability of the HRRR-iSnobal combination: An evaluation to adapt into production environments (Jan 2023)
item Near real-time detection of winter cover crop termination using harmonized Landsat and Sentinel-2 (HLS) to support ecosystem assessment (Dec 2022)
item Estimation of base and surface flow using deep neural networks and a hydrologic model in two watersheds of the Chesapeake Bay (Dec 2022)
item Multiscale responses and recovery of soils to wildfire in a sagebrush steppe ecosystem (Dec 2022)
item Improved estimation of vegetation water content and its impact on L-band soil moisture retrieval over cropland (Dec 2022)
item Working toward a National Coordinated Soil Moisture Monitoring Network: vision, progress, and future directions (Dec 2022)
item Integrating vegetation phenology and SWAT model for improved modeling of ecohydrological processes (Nov 2022)
item Gridded 20-year climate parameterization of Africa and South America for a stochastic weather generator (CLIGEN) (Nov 2022)
item In situ soil moisture sensors in undisturbed soils (Nov 2022)
item A global implementation of single- and dual-source surface energy balance models for estimating actual evapotranspiration at 30-m resolution using Google Earth Engine (Nov 2022)
item Benchmarking downscaled satellite-based soil moisture products using sparse, point-scale ground observations (Oct 2022)
item A global rain-driven soil erosion investigation based on simulated breakpoint precipitation (Oct 2022)
item An agenda for land data assimilation priorities: Realizing the promise of terrestrial water, energy, and vegetation observations from space (Oct 2022)
item Modeling the relative morphodynamic influence of vegetation and large wood in a dryland ephemeral stream, Arizona, USA (Sep 2022)
item Nitrate losses in subsurface drainage and nitrous oxide emissions from a winter camelina relay cropping system reveal challenges to sustainable intensification (Aug 2022)
item NRCS curve number method: A comparison of methods for estimating the curve number from rainfall-runoff data (Aug 2022)
item High-resolution soil moisture data reveal complex multi-scale spatial variability across the United States (Aug 2022)
item Fifty years of Landsat science and impacts (Jul 2022)
item Assessing the spatiotemporal variability of SMAP soil moisture accuracy in a deciduous forest region (Jul 2022)
item Seeing our planet anew: fifty years of Landsat (Jul 2022)
item Optimizing process-based models to predict current and future soil organic carbon stocks at high-resolution (Jun 2022)
item Multi-temporal LiDAR and hyperspectral data fusion for classification of semi-arid woody cover species (Jun 2022)
item LAI estimation across California vineyards using sUAS multi-seasonal multi-spectral, thermal, and elevation information and machine learning (Mar 2022)
item Bridging the gap between microbial ecology and modeling to improve N2O models (Nov 2021)
item The three major axes of terrestrial ecosystem function (Sep 2021)