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Research Project: Management of Aphids Attacking Cereals

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Title: Categories of resistance to sugarcane aphid (Hemiptera: Aphididae) among sorghum genotypes

item PAUDYAL, SULOCHANA - Oklahoma State University
item Armstrong, John
item GILES, KRISTOPHER - Oklahoma State University
item PAYTON, MARK - Oklahoma State University
item OPIT, GEORGE - Oklahoma State University
item LIMAJE, ANKUR - Oklahoma State University

Submitted to: Journal of Economic Entomology
Publication Type: Peer Reviewed Journal
Publication Acceptance Date: 4/11/2019
Publication Date: 8/1/2019
Citation: Paudyal, S., Armstrong, J.S., Giles, K.L., Payton, M.E., Opit, G.P., Limaje, A. 2019. Categories of resistance to sugarcane aphid (Hemiptera: Aphididae) among sorghum genotypes. Journal of Economic Entomology. 112(4):1932-1940.

Interpretive Summary: We evaluated several sorghum hybrids and determined the mechanisms of resistance that are expressed in each. Very good sources of resistance that included antibiosis, antibiosis and tolerance were found in 12 hybrids that will provide acceptable levels of resistance to the sugarcane aphid.

Technical Abstract: The sugarcane aphid Melanaphis sacchari (Zehnter) has emerged as the most significant threat to sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) production in the United States. Since the late summer of 2013, finding and advancing sugarcane aphid resistant germplasm has been a priority for all stakeholders involved. We evaluated twenty-three sorghum genotypes for resistance to the sugarcane aphid by testing for tolerance, and antixenosis. In addition, nine sorghum germplasm were evaluated for the expression of antibiosis. Free-choice and no-choice tests were conducted to explore the mechanisms of resistance. Levels of resistance were compared with the known resistant 'TX 2783' and the susceptible 'KS 858'. Sorghum entries AG1201, AG1301, W844-E, and DKS 37-07 were identified as expressing tolerance, antibiosis, and antixenosis, while H13073 expressed antibiosis and GW1489 expressed both tolerance and antibiosis. These resistant sorghums identified during this study will have a significant impact on reducing economic damage from the sugarcane aphid infestations.