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Research Projects Subjects of Investigation at this Location

Each ARS research project has related subjects of investigation.  Listed below are the subjects of investigation currently conducted at this location.

Clicking on a subject of investigation will list the research projects within that  subject of investigation.

Subjects of Investigation
Animal research, general
Aquatic plants
Atmosphere, general/other
Beans (dry)
Beans (fresh, fresh-processed)
Beef cattle, live animal
Berries and cane fruits, other
Broadleaf forests of the South
Chemurgic Crops
Citrus, general/other
Cole crops (includes cabbage, kale, broccoli, brussels sprouts, cauliflower,
Corn (for sweetcorn use 1480)
Cotton, other
Cottonseed (for meal, oil, etc.)
Cross-commodity research--multiple animal species
Cross-commodity research--multiple crops
Cucurbits, other (includes pumpkin, squash, gourd)
Dairy cattle, live animal
Deciduous tree fruits, other
Desert and semidesert shrub land and shinnery
Drainage and irrigation facilities and systems
Duck and goose, live animal
Edible tree nuts, general/other
Egg-type chicken, live animal
Feed and feed additives
Fiber crops, general/other
Fish habitats
Forage legumes, other
Fungi (includes yeast)
General technology
Goats, meat and mohair
Grain crops, general/other (includes buckwheat, millet, triticale)
Grain sorghum
Grapes, other
Greens and leafy vegetables (includes endive, lettuce, spinach)
Hard red winter wheat
Herbaceous perennials and decorative greens
Honey bees
Horses, ponies, and mules
Individuals (as workers, consumers, members of society)
Laboratory animals
Leguminous vegetables, other
Long fiber cotton
Machinery and equipment
Marine shrimp
Meat-type chicken, live animal
Melons (includes cantaloupe, muskmelon, watermelon)
Microorganisms, general/other
Miscellaneous and new crops, general/other
Noncrop plant research
Nonfarm structures and related facilities, including those used in
Oilseed and oil crops, general/other
Ornamental trees and shrubs
Ornamentals and turf, general/other (includes cacti)
Other bees (non-Apis bees)
Other cultured finfish
Other poultry products
Pasture and forage crops, general/other
Perennial grasses, other
Pesticides (includes herbicides, insecticides, fungicides, etc.)
Plant research, general
Potted plants
Poultry meat
Poultry, general/other
Rangelands and grasslands, general
Remote sensing equipment and technology
Research on research management (not research management per se)
Rhizomes, tubers, bulbs, and root crops, general/other (for potato use 1310)
River basins
Sewage and waste disposal facilities and systems
Sheep, live animal
Soft red wheat
Soil and land, general
Solanaceous and related crops, general/other (for potato use 1310)
Striped bass
Sugar beet
Sugar cane
Summer annual grasses (includes forage sorghums, sudangrass, sorghum)
Sweet potato
Sweet sorghum
Swine, general/other
Swine, live animal
Table grapes
The farm as an enterprise
Trees, forests, and forest products, general
Tropical/subtropical fruit, general/other
Turf (includes bentgrass, bermudagrass, bluegrass, dichondra, fescue)
Turkey, live animal
Upland cotton
Vegetables, general/other
Warm season perennial grasses (includes dallisgrass, bluestems)
Water resources
Watersheds and river basins, general
Wetland and riparian systems
Wheat, other
Wild animals
Wildlife habitats
Wine grapes
Research Projects within Climate
item Achieving Low N2O and CH4 Missions in Non-Flooded Rice Through Effective N Management Tools
item Analyses of USDA Flood Control Reservoir Sedimentation
item Analysis to Support Soil Health and Climate Change Research
item Assessing Multiple Benefits of Silcate Rock Dust Applications in Paddy Rice Under AWD Irrigation
item Autonomous Irrigation of Cover-Crop-Production Systems Reduces Pollutant Loss from Farm Fields, Transport of Agrochemicals in Streams, and Aquifer
item Baseline Methane Data and Mitigation Measures: Field and Modeling Approaches
item Characterization of Existing Soil Conservation Practices Using Remote Sensing and Machine Learning
item Climate States and Climate Changes Observed and Projected in the Mississippi Embayment Aquifer Region from 1981 to 2060
item Collect Timely Information on Greenhouse Gas Emissions from On-farm Storage Irrigation Reservoirs in the Lower Mississippi River Basin in Arkansas
item Combatting Heat Stress Through Development of Heat Tolerant Soybeans
item Conservation Practices for Attaining Integrated Environment-Smart Cropping in Irrigated Row Crops
item Decision Support Tools to Address Sustainable Water Management Issues in the Mississippi Delta
item Develop an Evapotranspiration-based Decision Support System for Climate-Resilient Sustainable Water Management Strategies for Mississippi Farms
item Development of Best Management Practices and Technologies to Optimize Water Use in the Lower Mississippi River Basin
item Development of Best Management Practices, Tools, and Technologies to Optimize Water Use Efficiency and Improve Water Distribution in the Lower Mississippi River Basin
item Economic Analysis Support for Water Use Data Related to the Arkansas Groundwater Initiative
item Eddy Covariance Assessments in the Lower Mississippi Basin Long-Term Agroecosystem Research site
item Enhancing Long-Term Agroecosystem Sustainability of Water and Soil Resource Through Science and Technology
item Enhancing Long-Term Agroecosystem Sustainability of Water and Soil Resources Through Science and Technology
item Estimate Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Drill Seeded Rice with Soil Amendments using DNDC Model
item Examination of Irrigation Water Quality and Role in Mississippi Soybean Production
item Examining Sustainable Production Systems to Improve Water Resources in the Lower Mississippi River Basin
item Farm-level Conservation Strategies to Reduce Carbon Footprint and Improve Productivity in the Lower Mississippi River Basin
item FY 2022 Conservation Effects Assessment Project (CEAP) - Benchmark Watershed Assessment Studies (on croplands) - (Jonesboro)
item FY 2022 Conservation Effects Assessment Project (CEAP) - Benchmark Watershed Assessment Studies (on croplands) - (WQERU Oxford)
item Groundwater and Soil Water Dynamics Modeling to Advance Erosion Prediction in Agricultural Fields
item Gulf of Mexico Program
item Helping to Conserve and Wisely use the Land, Water, Wildlife, and Related Natural Resources in the State of Arkansas
item Hydrological Modeling in Support of Lower Mississippi River Basin Long-Term Agroecosystem (LTAR) Research Studies
item Improve Temporal and Spatial Coverage of National Conservation Activity Data
item Improve Temporal and Spatial Coverage of National Conservation Activity Data
item Improving Modeling of the Agroecosystem in the Lower Mississippi River Basin
item Improving Our Understanding of the Impact of Management on Greenhouse Gas Emissions from tall tower installation in rice-Jonesboro-DWMRU
item Improving Our Understanding of the Impact of Management on Greenhouse Gas Emissions of Major Mid-South Crops
item Improving Our Understanding of the Impact of Management on Greenhouse Gas Emissions of Major Mid-South Crops-Auburn-Soil Dynamics Research Unit
item Improving Our Understanding of the Impact of Management on Greenhouse Gas Emissions of Major Mid-South Crops-Jonesboro-DWMRU
item Improving Our Understanding of the Impact of Management on Greenhouse Gas Emissions of Major Mid-South Crops-Jonesboro-Univ. of California/Davis
item Improving Our Understanding of the Impact of Management on Greenhouse Gas Emissions of Major Mid-South Crops-Jonesboro-University of Arkansas
item Improving Water Use Efficiency and Grain Yield of Furrow-Irrigated Rice
item Indicator Based Approach to Estimate Impact of Land-Use/Land Cover Change on Water Footprint Using Artificial Intelligent (AI) Methods
item Integrating Cover Crops, Tillage, and Irrigation Management to Enhance Crop Productivity and Profitability
item IRA funds: Inflation Reduction Act Greenhouse Gas Emissions Measurement (Stoneville)
item Life After the Flood: Disrupting Rice Farming by Integrating Automated, LoT-Irrigation Technologies into a Low-Water-Use Production System
item Long-Term Agro-Ecosystem Sustainability Research Common Experiment
item Low-Cost Real-Time Greenhouse Gas Emission Sensor Development
item Measurement and Modeling of Groundwater Recharge in Agroecosystems
item Optimizing Irrigation Water Use in the Arkansas Delta
item Optimizing the Management of Irrigated Cropping Systems in the Lower Mississippi River Basin
item Preserving Water Quantity and Quality for Agriculture in the Lower Mississippi River Basin
item Quantifying Agronomic and Sustainability Benefits of Silicate Rock Dust Applications to Drill-Seeded Rice
item Quantifying Soil Organic Carbon on Cotton Farms throughout the Southeastern United States and Texas
item Quantifying Soil Organic Carbon on Cotton Farms Throughout the Southeastern US and Texas
item Real-Time Greenhouse Emission Monitoring Sensor Development
item Real-Time Greenhouse Emission Monitoring Using Intelligence Crop Sensor Network
item RUSLE2 c~Climate Database Updates
item RUSLE2 Execution Parameters Database Updates
item Sampling For Root-Zone Enrichment of Soil Organic Matter
item Scaling Climate Smart Agriculture in Arkansas and Beyond
item Science and Technologies for Improving Soil and Water Resources in Agricultural Watersheds
item Strategies to Optimize Productivity through Enhancement of Plant Stress Tolerance and Agroecological Farming Systems in the Southeastern US
item Support for the Scaling of Climate Smart Agriculture for Arkansas and Beyond
item Sustaining Productivity and Ecosystem Services of Agricultural and Horticultural Systems in the Southeastern United States
item Understanding Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Irrigated Row Crop Systems
item USDA ARS Research Apprenticeship Program at University of Texas at Arlington - Auburn
item Use of Biochar in Agricultural Systems
item Using Phytoremediation and Other Ecosystem Services to Address Emerging Contaminants in Agroecosystems
item Water Management Strategies to Reduce C Footprint and Preserve High Productivity in Irrigated Rice Systems
item Water Quality at the Edge of Field and In-Stream in the Lower Mississippi River Basin
item Water Use, Yield and Global Warming Potential of Furrow-Irrigated Rice
item Watershed Legacy Sediment Assessment