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Research Project: Areawide Pest Management of the Invasive Sugarcane Aphid in Grain Sorghum – Texas, Education, Outreach, and Technology Transfer


Project Number: 3072-22000-017-013-S
Project Type: Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement

Start Date: Aug 1, 2017
End Date: Sep 14, 2021

The objective of this project is to develop and deliver technology transfer and outreach programs for sugarcane aphid (SCA) areawide pest management in the Southern Plains, with applicability to the Eastern Coastal Plans in coordination with university and industry partners in Oklahoma, Kansas, and Eastern Coastal Plains states.

Sorghum growers are the primary target for this project because they will directly implement the program. Crop consultants are the second target and our goal for this group is to enhance implementation of supporting technologies, such as Extension educators are the third target and our goal for them is to enhance delivery of information based AWPM tools and resources to consultants and growers. These include, and geographic display of sugarcane aphid (SCA) infestation model derived predictions and field monitoring data in modules. In order to reach these groups effectively, we will train extension educators and crop consultants on all aspects of the SCA AWPM project, including economic and pest management implications of the program and use of for implementing SCA AWPM tools. Extension educators will deliver the program to growers and crop managers. Training extension educators and crop consultants will be accomplished through workshops during existing agent programs/events. Workshops (2-4 per state/year) will include an introduction to the overall program, classroom and field demonstrations, and activities using Promotion of SCA AWPM will include media outlets regularly used in Extension channels, such as radio spots, newsletters, field days, crop tours, and social media outlets (blogs, Twitter, and Facebook).