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Products from Novel Crops
item Physical properties of Orychophragmus violaceus seed oil and its estolides (Sep 2024)
item Physical, chemical, and thermal properties of Orychophagmus violaaceus seeds and oil (Sep 2024)
item Characterization of improved barley germplasm under desert environments using agro-morphological and SSR markers (Aug 2024)
item Genetic diversity and population structure of a large USDA sesame collection (Jun 2024)
item Drought and high heat stresses modify Brassica napus L. leaf cuticular wax (Jun 2024)
item Production of hydroxy acids from agricultural feedstocks (Apr 2024)
item Quality of oil and meal obtained by cold-pressing and hexane extraction of industrial hemp grain with different maturity (Apr 2024)
item Bio-oils: A sustainable resource for making eco-friendly materials (Apr 2024)
item Genetic determinants of weed control in rice (Oryza sativa L.) using allelopathy approach (Mar 2024)
item Synthesis of Lesquerella-based bisphosphonates (Nov 2023)
item Physicochemical characteristics of density-graded industrial hemp grain (Aug 2023)
item Synthesis and characterization of estolide diamides for use as thickeners (Aug 2023)
item Oilseeds for improving agronomic and environmental sustainability of wheat-fallow rotation (Aug 2023)
item Novel bisphosphonates via castor oil (Jul 2023)
item Physical and sensory properties of soy-based ice cream formulated with cold-pressed high oleic low linolenic soybean oil (May 2023)
item Utilizing native myrosinase in pennycress (Thlaspi arvense) seeds to reduce glucosinolates in the defatted meal (May 2023)
item Synthesis and physical properties of iso-oleic estolides (Apr 2023)
item Physical properties and processing of Silphium integrifolium seeds to obtain oil and enriched protein meal (Nov 2022)
item Industrial grain hemp variety trial in Illinois - 2021 (Oct 2022)
item Iso-oleic estolides with superior cold flow properties (Oct 2022)
item Physical and sensory properties of frozen desserts formulated with cold-pressed HOLL soybean oil (Jul 2022)
item Processing of silflower (Silphium integrifolium) seeds to obtain oil and enriched protein meal (Apr 2022)
item Iso-oleic estolide products with superior cold flow properties (Apr 2022)
item Euphorbia lagascae seed oil obtained by pre-pressing and solvent extraction (Mar 2022)
item Comparison processing of wild-type pennycress and light-colored CoverCress seeds (Sep 2021)
item Influence of a hydrocarbon side chain on the performance of Physaria fendleri-Castor oil polyurethane packaging adhesives (Jul 2021)