2016 News Archive
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More Archives
December 21 |
New Test Quickly Detects Red Imported Fire Ants |
December 14 |
New System Affords Greater Flexibility on Using Phosphorus from Manure |
December 7 |
New, Easy-to-Harvest Raisin Grape Reduces Production Cost |
December 1 |
New Test Genetically IDs Fungal Wheat Threat |
November 30 |
New Process Quickly Analyzes Acrylamide in French Fries |
November 28 |
Optimizing Oats for Use as Dairy Forage |
November 16 |
Bacterial Imbalances Can Mean Bad News for Honey Bees |
November 10 |
ARS's 'One Health' Antibiotic Awareness |
November 7 |
A Better Lure to Detect and Control an Avocado Pest |
November 3 |
Higher Dose of Vitamin D May Benefit Pregnant Women |
November 2 |
Looking for Natural Enemies in Asia to Control Invasive Plants |
October 27 |
U.S. National Arboretum Celebrates 40th Anniversary of Its Bonsai Museum |
October 26 |
Wasp and Scale Insects Help Control Giant Reed |
October 19 |
Finding the Best Fertilizer Recipe for Southeast's Forage Grass |
October 12 |
New Nut-based Feed Satisfies Trout's Protein Requirements |
September 29 |
Fruit Fly's Genetic Code Revealed |
September 28 |
Two New Berries for You from ARS |
September 23 |
Adequate Zinc Vital to Healthy Immune Response |
September 21 |
Antibiotic Resistance Can Occur Naturally in Soil Bacteria |
September 16 |
USDA Announces New Open Data Partnership for Public Health |
September 14 |
Tapping Sorghum's Genetic Potential |
September 12 |
Rock-boring Bee Named after Ancient Pueblo Native-American Cliff Dwellers |
September 8 |
Four Scientists Named to Agricultural Research Service Science Hall of Fame |
September 7 |
ARS Honors Scientists of the Year |
August 29 |
New USDA App Protects Cattle from Heat Stress |
August 24 |
New Clues to Control Spread of Common Parasite |
August 23 |
Berenbaum Discusses Insect-Plant Interaction During ARS Sterling B. Hendricks Memorial Lecture |
August 17 |
Extracting Heavy Metals with Vegetable Oils |
August 8 |
Watkins Delivers Morrison Memorial Lecture at ASHS Conference |
August 4 |
ARS Posts Latest Food and Nutrition Research Briefs |
August 3 |
Flushing HLB out of Citrus Trees |
August 2 |
ARS Research Leads to Better Understanding of Bee Health |
July 27 |
New Faba Beans Offer Multiple Benefits |
July 18 |
'Going Green' with Stink Bug Control |
July 13 |
A Faster Way to Get Rid of Kudzu |
July 6 |
Unlocking Cacao's Fungal Foe |
June 27 |
New Cotton Disposable Disinfecting Wipes-Effective, Biodegradable |
June 23 |
Putting Honey Bees to Work for Veterans |
June 23 |
A Database Just for Bumble Bees |
June 22 |
Science Detectives Investigate a 'Mitey' Big Problem |
June 21 |
USDA Scientists and Beekeepers Swap Colonies to Better Bees |
June 8 |
New Rice Flour Mixes Available To Make Yummy Treats |
June 6 |
Saving Water in Southern High Plains Dairy Production |
May 31 |
Experimental Trap Disrupts Citrus Pest?s Love Life |
May 25 |
Tiny Wasp Battles Big Invasive Menace |
May 12 |
Two Approaches to Enhancing Tomato Flavor |
May 4 |
Cranberry Juice Can Boost Heart Health |
May 4 |
ARS Molecular Biologist James Giovannoni Elected to National Academy of Sciences |
April 29 |
Detecting Decay Inside Bagged Lettuce with 'Electronic Eye' |
April 20 |
Aerial Surveys Can Spot Boll Weevil Hideouts |
April 18 |
New Wheat Line Eliminates Discoloring in Foods |
April 14 |
The Not-So-Sweet Truth About Sugars |
April 13 |
Algal Enlisted to Produce Biofuel Using Discarded Papayas |
April 5 |
Roberts Delivers 2016 ARS W.O. Atwater Memorial Lecture at Experimental Biology |
March 29 |
Breeding Sugar Beets for Better Resistance to Curly Top Virus |
March 23 |
Lowering the Risk of Infection with Grapes |
March 16 |
Ancient Grains Make Healthful, Tasty Cookies |
March 8 |
Cranberry Compound May Help Prevent Urinary Tract Infections |
March 3 |
Livestock Diversity: Storing Genes for the Future |
March 1 |
Walnuts Lower in Calories than Label Suggests |
February 24 |
Canola Beats Soybean as Protein Source for Dairy Cattle |
February 17 |
Bees Abuzz Over Rapini |
February 16 |
Watch Bald Eagles Nesting Live at the U.S. National Arboretum |
February 12 |
ARS Food and Nutrition Research Briefs Issued |
February 11 |
New Sprayer Technology Reduces Pesticide Use |
February 10 |
USDA Research Identifies Factors for Faster Commercial Honey Bee Queen Failure |
February 9 |
Pulse Crops Front and Center in Agricultural Research |
February 3 |
A Striking New Crape Myrtle for Florida's Gardens and Landscapes |
February 3 |
USDA Pest Management Program Targets Virus-transmitting Mosquitoes |
January 26 |
New ARS Bee Genebank Will Preserve Genetic Diversity and Provide Breeding Resources |
January 20 |
Antimicrobial Wash Reduces Health Risks in Fresh Produce |
January 14 |
Bringing Up Biofuel |
January 12 |
Tackling Cattle Fever Ticks with Vaccines |
January 6 |
Sodium Monitoring Key to Reducing Dietary Intakes |