Publications at this Location
ARS scientists publish results of their research projects in many formats. Listed below are the publications from research projects conducted at this location.
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2010 Publications
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Peer Reviewed Journal Publications Only
Displaying 1 to 19 of 19 Records
Delimitation of Neonectria and Cylindrocarpon (Nectriaceae, Hypocreales, Ascomycota) and related genera with Cylindrocarpon-like anamorphs
(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Mycosphaerella nyssicola revisited: characterization of a species distinct from M. punctiformis
(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Proposal to conserve the name Botrytis brongniartii (Beauveria brongniartii) with a conserved type (Ascomycota)
(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Sphaerographium nyssicola Minnis, Rossman & D.F. Farr, sp. nov.
(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Hypocrea peltata: a mycological Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde?
(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Lichen ecology and diversity of a sagebrush steppe in Oregon: 1977 to the present
(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Morphological and phylogenetic analyses of the Nectria cinnabarina species complex
(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Brazilian peppertree seed-borne pathogen Neofusicoccum batangarum a potential biocontrol agent
(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Trichoderma amazonicum, a new endophytic species on Hevea brasiliensis and H. guianensis from the Amazon basin
(Peer Reviewed Journal)
New species, phylogeny, host-associations, and geographic distribution of the genus Cryptosporella (Gnomoniaceae, Diaporthales)
(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Changing paradigms of biocontrol in the developing and the developed world
(Review Article)
First report of the Telial stage of Japanese apple rust on Juniperus chinensis in North America and confirmation of the Aecial stage on Malus domestica
(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Three novel species of Stemphylium from Sinkiang, China: their morphological and molecular characterization
(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Gall production on hawthorns caused by Gymnosporangium Hatay province, Turkey
(Peer Reviewed Journal)
A systematic account of the genus Plagiostoma (Gnomoniaceae, Diaporthales) based on morphology, host-associations, and a four gene phylogeny
(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Systematics of the genus Gnomoniopsis (Gnomoniaceae, Diaporthales) based on a three gene phylogeny, host associations, and morphology
(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Development and characterization of microsatellites for the cacao fungal pathogen Moniliophthora roreri
(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Elevated atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations amplify Alternaria alternata sporulation and total antigen production
(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Phylogeny and redescription of Dolabra nepheliae on rambutan and litchi
(Peer Reviewed Journal)