Location: Natural Resources and Sustainable Agricultural Systems
Project Number: 0202-11000-001-045-G
Project Type: Grant
Start Date: Aug 10, 2022
End Date: Aug 1, 2023
1. Increase scientific knowledge about the health of the Nation’s and World’s soils though formalizing interactions that enhance the visibility of ARS and the SHI via their annual meeting.
2. Further discuss and support interactions to develop processes to enable formal teamwork and collaborative efforts to achieve mutual goals and efficiently utilize the Parties individual resources, resulting in information and tools that can sustain and improve soil health in agricultural production systems and other land uses.
This grant establishes a supportive engagement of mutual relationship development between ARS and the SHI in support of developing collaborative efforts around our similar interests in soil health, with ARS pursuing research advances in understanding soil health and the SHI and its community implementing practices to improve their systems’ productivity via soil health management and related efforts (e.g., exploring ecosystem service approaches related to soil health). The Parties will foster and enhance the interchange of information about soil health assessments including coordination of activities between ARS soil health researchers and SHI at this annual meeting – and to investigate opportunities to conduct relevant research that delivers regionally relevant better management practices that further enhance soil health. These efforts will serve the best interest of the Parties, the agricultural community, and the Nation concerning the health of the Nation’s and World’s soils, by engaging in a working relationship with SHI. Through this grant,
the Parties will engage each other formally at the annual meeting, and where appropriate, discuss opportunities for the parties to participate in specific projects, as mutually agreed upon, and aid in planning and developing separate projects of mutual interest.