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Jade N Smith
Cotton Quality and Innovation Research

Phone: (504) 286-4596
Fax: (504) 286-4390

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Publications (Clicking on the reprint icon Reprint Icon will take you to the publication reprint.)
Preparation and Activity of Hemostatic and Antibacterial Dressings with Greige Cotton/Zeolite Formularies Having Silver and Ascorbic Acid Finishes Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Edwards, J.V., Prevost, N.T., Hinchliffe, D.J, Nam, S., Chang, S., Hron, R.J., Madison, C.A., Smith, J.N., Poffenberger, C.N., Taylor, M.M., Martin, E.J.,Dixon, K.J., 2023. Preparation and Activity of Hemostatic and Antibacterial Dressings with Greige Cotton/Zeolite Formularies Having Silver and Ascorbic Acid Finishes. International Journal of Molecular Sciences.
Adhesive performance of cottonseed protein modified by catechol-containing compounds Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Cheng, H.N., Kilgore, K., Ford, C., Smith, J., Dowd, M.K., He, Z. 2022. Adhesive performance of cottonseed protein modified by catechol-containing compounds. Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology. 36:1781-1793.
Flame resistant cotton fabric containing casein and inorganic materials using an environmentally-friendly microwave assisted technique Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Chang, S., Condon, B., Smith, J., Nam, S. 2020. Flame resistant cotton fabric containing casein and inorganic materials using an environmentally-friendly microwave assisted technique. Fibers and Polymers. 21:2246-2252.
Innovative approach to flame retardant cotton fabrics with posphorous rich casein via by layer-by-layer processing Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Chang, S., Condon, B.D., Smith, J.N., Nam, S. 2019. Innovative approach to flame retardant cotton fabrics with posphorous rich casein via by layer-by-layer processing. International Journal of Materials Science and Applications. 8(5):81-89.
Microwave assisted preparation of self-extinguishing cotton fabrics by small molecules containing phosphorous and nitrogen Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Chang, S., Condon, B., Smith, J. 2019. Microwave assisted preparation of self-extinguishing cotton fabrics by small molecules containing phosphorous and nitrogen. Current Microwave Chemistry. 6:1-10.
Development of microencapsulation applied to flame resistance cotton fabric - (Abstract Only)
Microwave assisted preparation of flame resistant cotton using economic inorganic materials Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Chang, S., Condon, B.D., Smith, J.N. 2018. Microwave assisted preparation of flame resistant cotton using economic inorganic materials. FIBERS. 6(4):85-95.
Microwave assisted technology for the value added textiles - (Abstract Only)
Anti-flammable properties of cotton fabrics using eco friendly inorganic materials by layering self-assisted processing Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Chang, S., Condon, B.D., Graves, E.E., Smith, J.N. 2018. Anti-flammable properties of cotton fabrics using eco friendly inorganic materials by layering self-assisted processing. International Journal of Materials Science and Applications. 7(4):115-125. 10.11648/j.ijmsa.20180704.11.
Development of innovative technologies for flame resistant cotton fabrics at USDA - (Abstract Only)
Preparation of flame retardant cotton fabric using environmental friendly supercritical carbon dioxide Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Chang, S., Condon, B.D., Smith, J.N., Easson, M.W. 2017. Preparation of flame retardant cotton fabric using environmental friendly supercritical carbon dioxide. International Journal of Materials Science and Applications. 6(6):269-276. 10.11648/j.ijmsa.20170606.11.
Develop of innovative technologies for flame resistant cotton fabrics at USDA - (Abstract Only)
The comparison of phosphorus-nitrogen and sulfur-phosphorus-nitrogen on the anti-flammability and thermal degradation of cotton fabrics - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Chang, S., Nguyen, M.M., Condon, B.D., Smith, J.N. 2017. The comparison of phosphorus-nitrogen and sulfur-phosphorus-nitrogen on the anti-flammability and thermal degradation of cotton fabrics. Fibers and Polymers. 18(4):666-674.
Innovative layer-by-layer processing for flame retardant behavior of cotton fabric - (Abstract Only)
Innovative green technique for preparing of flame retardant cotton - (Abstract Only)
Application of a phosphazene derivative as a flame retardant for cotton fabric using conventional method and supercritical CO2 - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Fontenot, K.R., Easson, M.W., Smith, J.N., Madison, C.A., Nam, S., Nguyen, M.M., Chang, S., Condon, B.D. 2014. Application of a phosphazene derivative as a flame retardant for cotton fabric using conventional method and supercritical CO2. American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists Journal of Research. 1(6):16-26.
Fire self-extinguishing cotton fabric: development of piperazine derivatives containing phosphorous-sulfur-nitrogen and their flame retardant and thermal behaviors - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Nguyen, M.M., Chang, S., Condon, B.D., Smith, J.N. 2014. Fire self-extinguishing cotton fabric: development of piperazine derivatives containing phosphorous-sulfur-nitrogen and their flame retardant and thermal behaviors. Journal of Materials Science and Applications. 5(11):789-802.
Antiflammable properties of capable phosphorus-nitrogen-containing triazine derivatives on cotton - (Book / Chapter)
Chang, S., Condon, B.D., Nguyen, T.D., Graves, E.E., Smith, J.N. 2012. Antiflammable properties of capable phosphorus-nitrogen-containing triazine derivatives on cotton. In: Morgan, A.B., Wilkie, C.A., Nelson, G.L., editors. Fire and Polymers VI: New Advances in Flame Retardant Chemistry and Science. Washington, DC: American Chemical Society. p. 123-137.
Low-level, uniform ultrasound field effects on enzymatic bioprocessing of greige cotton using three fabric weights - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Condon, B.D., Easson, M.W., Yachmenev, V., Lambert, A.H., Smith, J.N. 2012. Low-level, uniform ultrasound field effects on enzymatic bioprocessing of greige cotton using three fabric weights. American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists Review. 12(6):45-50.
Green application of flame retardant cotton fabric using supercritical carbon dioxide - (Proceedings)
Chang, S., Condon, B.D., Smith, J.N. 2012. Green application of flame retardant cotton fabric using supercritical carbon dioxide. Proceedings of Supercritical Fluids International Symposium. Poster 1107.
The application of ultrasound in the enzymatic hydrolysis of switchgrass - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Easson, M.W., Condon, B.D., Dien, B.S., Iten, L.B., Slopek, R.P., Yoshioka-Tarver, M., Lambert, A.H., Smith, J.N. 2011. The application of ultrasound in the enzymatic hydrolysis of switchgrass. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology. 165(5):1322-1331.
Part I. improve flame retardant textile. Part II. novel approach layer-by-layer processing for flame retardant textile. - (Abstract Only)
Part I. Improved flame retardant textiles. Part II. Novel approach to layer-by-layer processing for flame retardant textiles. - (Abstract Only)
Synthesis and characterization of a novel phosphorus-nitrogen containing flame retardant and its application for textile - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Nguyen, T.D., Chang, S., Condon, B.D., Uchimiya, S.M., Graves, E.E., Smith, J.N., Easson, M.W., Wakelyn, P. 2011. Synthesis and characterization of a novel phosphorus-nitrogen containing flame retardant and its application for textile. Polymers for Advanced Technologies. 23(7):1036-1044.
Ultrasonic acceleration of enzymatic processing of cotton - (Proceedings)
Condon, B.D., Easson, M.W., Yachmenev, V., Lambert, A.H., Delhom, C.D., Smith, J.N. 2011. Ultrasonic acceleration of enzymatic processing of cotton. Proceedings Of The American Association Of Textile Chemists And Colorists. p. 133-149.
Promising flame retardant textile in supercritical carbon dioxide - (Abstract Only)
Chang, S., Condon, B.D., Smith, J.N., Graves, E.E. 2010. Promising flame retardant textile in supercritical carbon dioxide. Meeting Abstract. CDROM. CELL 262. 1p.
The Effects of a Low-Level Uniform Ultrasound Field on Enzymatic Bio-Processing of Cotton: An Investigation of Three Fabric Weights - (Abstract Only)
Synthesis, structural and flammability studies of novel phosphonates triazine derivative as economic flame retardant for cotton - (Abstract Only)
Application of a low level, uniform ultrasound field for the acceleration of enzymatic bio-processing of cotton - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Condon, B.D., Easson, M.W., Yachmenev, V., Lambert, A.H., Delhom, C.D., Smith, J.N. 2009. Application of Low Level, Uniform Ultrasound Field for Acceleration of Enzymatic Bio-processing of Cotton. Cellulose Chemistry and Technology. 43(9-10):443-453.
Application of Low Level, Uniform Ultrasound Field for Acceleration of Enzymatic Bio-processing of Cotton - (Proceedings)
Condon, B.D., Easson, M.W., Yachmenev, V., Lambert, A.H., Delhom, C.D., Smith, J.N. 2009. Application of Low Level, Uniform Ultrasound Field for Acceleration of Enzymatic Bio-processing of Cotton. In Proceedings: Fiber Society Meeting. 1p.
Green FR Cotton Barrier Nonwovens: Progress Report - (Abstract Only)
Parikh, D.V., Prevost, N.T., Smith, J.N., Solhjoo, H.H., Condon, B.D., Warnock, M., Chen, J., Bhat, G. 2009. Green FR Cotton Barrier Nonwovens: Progress Report. National Cotton Council Beltwide Cotton Conference. p. 1421-1422.
Acceleration of the Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Cotton Waste Celluloses by Low Intensity Uniform Ultrasound Field - (Abstract Only)
Ultrasound Enhancement of Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Cellulose Plant Matter - (Abstract Only)
Klasson, K.T., Yachmenev, V., Condon, B.D., Lambert, A.H., Smith, J.N. 2008. Ultrasound Enhancement of Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Cellulose Plant Matter (abstract). 30th Symposium on Biotechnology for Fuels and Chemicals. P. 148.
Acceleration of Enzymatic conversion of Agricultural Waste Biomass into Bio-fuels by Low Intensity Uniform Ultrasound Field - (Abstract Only)
Yachmenev, V., Condon, B.D., Klasson, K.T., Lambert, A.H., Smith, J.N. 2008. Acceleration of Enzymatic conversion of Agricultural Waste Biomass into Bio-fuels by Low Intensity Uniform Ultrasound Field. 30th Symposium on Biotechnology for Fuels and Chemicals, Book of Abstracts. p. 111.
Technical Aspects of Acceleration of Enzymatic Conversion of Corn Stover Biomass into Bio-fuels by Low Intensity, Uniform Ultrasound Field - (Abstract Only)
Yachmenev, V., Condon, B.D., Klasson, K.T., Lambert, A.H., Smith, J.N. 2008. Technical Aspects of Acceleration of Enzymatic Conversion of Corn Stover Biomass into Bio-fuels by Low Intensity, Uniform Ultrasound Field. 1st Annual World Congress of Industrial Biotechnology, Book of Abstracts. p. 50.
Intensification of Enzymatic Bio-Processing of Cotton by Low Intensity Uniform Ultrasound Field - (Proceedings)
Yachmenev, V., Condon, B.D., Lambert, A.H., Smith, J.N. 2008. Intensification of Enzymatic Bio-Processing of Cotton by Low Intensity Uniform Ultrasound Field. National Cotton Council Beltwide Cotton Conference.