Ted S Kornecki
Soil Dynamics Research
Agricultural Engineer
Phone: (334) 844-4741
ext. 2744
Fax: (334) 887-8597
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Cover crop termination methods and custom residue manager effects on collard production
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Kichler, C.M., Kornecki, T.S., Torbert III, H.A., Watts, D.B., Prasad, R. 2023. Cover crop termination methods and custom residue manager effects on collard production. Agronomy. 13:2595. https://doi.org/10.3390/agronomy13102595.
Recurring rolling/crimping effects on termination effectiveness for iron clay pea and pearl millet warm season cover crops
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Kornecki, T.S., Kichler, C.M. 2023. Recurring rolling/crimping effects on termination effectiveness for iron clay pea and pearl millet warm season cover crops. Agriculture. 13(10):1949. https://doi.org/10.3390/agriculture13101949.
Development of a no-till transplanter for walk-behind tractors
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Kornecki, T.S., Kichler, C.M. 2022. Development of a no-till transplanter for walk-behind tractors. Journal of the ASABE. 38(6):865-872. https://doi.org/10.13031/aea.15126.
Influence of recurrent rolling/crimping of a cereal rye/crimson clover cover crop on no-till bush bean yield
- (Book / Chapter)
Kornecki, T.S., Kichler, C.M. 2024. Influence of recurrent rolling/crimping of a cereal rye/crimson clover cover crop on no-till bush bean yield. Innovations in Agricultural Engineering and Mechanization for Sustainable Agriculture, Forestry and Food Production. Special Issue: 76-91. https://doi.org/10.3390/books978-3-7258-0547-1.
Soil rut effects on planter performance for cotton in a conservation tillage system
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Way, T.R., Kornecki, T.S., Tewolde, H., Watts, D.B. 2022. Soil rut effects on planter performance for cotton in a conservation tillage system. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 38(6):951-959. https://doi.org/10.13031/aea.15144.
Effectiveness of cover crop termination methods on no-till cantaloupe
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Kornecki, T.S., Kichler, C.M. 2022. Effectiveness of cover crop termination methods on no-till cantaloupe. Agriculture. 12(1):66. https://doi.org/10.3390/agriculture12010066.
Effects of different management methods for sunn-hemp cover crop on corn production in a no-till system in Cambodia
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Hin, L., Kornecki, T.S., Reyes, M., Tivet, F., Hok, L., Buntong, B., Lor, L., Leng, V., Suos, V., Clemmons, H. 2021. Effects of different management methods for sunn-hemp cover crop on corn production in a no-till system in Cambodia. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 37(5):805-818. https://doi.org/10.13031/aea.14345.
Influence of recurrent rolling/crimping on cover crop termination, soil strength and yield in no-till cotton
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Kornecki, T.S. 2020. Influence of recurrent rolling/crimping on cover crop termination, soil strength and yield in no-till cotton. AgriEngineering. 2(4), 631-648. https://doi.org/10.3390/agriengineering2040042.
Organic kale and cereal rye grain production following a sunn hemp cover crop
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Kornecki, T.S., Balkcom, K.S. 2020. Organic kale and cereal rye grain production following a sunn hemp cover crop. Agronomy. 10(12):1913. https://doi.org/10.3390/agronomy10121913.
Effects of different rollers and rye termination methods on soil moisture and cotton production in a no-till system
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Kornecki, T.S. 2020. Effects of different rollers and rye termination methods on soil moisture and cotton production in a no-till system. Journal of Cotton Science. 24(4):197-210. https://doi.org/10.56454/OIQC6221.
Equipment development for small and urban conservation farming systems
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Kornecki, T.S., Reyes, M.R. 2020. Equipment development for small and urban conservation farming systems. Agriculture. 10(12):595. https://doi.org/10.3390/agriculture10120595.
Performance of a no-till vegetable transplanter for transplanting thai round eggplant (solanum melongena l.) in conservation agriculture
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Hin, L., Buntong, B., Reyes, M.R., Hok, L., Lor, L., Clemmons, H., Kornecki, T.S. 2020. Performance of a no-till vegetable transplanter for transplanting thai round eggplant (solanum melongena l.) in conservation agriculture. Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering. B9(2020):236-247. https://doi.org/10.17265/2162-5263/2020.06.002.
Impact of different cover crops and termination methods on collard yield
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Kornecki, T.S. 2020. Impact of different cover crops and termination methods on collard yield. European Agrophysical Journal. 6(4):50-66.
Management of high-residue cover crops in a conservation tillage organic vegetable on-farm setting in Alabama
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Kornecki, T.S., Price, A.J. 2019. Management of high-residue cover crops in a conservation tillage organic vegetable on-farm setting in Alabama. Agronomy Journal. 9(10):640. https://doi.org/10.3390/agronomy9100640.
Engine exhaust heat device for terminating cover crops in no-till vegetable systems
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Kornecki, T.S., Prior, S.A. 2019. Engine exhaust heat device for terminating cover crops in no-till vegetable systems. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 35(5):787-793. https://doi.org/10.13031/aea.13101.
Innovative method for cover crop termination using engine exhaust heat
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Kornecki, T.S., Prior, S.A., Runion, G.B. 2018. Innovative method for cover crop termination using engine exhaust heat. European Agrophysical Journal. 5(4):145-156.
Oat, rye, and ryegrass response to N fertilizer
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Balkcom, K.S., Duzy, L.M., Price, A.J., Kornecki, T.S. 2019. Oat, rye, and ryegrass response to N fertilizer. Crop, Forage & Turfgrass Management. 5:1-6. https://doi.org/10.2134/cftm2018.09.0073.
Effect of different rolling/crimping directions and row cleaners for cereal rye cover crop on cotton growth in a conservation system
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Kornecki, T.S. 2018. Effect of different rolling/crimping directions and row cleaners for cereal rye cover crop on cotton growth in a conservation system. Transactions of the ASABE. 61(6):1845-1855. https://doi.org/10.13031/trans.12635.
Effect of rye cover crop management methods on cotton growth in a conservation system
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Kornecki, T.S. 2018. Effect of rye cover crop management methods on cotton growth in a conservation system. Journal of Cotton Science. 22(2):104-116. https://doi.org/10.56454/MBIU6609.
Planter closing wheel effects on cotton emergence in a conservation tillage system
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Way, T.R., Kornecki, T.S., Tewolde, H. 2018. Planter closing wheel effects on cotton emergence in a conservation tillage system. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 34(1):177-186.
Effects of cover crop termination and cotton planting methods on cotton production in conservation systems
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Duzy, L.M., Kornecki, T.S. 2018. Effects of cover crop termination and cotton planting methods on cotton production in conservation systems. Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems. 34(5):406-414. https://doi.org/10.1017/S1742170517000631.
Cereal cover crop performance
- (Abstract Only)
Balkcom, K.S., Duzy, L.M., Price, A.J., Kornecki, T.S. 2017. Cereal cover crop performance [abstract]. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting Abstracts. CDROM.
Profitability of cover crops for single and twin row cotton
- (Abstract Only)
Duzy, L.M., Balkcom, K.S., Price, A.J., Kornecki, T.S. 2017. Profitability of cover crops for single and twin row cotton [abstract]. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting Abstracts. CDROM.
Planting in Cover Crop Residue
- (Book / Chapter)
Kornecki, T.S., Balkcom, K.S. 2020. Cover Crop Management. In: Bergtold, J., Sailus, M., editors. Conservation tillage systems in the Southeast: Production, profitability, and stewardship. SARE Handbook Series Book 15. Sustainable Agriculture Network. p. 119-132.
Glyphosate resistant weeds - a threat to conservation agriculture
- (Abstract Only)
Price, A.J., Duzy, L.M., Balkcom, K.S., Kornecki, T.S. 2016. Glyphosate resistant weeds - a threat to conservation agriculture [abstract]. 7th International Weed Science Conference.
The effects of combined cover crop termination and planting in a cotton no-till system
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Kornecki, T.S. 2016. The effects of combined cover crop termination and planting in a cotton no-till system. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. Vol. 32(5): 551-560. doi: 10.13031/aea.32.11568.
Effects of a custom cover crop residue manager in a no-till cotton system
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Kornecki, T.S., Prior, S.A., Torbert III, H.A. 2016. Effects of a custom cover crop residue manager in a no-till cotton system. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 32(4):333-340. doi:10.13031/aea.32.11567.
Multiple rolling/crimping effects on termination of two summer cover crops in a conservation system
- (Abstract Only)
Kornecki, T.S. 2016. Multiple rolling/crimping effects on termination of two summer cover crops in a conservation system. Southern Sustainable Agriculture Working Group, SAWG. CDROM.
Conservation tillage under threat in the United States
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Duzy, L.M., Price, A.J., Balkcom, K.S., Kornecki, T.S. 2015. Conservation tillage under threat in the United States. Outlooks on Pest Management. 26(6):257-262.
Timing of cover crop termination: Management considerations for the Southeast
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Balkcom, K.S., Duzy, L.M., Kornecki, T.S., Price, A.J. 2016. Timing of cover crop termination: Management considerations for the Southeast. Crop, Forage & Turfgrass Management. 1:2015-0161. https://doi.org/10.2134/cftm2015.0161.
Summary of cover crop effects on cotton production
- (Abstract Only)
Duzy, L.M., Balkcom, K.S., Kornecki, T.S., Price, A.J. 2015. Summary of cover crop effects on cotton production. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting Abstracts. CDROM.
Organic weed conrol and cover crop residue integration impacts on weed control, quality, and yield and economics in conservation tillage tomato - A case study
- (Book / Chapter)
Price, A.J., Duzy, L.M., Balkcom, K.S., Kelton, J., Kornecki, T.S., Sarunaite, L. 2016. Organic weed conrol and cover crop residue integration impacts on weed control, quality, and yield and economics in conservation tillage tomato - A case study. In: Konvalina, P., editor. Organic Farming - A Promising Way of Food Production. Chapter 4. Riteka, Croatia:Intech. p. 69-82. https://doi.org/10.5772/61315
Rye termination by different rollers/crimpers developed for no-till small-scale farms
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Kornecki, T.S. 2015. Rye termination by different rollers/crimpers developed for no-till small-scale farms. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 31(6):849-856. doi:10.13031/aea.30.10395.
Cotton population and yield following different cover crops termination practices in an Alabama no-till system
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Kornecki, T.S., Price, A.J., Balkcom, K.S. 2015. Cotton population and yield following different cover crops and termination practices in an Alabama no-till system. Journal of Cotton Science. 19(3):375-386.
Evaluation of a custom residue manager to manage cover crops and its effects on cotton population and yield in a no till system
- (Proceedings)
Kornecki, T.S., Torbert III, H.A., Prior, S.A. 2015. Evaluation of a custom residue manager to manage cover crops and its effects on cotton population and yield in a no till system. In: Proceedings of the ASABE Annual International Meeting, July 26-29, 2015, New Orleans, Louisiana. Paper No. 2182441.
Effects of cover crop management and planting operations on cotton establishment and yield in a no-till system
- (Proceedings)
Kornecki, T.S. 2015. Effects of cover crop management and planting operations on cotton establishment and yield in a no-till system. In: Proceedings of the 36th CIOSTA CIGR V Conference: Environmentally Friendly Agriculture and Forestry for Future Generations, May 26-28, 2015, Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation.
Economics of conservation systems research in the Southeastern United States
- (Abstract Only)
Duzy, L.M., Balkcom, K.S., Kornecki, T.S., Price, A.J. 2015. Economics of conservation systems research in the Southeastern United States [abstract]. Soil and Water Conservation Society Conference. http://www.swcs.org/documents/filelibrary/15ac/Abstract_Book_FINAL_31A269C46D632.pdf.
Soil health benefits using cover crops across the Southeast
- (Abstract Only)
Balkcom, K.S., Duzy, L.M., Kornecki, T.S., Price, A.J. 2014. Soil health benefits using cover crops across the Southeast [abstract]. American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of Agronomy, Soil Science Society of America Meetings. CDROM.
Roller/crimper designs for cover crops management on different farm scales using conservation practices
- (Abstract Only)
Kornecki, T.S. 2014. Roller/crimper designs for cover crops management on different farm scales using conservation practices. Soil and Water Conservation Society. CDROM.
Effect of roller/crimper designs in terminating rye cover crop in small-scale conservation systems
- (Proceedings)
Kornecki, T.S. 2014. Effect of roller/crimper designs in terminating rye cover crop in small-scale conservation systems. In: Proceedings of the International Conference of Agricultural Engineering, July 6-10, 2014, Zurich, Switzerland.(Ref.: C0216 - www.eurageng.eu).
A powered roller/crimper for walk-behind tractors to terminate cover crops in conservation agriculture
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Kornecki, T.S. 2014. A powered roller/crimper for walk-behind tractors to terminate cover crops in conservation agriculture. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 30(2):153-159.
Effects of terminating cover crops with rolling/crimping and herbicides in a cotton no-till system
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Kornecki, T.S., Price, A.J., Balkcom, K.S. 2013. Effects of terminating cover crops with rolling/crimping and herbicides in a cotton no-till system. Hungarian Agricultural Engineering. 25:59-63.
Rolled cover crop mulches for organic corn and soybean production
- (Book / Chapter)
Reberg-Horton, C., Mirsky, S.B., Spargo, J.T., Grossman, J., Kornecki, T.S., Webster, T.M., Price, A.J., Meijer, A., Place, G. 2013. Rolled cover crop mulches for organic corn and soybean production. Weed Technology. 8:38-41.
Effects of terminating cover crops with rolling/crimping and herbicides on cotton population and yield in an Alabama no-till system
- (Proceedings)
Kornecki, T.S., Price, A.J., Balkcom, K.S. 2013. Effects of terminating cover crops with rolling/crimping and herbicides on cotton population and yield in an Alabama no-till system. In: Proceedings of the Synergy & Technical Development International Conference, October 13-19, 2013, Godollo, Hungary. 6 pages.
Effects of recurrent rolling/crimping operations on cover crop termination, soil moisture, and soil strength for conservation organic systems
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Kornecki, T.S., Arriaga, F.J., Price, A.J., Balkcom, K.S. 2013. Effects of recurrent rolling/crimping operations on cover crop termination, soil moisture, and soil strength for conservation organic systems. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 29(6):841-850.
Net returns and risk for cover crop use in Alabama tomato production
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Duzy, L.M., Kornecki, T.S., Balkcom, K.S., Arriaga, F. 2014. Net returns and risk for cover crop use in Alabama tomato production. Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems. 29(4):334-344.
Cotton population and yield following rye and crimson clover termination with roller/crimper and herbicides in an Alabama no-till system
- (Abstract Only)
Kornecki, T.S., Price, A.J., Balkcom, K.S. 2013. Cotton population and yield following rye and crimson clover termination with roller/crimper and herbicides in an Alabama no-till system. In: Iversen, K.V. Proceedings of the 33rd Southern Conservation Agricultural Systems Conference. Available at: http://www.ag.auburn.edu/auxiliary/nsdl/scasc/.
Crop circles and organic weed control
- (Abstract Only)
Price, A.J., Kornecki, T.S. 2013. Crop circles and organic weed control. Southern Weed Science Society. CDROM.
Effects of different residue management methods on cotton establishment and yield in a no-till system
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Kornecki, T.S., Arriaga, F.J., Price, A.J., Balkcom, K.S. 2012. Effects of different residue management methods on cotton establishment and yield in a no-till system. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 28(6):787-794.
Evaluation of methods to assess termination rates of cover crops using visual and non-visible light active sensors
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Kornecki, T.S., Arriaga, F.J., Price, A.J. 2012. Evaluation of methods to assess termination rates of cover crops using visual and non-visible light active sensors. Transactions of the ASABE. 55(3):733-741.
Roller type and operating speed effects on rye termination rates, soil moisture and yield of sweet corn in a no-till system
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Kornecki, T.S., Arriaga, F.J., Price, A.J. 2012. Roller type and operating speed effects on rye termination rates, soil moisture and yield of sweet corn in a no-till system. HortScience. 47(2):217-223.
Utilizing cover crop mulches to reduce tillage in organic systems in the southeastern USA
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Reberg-Horton, S.C., Grossman, J., Kornecki, T.S., Meijer, A.D., Price, A.J., Place, G.T., Webster, T.M. 2012. Utilizing cover crop mulches to reduce tillage in organic systems in the southeastern USA. Renewable Agriculture and Food System. 27(1):41-48.
Effects of Cover Crop Removal on a Cotton/Peanut Rotation
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Raper, R.L., Schwab, E.B., Arriaga, F.J., Balkcom, K.S., Price, A.J., Kornecki, T.S. 2011. Effects of Cover Crop Removal on a Cotton/Peanut Rotation. Transactions of the ASABE. Vol. 54(4):1213-1218.
Sugarcane residue management effects in reducing soil erosion from quarter-drains in southern Louisiana
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Kornecki, T.S., Fouss, J.L. 2011. Sugarcane residue management effects in reducing soil erosion from quarter-drains in southern Louisiana. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 27(4):597-603.
Managing cover crops in no-till organic systems using rolling technology
- (Abstract Only)
Kornecki, T.S. 2011. Managing cover crops in no-till organic systems using rolling technology [abstract]. USDA Organic Farming Systems Research Conference. CDROM.
Impact of different cover crops and types of transplanter mounted subsoiler shanks on tomato yield
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Kornecki, T.S., Arriaga, F.J. 2011. Impact of different cover crops and types of transplanter mounted subsoiler shanks on tomato yield. HortScience. 46(5):715-720.
Cover crop and organic weed control integration in tomato
- (Abstract Only)
Price, A.J., Kornecki, T.S. 2011. Cover crop and organic weed control integration in tomato [abstract]. Southern Weed Science Society Annual Meeting. CDROM.
On farm conservation tillage vegetable system utilizing high-residue cover crops in Alabama
- (Abstract Only)
Kornecki, T.S., Price, A.J. 2011. On farm conservation tillage vegetable system utilizing high-residue cover crops in Alabama. Southern Sustainable Agriculture Working Group. CDROM.
Effects of different roller/crimper designs and rolling speed on rye cover crop termination and seedcotton yield in A no-till system
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Kornecki, T.S., Price, A.J. 2011. Effects of different roller/crimper designs and rolling speed on rye cover crop termination and seedcotton yield in a no-till system. Journal of Cotton Science. 14:212-220.
Utilizing Cover Crop Mulches to Reduce TIllage in Organic Systems in the Southeast
- (Abstract Only)
Reberg-Horton, C., Grossman, J., Johnson, W.C., Kornecki, T.S., Meijer, A., Price, A.J., Place, G., Webster, T.M. 2010. Utilizing Cover Crop Mulches to Reduce TIllage in Organic Systems in the Southeast [abstract]. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting. CDROM.
Effects of rolling operations on cover crops termination, soil moisture, and soil strength in a southeastern US no-till system
- (Proceedings)
Kornecki, T.S., Price, A.J., Arriaga, F.J., Raper, R.L. 2010. Effects of rolling operations on cover crops termination, soil moisture, and soil strength in a southeastern US no-till system. In: Proceedings of the World Congress of Soil Science, August 1-6, 2010, Brisbane, Australia. CDROM.
Effects of rolling/crimping rye and clover with different herbicide types and rates on their termination rate, cotton population and yield in a no-till system
- (Proceedings)
Kornecki, T.S., Price, A.J. 2010. Effects of rolling/crimping rye and clover with different herbicide types and rates on their termination rate, cotton population and yield in a no-till system. In: Endale, D.M., Iversen, K.V., editors. Proceedings of the 32nd Southern Conservation Agricultural Systems Conference, July 20-23, 2010, Jackson, Tennessee. CDROM.
Conservation tillage improves soil physical properties on different landscape positions of a coastal plain soil
- (Proceedings)
Arriaga, F.J., Biscaro, A.S., Balkcom, K.S., Shaw, J.N., Van Santen, E., Kornecki, T.S. 2010. Conservation tillage improves soil physical properties on different landscape positions of a coastal plain soil. In Endale, D.M., and Iversen, K.V., editors. Proceedings of the 32nd Southern Conservation Agricultural Systems Conference, July 20-22, 2010, Jackson, Tennessee. CDROM. Available at: http://www.ag.auburn.edu/auxiliary/nsdl/scasc/.
Fuzzy Multi Attributive Comparison of Roller Designs used to Terminate a Cover Crop
- (Book / Chapter)
Kornecki, T.S., Torbert III, H.A., Krueger, E., Kurtener, D., Ermakov, R. 2010. Fuzzy multi attributive comparison of roller designs used to terminate a cover crop. In: Kurtener, D., Yakushev, V.P., Torbert, H.A., Prior, S.A., and Krueger, E., editors. Applications of Soft Computing in Agricultural Field Experimentations. St. Petersburg, Russia: Agrophysical Research Institute. p. 45-49.
Effects of various residue management systems on cotton establishment and yield in high-residue
- (Proceedings)
Kornecki, T.S., Price, A.J., Arriaga, F.J., Balkcom, K.S. 2010. Effects of various residue management systems on cotton establishment and yield in high-residue. In: Proceedings of the ASABE Annual International Meeting, June 20-23, 2010, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Paper No. 1009866. CDROM.
Trafficability and workability of soils
- (Book / Chapter)
Muller, L., Lipiec, J., Kornecki, T.S., Gebhardt, S. 2011. Trafficability and workability of soils. Encyclopedia of Agrophysics. P. 912-924.
Row Spacing, Tillage System, and Herbicide Technology Affects Cotton Plant Growth and Yield
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Balkcom, K.S., Price, A.J., Van Santen, E., Delaney, D.P., Boykin, D.L., Arriaga, F.J., Bergtold, J.S., Kornecki, T.S., Raper, R.L. 2010. Row spacing, tillage system, and herbicide technology affects cotton plant growth and yield. Field Crops Research. 117:219-225.
Comparison of Mechanical and Chemical Winter Cereal Cover Crop Termination Systems and Cotton Yield in Conservation Agriculture
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Price, A.J., Arriaga, F.J., Raper, R.L., Balkcom, K.S., Kornecki, T.S., Reeves, D.W. 2010. Comparison of mechanical and chemical winter cereal cover crop termination systems and cotton yield in conservation agriculture. Journal of Cotton Science. 13:238-245.
A method for automating data collection from a double-ring infiltrometer under falling head conditions
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Arriaga, F.J., Kornecki, T.S., Balkcom, K.S., Raper, R.L. 2010. A method for automating data collection from a double-ring infiltrometer under falling head conditions. Soil Use and Management. 26(1):61-67.
Herbicide and cover crop residue integration affects on weed control, quality, and yield in conservation tillage tomato
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Effectiveness of Different Herbicide Applicators Mounted on a Roller/Crimper for Accelerated Rye Cover Crop Termination
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Kornecki, T.S., Price, A.J., Raper, R.L., Bergtold, J.S. 2010. Effectiveness of different herbicide applicators mounted on a roller/crimper for accelerated rye cover crop termination. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 25:819-826.
Impact of different cover crop residues and shank types on no-till tomato yield
- (Proceedings)
Kornecki, T.S., Arriaga, F.J., Schwab, E.B., Kichler, C.M. 2009. Impact of different cover crop residues and shank types on no-till tomato yield. Proceedings of the 31st Southern Conservation Tillage Systems Conference, July 22-24, 2009, East Shore, Virginia. CDROM.
Effects of multiple rolling cover crops on their termination, soil water and soil strength
- (Proceedings)
Kornecki, T.S., Price, A.J., Raper, R.L., Arriaga, F.J., Schwab, E.B. 2009. Effects of multiple rolling cover crops on their termination, soil water and soil strength. Proceedings of the 18th Triennial International Soil Tillage Research Organization (ISTRO), June 15-19, 2009, Izmir, Turkey. CDROM.
New roller/crimper concepts for mechanical termination of cover crops in conservaton agriculture
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Kornecki, T.S., Price, A.J., Raper, R.L., Arriaga, F.J. 2009. New roller/crimper concepts for mechanical termination of cover crops in conservaton agriculture. Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems. 24(3):165-173.
Maximizing Cotton Production and Rye Cover Crop Biomass Through Timely In-Row Subsoiling
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Raper, R.L., Schwab, E.B., Bergtold, J.S., Price, A.J., Balkcom, K.S., Arriaga, F.J., Kornecki, T.S. 2009. Maximizing cotton production and rye cover crop biomass through timely in-row subsoiling. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 25(3):321-328.
Impact of rye rolling direction and different no-till row-cleaners on cotton emergence and yield
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Kornecki, T.S., Raper, R.L., Arriaga, F.J., Schwab, E.B., Bergtold, J.S. 2009. Impact of rye rolling direction and different no-till row-cleaners on cotton emergence and yield. Transactions of the ASABE. 52(2):383-391.
Benefits of Uniform Row Spacing in a Cotton-Corn Conservation System
- (Experiment Station)
Raper, R.L., Balkcom, K.S., Arriaga, F.J., Price, A.J., Kornecki, T.S., Schwab, E.B. 2009. Benefits of uniform row spacing in a cotton-corn conservation system. 2008 Cotton Research and Extension Report. No. 33. p. 13-15.
Benefits of uniform row spacing in a cotton-corn conservation system
- (Proceedings)
Raper, R.L., Balkcom, K.S., Arriaga, F.J., Price, A.J., Kornecki, T.S., Schwab, E.B. 2009. Benefits of uniform row spacing in a cotton-corn conservation system. In: Boyd, S., et al., editors. Proceedings of the 2009 Beltwide Cotton Conference, January 5-8, 2009, San Antonio, Texas. p. 1514-1519.
A Portable Device to Measure Soil Erosion/Deposition in Quarter-Drains
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Kornecki, T.S., Fouss, J.L., Prior, S.A. 2008. A portable device to measure soil erosion/deposition in quarter-drains. Soil Use and Management. 24:401-408.
Maximizing cotton production and rye cover crop biomass through timely in-row subsoiling
- (Proceedings)
Raper, R.L., Schwab, E.B., Bergtold, J.S., Price, A.J., Balkcom, K.S., Arriaga, F.J., Kornecki, T.S. 2008. Maximizing cotton production and rye cover crop biomass through timely in-row subsoiling. In: Endale, D.M., editor. Proceedings of the 30th Southern Conservation Agricultural Systems Conference and 8th Annual Georgia Conservation Production Systems Training Conference, July 29-31, 2008, Tifton, GA. p. 161-165.
Effects of different winter cover crops on conservation-tillage tomato quality and yield
- (Proceedings)
Saini, M., Price, A.J., Balkcom, K.S., Van Santen, E., Bergtold, J., Kornecki, T.S. 2008. Effects of different winter cover crops on conservation-tillage tomato quality and yield. In: Endale, D.M., editor. Proceedings of the 30th Southern Conservation Agricultural Systems Conference and 8th Annual Georgia Conservation Production Systems Training Conference, July 29-31, 2008, Tifton, GA. p. 144-148.
Conservation tillage, irrigation and variety selection impacts on cotton quality premiums, discounts and profitability: evidence from the gin
- (Proceedings)
Bergtold, J.S., Balkcom, K.S., Arriaga, F.J., Kornecki, T.S., Price, A.J., Raper, R.L. 2008. Conservation tillage, irrigation and variety selection impacts on cotton quality premiums, discounts and profitability: Evidence from the gin. In: Endale, D.M., editor. Proceedings of the 30th Southern Conservation Agricultural Systems Conference and 8th Annual Georgia Conservation Production Systems Training Conference, July 29-31, 2008, Tifton, GA. p. 28-33.
Effects of rolling/crimping of cover crops on their termination, soil strength and moisture
- (Proceedings)
Kornecki, T.S., Price, A.J., Raper, R.L., Arriaga, F.J., Schwab, E.B. 2008. Effects of rolling/crimping of cover crops on their termination, soil strength and moisture. In: Endale, D.M., editors. Proceeding of the 30th Southern Conservation Agricultural Systems Conference and 8th Annual Georgia Conservation Production Systems Training Conference, July 29-31, 2008, Tifton, GA. p.100-104.
Winter Cereal Termination and Conservation Agriculture Cotton Yield Following Mechanical and Chemical Management Systems
- (Abstract Only)
Price, A.J., Arriaga, F.J., Balkcom, K.S., Bergtold, J.S., Kornecki, T.S., Raper, R.L. 2008. Winter Cereal Termination and Conservation Agriculture Cotton Yield Following Mechanical and Chemical Management Systems [Abstract]. Soil and Water Conservation Society. CDROM.
New roller concepts for mechanical terminating cover crops in conservation agriculture in the southern United States
- (Proceedings)
Kornecki, T.S., Price, A.J., Raper, R.L., Arriaga, F.J. 2008. New roller concepts for mechanical terminating cover crops in conservation agriculture in the southern United States. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Agricultural Engineering, Hersonissos, Crete, Greece June 23-25, 2008. CDROM. Paper No. 1132659.
Effect of cover crop extracts on cotton and radish radicle elongation
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Price, A.J., Stoll, M.E., Bergtold, J.S., Arriaga, F.J., Balkcom, K.S., Kornecki, T.S., Raper, R.L. 2008. Effect of cover crop extracts on cotton and radish radicle elongation. Communications in Biometry and Crop Science (CBCS). 3(1):60-66.
Tillage system and cereal rye residue affects pigweed establishment and competitiveness in cotton
- (Proceedings)
Price, A.J., Arriaga, F.J., Balkcom, K.S., Bergtold, J.S., Kornecki, T.S., Raper, R.L. 2008. Tillage system and cereal rye residue affects pigweed establishment and competitiveness in cotton. In: Boyd, S., et al, editors. Proceedings of the National Cotton Council Beltwide Cotton Conference, January 8-11, 2008, Nashville, Tennessee. p. 1703-1705.
Benefits of alternating the shank location on a bent-leg strip-till
- (Proceedings)
Arriaga, F.J., Raper, R.L., Balkcom, K.S., Kornecki, T.S., Price, A.J., Bergtold, J.S. 2008. Benefits of alternating the shank location on a bent-leg strip-till. In: Boyd, S., et al, editors. Proceedings of the National Cotton Council Beltwide Cotton Conference, January 8-11, 2008, Nashville, Tenessee. p. 1608-1611.
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Kornecki, T.S., Prior, S.A., Runion, G.B., Rogers Jr, H.H., Erbach, D.C. 2008. A hydraulic core extraction-cutting device for soil-root studies. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis. 39:1080-1089.
Application of DRAINMOD-Ks-STMAX to predict deep chiseling effects on a drained southern alluvial soil
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Moriasi, D.N., Fouss, J.L., Hall, S.G., Kornecki, T.S. 2008. Application of DRAINMOD-Ks-STMAX to predict deep chiseling effects on a drained southern alluvial soil. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 24(3):1-10.
Alternating Paratill Shank Placement for Enhanced Soil Disruption
- (Abstract Only)
Arriaga, F.J., Raper, R.L., Balkcom, K.S., Kornecki, T.S. 2007. Alternating Paratill Shank Placement for Enhanced Soil Disruption. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting Abstracts.
Temporary Storage of Poultry Broiler Litter
- (Abstract Only)
Mitchell, C.C., Torbert III, H.A., Kornecki, T.S., Tyson, T.W. 2007. Temporary Storage of Poultry Broiler Litter [abstract]. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting Abstracts. 2007 CDROM.
Temporary Storage of Poultry Broiler Litter
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Mitchell, C.C., Torbert III, H.A., Kornecki, T.S., Tyson, T.W. 2007. Temporary Storage of Poultry Broiler Litter. Research Journal of Agronomy. 1(4):129-137.
Drawbar power requirements and soil disruption in-row subsoiler points for conservation tillage
- (Proceedings)
Zhang, J.G., Raper, R.L., Balkcom, K.S., Arriaga, F.J., Kornecki, T.S., Schwab, E.B. 2007. Drawbar power requirements and soil disruption of in-row subsoiler points for conservation tillage. In: Wright, D.L., Marois, J.J., Scanlon, K., editors. Proceedings of the 29th Southern Conservation Agricultural Systems Conference, June 25-27, 2007, Quincy, Florida. Available at: http://www.ag.auburn.edu/auxiliary/nsdl/scasc/.
Roller type and operating speed effects on rye kill rates, soil moisture and irrigated sweet corn yield in an Alabama no-till system
- (Proceedings)
Kornecki, T.S., Price, A.J., Raper, R.L., Arriaga, F.J., Stoll, Q.M. 2007. Roller type and operating speed effects on rye kill rates, soil moisture and irrigated sweet corn yield in an Alabama no-till system. In: Wright, D.L., Marsis, J.J., Scanbou, K.S., editors. Proceedings of the Southern Conservation Tillage Systems Conference, June 25-27, 2007, Quincy, Florida. p. 188-196.
Alternating the Shank Location on a Paratill Every Other Year Provides Some Benefits
- (Proceedings)
Arriaga, F.J., Balkcom, K.S., Raper, R.L., Kornecki, T.S. 2007. Alternating the shank location on a paratill every other year provides some benefits. In: Wright, D.L., Marsis, J.J., Scanlon, K.S., editors. Proceedings of the Southern Conservation Tillage Systems Conference, June 25-27, 2007, Quincy, Florida. p. 3-6.
Effectiveness of different herbicide applicators mounted on a roller/crimper for accelerated termination of rye cover crop
- (Proceedings)
Kornecki, T.S., Price, A.J., Raper, R.L., Stoll, Q.M. 2007. Effectiveness of different herbicide applicators mounted on a roller/crimper for accelerated termination of rye cover crop. In: Proceedings of the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers International (ASABE) Annual Meeting, June 17-20, 2007, Minneapolis, Minnesota. Paper No. 071074. p. 1-10.
Effect of timing of in-row subsoiling on soil properties, cover crop production, and cotton production
- (Proceedings)
Raper, R.L., Arriaga, F.J., Balkcom, K.S., Bergtold, J.S., Kornecki, T.S., Price, A.J., Schwab, E.B. 2007. Effect of timing of in-row subsoiling on soil properties, cover crop production, and cotton production. In: Proceedings of the 2007 ASABE Annual International Meeting, June 17-20, 2007, Minneapolis, Minnesota. Paper No. 071103.
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Saini, M., Price, A.J., Kornecki, T.S., Caylor, A. 2007. Weed control in conservation tillage tomatoes following herbicide and cover crop residue integration. Proceeding of the Southern Weed Science Society. p. 155.
Temporary Storage of Poultry Broiler Litter
- (Other)
Mitchell, C.C., Tyson, T.W., Torbert III, H.A., Kornecki, T.S. 2006. Temporary Storage of Poultry Broiler Litter. Alabama Mountains Rivers, and Valleys (AMRC) RC&D Council Grant.
Annual Weeds, Alternative Crops for Alternative Fuel
- (Abstract Only)
Price, A.J., Arriaga, F.J., Balkcom, K.S., Bergtold, J.S., Kornecki, T.S., Raper, R.L. 2006. Annual Weeds, Alternative Crops for Alternative Fuel [abstract]. Auburn University Symposium “Energy Solutions for Alabama Natural Resources”, Auburn, AL. 2006 CDROM.
Maximizing Rye Cover Crop Biomass Production by the Use of Timely Subsoiling
- (Abstract Only)
Raper, R.L., Schwab, E.B., Bergtold, J.S., Price, A.J., Balkcom, K.S., Arriaga, F.J., Kornecki, T.S. 2006. Maximizing Rye Cover Crop Biomass Production by the Use of Timely Subsoiling [Abstract]. Auburn University Symposium “Energy Solutions for Alabama Natural Resources”, October 23-24, 2006, Auburn, AL.
- (Proceedings)
Kornecki, T.S., Price, A.J., Raper, R.L. 2006. Managing cover crops in conservation agriculture using rollers/crimpers. In: Sustainability - Its Impact on Soil Management and Environment, Proceedings of 17th International Conference of the International Soil Tillage Research Organization, August 28 - September 3, 2006, Kiel, Germany. p. 483-489.
Effectiveness of Post-Harvest Sugarcane Residue and Polyacrylamide on Reducing Soil Deposition in Quarter-Drains
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Kornecki, T.S., Grigg, B.C., Fouss, J.L., Southwick Jr, L.M. 2006. Effectiveness of Post-Harvest Sugarcane Residue and Polyacrylamide on Reducing Soil Deposition in Quarter-Drains. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 22(6):857-865.
Conservation Agriculture for Cotton Production in a Coastal Plain Soil of Central Alabama, USA
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Arriaga, F.J., Balkcom, K.S., Price, A.J., Kornecki, T.S., Raper, R.L. 2006. Conservation Agriculture for Cotton Production in a Coastal Plain Soil of Central Alabama, USA [abstract]. World Congress of Soil Science. CDROM.
Impact of Cover Crop Rolling Direction and Various Row-cleaners on Cotton Emergence and Yield in No-till Conservation System
- (Abstract Only)
Kornecki, T.S., Raper, R.L., Arriaga, F.J., Schwab, E.B., Stoll, Q.M. 2006. Impact of Cover Crop Rolling Direction and Various Row-cleaners on Cotton Emergence and Yield in No-till Conservation System. 2006 ASABE Annual International Meeting.
Effects of Conservation Systems on Soil Moisture and Productivity in Cotton
- (Proceedings)
Ward, J.K., Arriaga, F.J., Balkcom, K.S., Kornecki, T.S. 2006. Effects of Conservation Systems on Soil Moisture and Productivity in Cotton. In:Proceedings of the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers International (ASABE) Annual Meeting, July 9-12, 2006, Portland Oregon. Paper No. 061038.
Performance Of Different Roller Designs In Terminating Rye Cover Crop And Reducing
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Kornecki, T.S., Price, A.J., Raper, R.L. 2006. Performance of different roller designs in terminating rye cover crop and reducing vibration. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 22(5):633-641.
- (Abstract Only)
Kornecki, T.S., Price, A.J., Raper, R.L. 2005. New roller concept for cover crops termination. ASAE Annual International Meeting. CDROM
- (Proceedings)
Kornecki, T.S., Price, A.J., Raper, R.L., Stoll, Q.M. 2006. Effectiveness of different roller designs on managing rye as a cover crop in no-till cotton. In: Proceedings of the 28th Annual Southern Conservation Systems Conference. p. 151-161.
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Prior, S.A., Runion, G.B., Kornecki, T.S., Rogers Jr, H.H. 2006. A pneumatic device for lifting containers in plant water use studies. Agronomy Journal. 98:120-123.
- (Abstract Only)
Jones, J.R., Price, A.J., Raper, R.L., Kornecki, T.S. 2005. Evaluation of a mechanical roller-crimper and reduced glyphosate rates on cover crop desiccation in cotton [abstract]. In: Proceedings of the Southern Conservation Tillage Systems conference, June 27-29, 2005, Florence, South Carolina. p. 168.
- (Proceedings)
Kornecki, T.S., Raper, R.L., Arriaga, F.J., Balkcom, K.S., Price, A.J. 2005. Effects of rolling/crimping rye direction and different row-cleaning attachments on cotton emergence and yield. In: Proceedings of the Southern Conservation Tillage Systems Conference, June 27-29, 2005, Clemson University, Florence, South Carolina. p. 169-177.
- (Abstract Only)
Prior, S.A., Runion, G.B., Kornecki, T.S., Rogers Jr, H.H. 2005. A pneumatic weighing device for plant water use determinations [abstract]. Agronomy Abstracts, Southern Branch ASA. 2005 CDROM.
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Kornecki, T.S., Grigg, B.C., Fouss, J.L., Southwick Jr, L.M. 2005. Polyacrylamide (PAM) application effectiveness in reducing soil erosion from sugarcane fields in southern Louisiana. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 21(2):189-196.
- (Proceedings)
Kornecki, T.S., Price, A.J., Raper, R.L., Arriaga, F.J., Balkcom, K.S. 2004. Effectiveness of different mechanical roller designs for terminating cover crops. In: Zhieai, W., Huawen, G., editors. Conservation Tillage & Sustainable Farming China Agricultural Science and Technology Press. 2004 CIGR International Conference, October 11-14, 2004, Beijing China. p. 218-229.
- (Proceedings)
Kornecki, T.S., Grigg, B.C., Fouss, J.L., Southwick Jr, L.M. 2004. Effectiveness of sugarcane residue and polyacrylamide in reducing soil erosion from quarter-drains under southern louisiana weather conditions. In: Proceedings of American Society of Agricultural Engineers, August 1-4, 2004, Ottawa, Canada.
- (Proceedings)
Kornecki, T.S., Raper, R.L., Price, A.J. 2004. Effectiveness in terminating cover crops using different roller implements. In: Proceedings of the 26th Annual Southern Conservation Tillage Conference for Sustainable Agriculture, June 7-9, 2004, Raleigh, North Carolina.
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Raper, R.L., Simionescu, P.A., Kornecki, T.S., Price, A.J., Reeves, D.W. 2004. Reducing vibration while maintaining efficacy of rollers to terminate cover crops. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 20(5):581-584.
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Grigg, B.C., Southwick Jr, L.M., Fouss, J.L., Kornecki, T.S. 2003. Drainage system impacts on surface runoff, nitrate loss, and crop yield on a southern alluvial soil. Transactions of the ASAE. American Soc. Agr. Engrs. Nov-Dec. Vol. 46(6) 1531-1537.
- (Proceedings)
Raper, R.L., Simionescu, P.A., Kornecki, T.S., Price, A.J., Reeves, D.W. 2003. Cover crop rollers: a new component of conservation tillage systems. ASAE Paper No. 03-1020. ASAE, St. Joseph, MI. 11 pp. (Technical handout) 2003. See #159.
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
- (Proceedings)
Price, A. J., P. A. Simionescu, T. S. Kornecki, R. L. Raper, and D. W. Reeves. 2003. Improved roller technology for cover crop management. Proceedings: II World Congress on Conservation Agriculture. pp. 322-325.
Climate Impacts on Nitrate Loss in Drainage Waters from a Southern Alluvial Soil
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Grigg, B.C., Southwick Jr, L.M., Fouss, J.L., Kornecki, T.S. 2004. Climate Impacts on Nitrate Loss in Drainage Waters from a Southern Alluvial Soil. Transactions of the American Society of Agricultural Engineers. 47(2):445-451.
Influence of Reduced Rainfall Seasons on the Runoff and Leaching Losses of Mobile Agricultural Pesticides and on their Runoff/Pesticides and on their Runoff/Leaching Ratios
- (Proceedings)
Southwick Jr, L.M., Grigg, B.C., Fouss, J.L., Kornecki, T.S. 2002. The Influence of Reduced Rainfall Seasons on the Runoff and Leaching Losses of Mobile Agricultural Pesticides and on their Runoff/Pesticides and on their Runoff/Leaching Ratios. Proceedings of the 32nd Mississippi Water Resources Research Conference, Raymond, MS. pp. 118-123.
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