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Research Project: Improvement and Maintenance of Flavor, Shelf Life, Functional Characteristics, and Biochemical/Bioactive Components in Peanuts, Peanut Products and Related Commodities through Improved Handling, ...

Location: Food Science and Market Quality and Handling Research Unit

Title: Association mapping of SSR markers to sweet, bitter and roasted peanut sensory attributes in cultivated peanut

item Dean, Lisa
item JIANG, T - University Of Georgia
item TANG, Y - University Of Georgia
item Dang, Phat
item Wang, Ming
item HE, G - University Of Georgia
item Lamb, Marshall
item Holbrook Jr, C
item OZIAS-AKINS, P - University Of Georgia
item CHEN, C - University Of Georgia

Submitted to: Meeting Abstract
Publication Type: Abstract Only
Publication Acceptance Date: 1/31/2017
Publication Date: 3/15/2017
Citation: Dean, L.L., Jiang, T., Tang, Y.Y., Dang, P.M., Wang, M.L., He, G.H., Lamb, M.C., Holbrook Jr, C.C., Ozias-Akins, P., Chen, C.C. 2017. Association mapping of SSR markers to sweet, bitter and roasted peanut sensory attributes in cultivated peanut. Meeting Abstract. Vol. 9.

Interpretive Summary: Portions of the genes that maybe responsible for some chemical and flavor components of roasted peanuts have been identified from a portion of the US germplasm collection for peanuts. The components are the flavors roasted peanut, sweet and bitter. The nutritional components are sugars, fatty acids and tocopherol (Vitamin E). The technique Association Mapping Analysis was used. From this information, it maybe possible to change these attributes through breeding to improve the quality of peanuts.

Technical Abstract: Certain roasted peanut quality sensory attributes are important breeding objectives for peanut product manufacturers and consumers. Currently the only means of measuring these traits is the use of a trained sensory panel. This is a costly and time-consuming process. It is desirable, from a cost, time and sample size perspective, to find DNA- marker and the trait association for the implementation of marker-assisted selection (MAS) in a breeding program. One hundred and four accessions of the U.S. mini core collection are used for sweet, bitter and roasted peanut sensory attributes analysis including tocopherols, fatty acids and sugars. One hundred and thirty-three SSR (Simple Sequence Repeats) markers were applied for genotyping the panel of 104 peanut genotypes. Association mapping analysis indicated that the four markers (pPGPseq5D5, GM2745, pPGSseq18G1, GM2723) are associated with sensory attributes, while five makers (GM1609, Ah32, pPGPseq2C11, XIP297, Ah3) associated with tocopherols, three makers (GM2690, GM2774, GM2791) associated with fatty acids and two markers (GM2690, GM1609) associated with sugars, respectively. These SSR markers are consistently associated with corresponding traits by four models: Q model, PCA model, Q+K model, and PCA+K model and resulting in a high R2. It is noteworthy that GM1609 and GM2690 are common markers for two traits. These highly associated markers would be used for the development of flavor-desirable and nutrient-rich cultivars in peanut breeding programs after further validation of the markers.