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item McKamey, Stuart

Submitted to: Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington
Publication Type: Peer Reviewed Journal
Publication Acceptance Date: 3/3/2004
Publication Date: 6/30/2005
Citation: Mckamey, S.H. 2005. More new generic names in the Cicadellidae (Hemiptera). Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington. 108(3):502-510.

Interpretive Summary: Many plant diseases are spread principally by leafhoppers, which thereby cause hundreds of millions of dollars of damage to crops every year. In order to communicate effectively about these pests, it is essential that everybody use the same names for the same species, and for no other species. However, presently some leafhoppers have the same names as other animals, such as birds, fish, or other insects. This homonymy can cause confusion. This paper gives new names to the leafhoppers to facilitate communication, including a new name for a known phytopathogen vector in Asia. This information will improve the efficiency of governmental (including APHIS), agricultural, and research workers in the dissemination, storage, and retrieval of information on the affected species.

Technical Abstract: New replacement names are proposed for 14 genera or subgenera of leafhoppers in the subfamilies Coelidiinae, Ledrinae, Macropsinae, Scarinae, Typhlocybinae, and Ulopinae: Danmera for Mandera Ahmed, Davduospina for Duospina Davies, Doowella for Woodella Evans, Hobemanella for Bohemanella DeLong & Freytag (subgenus of Polana), Kamilingana for Makilingana Mahmood, Latycephala for Platycephala , Lonnia for Nollia Hamilton, Negoneura for Genoneura Dlabola, Ruana for Urana Coelho & Nessimian (subgenus of Gypona), Samaakia for Masaakia Thapa, Thalokia for Lokia Thapa, Thapania for Damania Thapa, Therandia for Sandia Theron, and Varpulana for Parvulana DeLong & Freytag (subgenus of Polana). The new generic names circumscribe 107 valid species, all of which, except the 22 in the preoccupied scarine subgenera, are here proposed in new combinations. One such change involves a known vector of phytopathogens, the sandal leafhopper (now Olidiana indica). The spellings of Humpatagallia Linnavuori & Viraktamath (Agalliinae) and Limassolla Dlabola (Typhlocybinae) are fixed as correct.