Location: Natural Resources and Sustainable Agricultural Systems
Project Number: 0202-11000-001-049-G
Project Type: Grant
Start Date: Jun 28, 2023
End Date: Jun 27, 2024
The goals are to (1) define sustainable agriculture; (2) document economic benefits of technologies that contribute to agriculture in increasing productivity; (3) encourage integrations, transfer, and adopted environmental and economical sustainable technologies between regions; (4) drive continued interest and funding for research of technologies that can increase agricultural productivity; (5) document the benefits of technology adoption to improve agricultural productivity in a sustainable way; (6) encourage implementation and use of science-based regulation to support advancement of agricultural technology adoption; and (7) serve as a motivational recruiting tool to attract students to agricultural science education.
Funding will assist as follows (1) to allow CAST to continue its important work of assembling teams of scientists to produce timely publications on topics of importance to agriculture; (2) to facilitate the communication of that information in the form of issue papers and commentaries; and (3) to distribute that information to a wide audience that includes personnel in federal agencies, members of Congress and their staffs, nongovernmental organizations, professional scientific societies, ag-related corporations and companies throughout the United States, members of the media, and the general public.
CAST publications are made available through the CAST website (www.cast-science.org) to a wide audience: personal and sustaining CAST members (2,500+ members), government agencies and policymakers (e.g., USDA, White House – Office of Science and Technology Policy, FDA, EPR), Congressional committees and staff, and the general public. In addition, notification of publications is provided to the media. Copies will be available upon request free of charge to CAST members, government personnel, and the media.
Upon release of each publication, CAST will hold several briefings with selected federal agencies, Congressional staff, nongovernmental organizations, professional societies, and the media. Copies of the publications will be distributed at all meetings. CAST administrators and task force personnel will give these presentations. CAST authors are highly regarded and are often invited to provide congressional testimony and to present their information in a variety of venues.