Sam Grinstead
Molecular Plant Pathology Laboratory
Molecular Biologist
Phone: (301) 504-0769
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First report of novel Medicago trirhavirus 1 infecting alfalfa in Washington State, USA
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Nemchinov, L.G., Irish, B.M., Grinstead, S.C. 2024. First report of novel Medicago trirhavirus 1 infecting alfalfa in Washington State, USA. Plant Disease.
First report of nectarine virus M in grapefruit (Citrus x paradisi Macfad.) in association with citrus chlorotic blotch disease in Texas, USA
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Roy, A., Ouro-Djobo, A., Grinstead, S.C., Hammond, J., Setamou, M., Alabi, O.J. 2024. First report of nectarine virus M in grapefruit (Citrus x paradisi Macfad.) in association with citrus chlorotic blotch disease in Texas, USA. Plant Disease.
Complete genome of Vaccinium-associated virus C, a new virus in the family Totiviridae sequenced from Vaccinium floribundum
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Alvarez-Quinto, R., Grinstead, S.C., Kinard, G.R., Martin, R., Mollov, D.S. 2024. Complete genome of Vaccinium-associated virus C, a new virus in the family Totiviridae sequenced from Vaccinium floribundum. Archives of Virology.
Complete genome sequence of alfalfa-associated picorna-like virus 2
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Nemchinov, L.G., Grinstead, S.C. 2024. Complete genome sequence of alfalfa-associated picorna-like virus 2. Microbiology Resource Announcements. 13. Article e01052-23.
Meta-transcriptomic analysis uncovers the presence of four novel viruses and multiple known virus genera in a single Hibiscus rosa-sinensis plant in Colombia
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Roy, A., Grinstead, S.C., Leon, G.M., Juan Carlos, C.P., Nunziata, S., Padmanabhan, C., Hammond, J. 2024. Meta-transcriptomic analysis uncovers the presence of four novel viruses and multiple known virus genera in a single Hibiscus rosa-sinensis plant in Colombia. Viruses. 16:267.
Complete sequence and genome characterization of Miscanthus virus M, a new betaflexivirus from Miscanthus sp
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Abrahamian, P., Grinstead, S.C., Kinard, G.R., Goenaga, R.J., Rott, P., Mollov, D.S. 2024. Complete sequence and genome characterization of Miscanthus virus M, a new betaflexivirus from Miscanthus sp. Archives of Virology.
First report of Hibiscus soymovirus in Hibiscus rosa-sinensis in Colombia in mixed infection
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Roy, A., Grinstead, S.C., Juan Carlos, C.P., Hammond, J., Leon, G.M. 2024. First report of Hibiscus soymovirus in Hibiscus rosa-sinensis in Colombia in mixed infection. Plant Disease. 108:826.
Alfalfa vein mottling virus, a novel potyvirid infecting Medicago sativa L
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Nemchinov, L.G., Postnikova, O.A., Wintermantel, W.M., Palumbo, J.C., Grinstead, S.C. 2023. Alfalfa vein mottling virus, a novel potyvirid infecting Medicago sativa L. Virology Journal. 20:284.
Genomic characterization of a new mitovirus associated with walking iris (Trimezia northiana)
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Alvarez-Quinto, R., Grinstead, S.C., Jones, R.W., Mollov, D.S. 2023. Genomic characterization of a new mitovirus associated with walking iris (Trimezia northiana). Archives of Virology. 168:273.
Composition of the alfalfa pathobiome in commercial fields
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Nemchinov, L.G., Irish, B.M., Uschapovsky, I.V., Grinstead, S.C., Shao, J.Y., Postnikova, O.A. 2023. Composition of the alfalfa pathobiome in commercial fields. Frontiers in Microbiology. 14: Article e1225781.
Evidence that an unnamed isometric virus associated with potato rugose disease in Peru Is a new species of genus Torradovirus
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Alvarez-Quinto, R., Amao, M., Muller, G., Fuentes, S., Grinstead, S.C., Fuentes-Bueno, I., Roenhorst, A., Westenberg, M., Botermans, M., Kreuze, J., Mollov, D.S. 2023. Evidence that an unnamed isometric virus associated with potato rugose disease in Peru Is a new species of genus Torradoviru. Phytopathology. 113(9):1943-7684.
Targeting the highly conserved 3' untranslated region of Iris Severe Mosaic Virus for sensitive monitoring of the disease prevalanece in Iris production
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Grunwald, D., Stroschein, S., Grinstead, S.C., Mollov, D.S., Rioux, R., Rakotondafara, A. 2023. Targeting the highly conserved 3' untranslated region of Iris Severe Mosaic Virus for sensitive monitoring of the disease prevalanece in Iris production. Plant Disease.
Characterization of the seed virome of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L)
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Nemchinov, L.G., Irish, B.M., Grinstead, S.C., Postnikova, O.A. 2023. Characterization of the seed virome of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L). Virology Journal. 20. Article 96.
Genetic Diversity, Evolution, and Diagnosis of Sugarcane Yellow Leaf Virus from 19 Sugarcane-Producing Locations
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Rott, P., Grinstead, S.C., Dallot, S., Foster, Z.S., Daugrois, J., Fernandez, E., Kaye, C., Hendrickson, L., Hu, X., Adhikari, B.N., Malapi-Wight, M., Grunwald, N.J., Roumagnac, P., Mollov, D.S. 2023. Genetic Diversity, Evolution, and Diagnosis of Sugarcane Yellow Leaf Virus from 19 Sugarcane-Producing Locations. Plant Disease.
Papaya ‘sticky’ disease caused by virus ‘couples’: a challenge for disease detection and management
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Quito-Avila, D., Reyes-Proaño, E., Cañada, G., Cornejo-Franco, F., Alvarez-Quinto, R., Moreira, L., Grinstead, S.C., Mollov, D.S., Karasev, A. 2023. Papaya ‘sticky’ disease caused by virus ‘couples’: a challenge for disease detection and management. Plant Disease. 107(6):1649-1663.
Genome characterisation of two complete coding sequences of tomato mild mottle virus from tree tomato and their distribution in Kenya
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Kinoga, M., Kuria, P., Miano, D., Kiambi, R., Mollov, D.S., Grinstead, S.C., Wasilwa, L. 2022. Genome characterisation of two complete coding sequences of tomato mild mottle virus from tree tomato and their distribution in Kenya. Journal of Plant Pathology. n/a.
Sugarcane mild mosaic virus: the rediscovery of an identified but unrecognized virus
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Mollov, D.S., Filloux, D., Grinstead, S.C., Bolus, S.J., Claude, L., Fernandez, E., Julian, C., Candresse, T., Lockhart, B., Roumagnac, P., Rott, P., Daugrois, J. 2022. Sugarcane mild mosaic virus: the rediscovery of an identified but unrecognized virus. Plant Pathology. Volume 72, Issue 2 Pages 312-321.
Complete genome sequence of a moroccan isolate of cereal chlorotic mottle virus
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Alvarez-Quinto, R., Lockhart, B., Serrano, J., Grinstead, S.C., Mollov, D.S. 2022. Complete genome sequence of a moroccan isolate of cereal chlorotic mottle virus. Archives of Virology.
Complete sequence and genome characterization of a new potexvirus isolated from chaenostoma cordatum
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Doski, S., Bolus, S.J., Grinstead, S.C., Juszczak, S., Groth-Helms, D., Mollov, D.S. 2022. Complete sequence and genome characterization of a new potexvirus isolated from chaenostoma cordatum. Archives of Virology.
Diversity of the virome associated with alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) in the U.S. Pacific Northwest
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Nemchinov, L.G., Irish, B.M., Grinstead, S.C., Shao, J.Y., Vieira, P. 2022. Diversity of the virome associated with alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) in the U.S. Pacific Northwest. Scientific Reports. 12:8726.
Genomic characterization of a new torradovirus from common fleabane (Erigeron annuus)
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Alvarez-Quinto, R., Grinstead, S.C., Bolus, S.J., Daughtrey, M., Hammond, J., Wintermantel, W.M., Mollov, D.S. 2022. Genomic characterization of a new torradovirus from common fleabane (Erigeron annuus). Archives of Virology.
Genome characterization and complete sequence of a new badnavirus from pandanus amaryllifolius
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Alvarez-Quinto, R., Grinstead, S.C., Rott, P., Mollov, D.S. 2022. Genome characterization and complete sequence of a new badnavirus from pandanus amaryllifolius. Archives of Virology.
Complete genome sequence of two isolates of spiraea yellow leafspot virus (genus: badnavirus) from spiraea x bumalda 'Anthony Waterer'
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Alvarez-Quinto, R., Serrano, J., Olszewski, N., Grinstead, S.C., Mollov, D.S., Lockhart, B. 2022. Complete genome sequence of two isolates of spiraea yellow leafspot virus (genus: badnavirus) from spiraea x bumalda 'Anthony Waterer'. Archives of Virology.
First report of barley virus G infecting corn in Greece
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Gavrili, V., Lotos, L., Mollov, D.S., Grinstead, S.C., Tsialtas, I., Katis, N., Maliogka, V. 2021. First report of barley virus G infecting corn in Greece. Plant Disease.
Completion of Maize Stripe Virus genome sequence and analysis of diverse isolates across two continents
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Bolus, S.J., Braithwaite, K., Grinstead, S.C., Fuentes-Bueno, I., Beiriger, R., Falk, B., Mollov, D.S. 2021. Completion of Maize Stripe Virus genome sequence and analysis of diverse isolates across two continents. Frontiers in Microbiology.
Transcription factors in alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.): genome-wide identification and a web resource center AlfalfaTFDB
- (Book / Chapter)
Nemchinov L.G., Shao J., Grinstead S., Postnikova O.A. (2021) Transcription Factors in Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.): Genome-Wide Identification and a Web Resource Center AlfalfaTFDB. In: Yu LX., Kole C. (eds) The Alfalfa Genome. Compendium of Plant Genomes. Springer, Cham.
Characterization of a mild isolate of papaya ringspot virus type-P (PRSV-P) and assessment of its cross-protection potential
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Medina-Salguero, A., Comejo-Franco, J., Grinstead, S.C., Mowery, J.D., Mollov, D.S., Quito-Avila, D. 2021. Characterization of a mild isolate of papaya ringspot virus type-P (PRSV-P) and assessment of its cross-protection potential. Plant Disease.
First complete genome sequence of carnation latent virus, the type member of the genue Carlavirus
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Jordan, R.L., Korolev, E., Grinstead, S.C., Mollov, D.S. 2021. First complete genome sequence of carnation latent virus, the type member of the genue Carlavirus. Archives of Virology. 166:1501-1505.
A mixed infection of helenium virus S with two distinct isolates of butterbur mosaic virus, one of which has a major deletion in an essential gene
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Hammond, J., Reinsel, M.D., Grinstead, S.C., Lockhart, B., Jordan, R.L., Mollov, D.S. 2020. A mixed infection of helenium virus S with two distinct isolates of butterbur mosaic virus, one of which has a major deletion in an essential gene. Frontiers in Microbiology.
Rose virus R, a cytorhabdovirus infecting rose
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Bolus, S.J., Al Rwanhnih, M., Grinstead, S.C., Mollov, D.S. 2021. Rose virus R, a cytorhabdovirus infecting rose. Archives of Virology.
New virus from the family Tombusviridae infecting sugarcane
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Tahir, M.N., Bolus, S.J., Grinstead, S.C., Mcfarlane, S., Mollov, D.S. 2021. New virus from the family Tombusviridae infecting sugarcane. Archives of Virology.
Identification and characterization of Miscanthus yellow fleck virus, a new polerovirus infecting Miscanthus sinensis
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Bolus, S.J., Malapi-Wight, M., Grinstead, S.C., Fuentes-Bueno, I., Hendrickson, L., Hammond, R., Mollov, D.S. 2020. Identification and characterization of Miscanthus yellow fleck virus, a new polerovirus infecting Miscanthus sinensis. PLoS ONE.
Screening for sugarcane yellow leaf virus in sorghum in Florida revealed its occurrence in mixed infections with sugarcane mosaic virus and a new marafivirus
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Boukari, W., Mollov, D.S., Wei, C., Tang, L., Grinstead, S.C., Tahir, N., Mulandesa, E., Hincappie, M., Beiriger, R., Rott, P. 2020. Screening for sugarcane yellow leaf virus in sorghum in Florida revealed its occurrence in mixed infections with sugarcane mosaic virus and a new marafivirus. Plant Pathology.
Identification of complete genome sequencing of alfalfa virus S diagnosed in alfalfa plants (Medicago sativa L.) from Washington State, USA
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Nemchinov, L.G., Grinstead, S.C., Irish, B.M., Shao, J.Y. 2020. Identification of complete genome sequencing of alfalfa virus S diagnosed in alfalfa plants (Medicago sativa L.) from Washington State, USA. Plant Disease.
Identification of a novel isolate of Alfalfa virus S from China suggests a possible role of seed contamination in the distribution of the virus
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Nemchinov, L.G., Mollov, D.S., Grinstead, S.C. 2020. Identification of a novel isolate of Alfalfa virus S from China suggests a possible role of seed contamination in the distribution of the virus. Plant Disease.
Exploring the virome of Vasconcellea x heilbornii: the first step towards a sustainable production program for babaco in Ecuador
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Cornejo-Franco, J., Flores, F., Chica, E., Grinstead, S.C., Mollov, D.S., Quito-Avila, D. 2020. Exploring the virome of Vasconcellea x heilbornii: the first step towards a sustainable production program for babaco in Ecuador. European Journal of Plant Pathology.
High throughput sequencing, a routine tool for sugarcane virus detection
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Mollov, D.S., Grinstead, S.C., Fuentes-Bueno, I., Malapi-Wight, M. 2020. High throughput sequencing, a routine tool for sugarcane virus detection. American Society of Sugar Cane Technologists. Vol 83:1, page 20.
Biological properties and genomic sequence of an isolate of Cherry rasp leaf virus from tomato
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Bratsch, S., Grinstead, S.C., Lockhart, B., Mollov, D.S. 2020. Biological properties and genomic sequence of an isolate of Cherry rasp leaf virus from tomato. Journal of Plant Pathology.
Ramu stunt virus: genomic diversity across Papua New Guinea
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Braithwaite, K., Ngo, C., Grinstead, S.C., Mollov, D.S. 2019. Ramu stunt virus: genomic diversity across Papua New Guinea. Proceedings of the International Society of Sugarcane Technologists. 30:948-952.
Characterization of a new cytorhabdovirus discovered in papaya (Carica papaya) plantings of Ecuador and its relationship with a bean-infecting strain from Brazil
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Medina-Salguero, A., Cornejo-Franco, J., Grinstead, S.C., Mollov, D.S., Mowery, J.D., Flores, F., Quito-Avila, D. 2019. Characterization of a new cytorhabdovirus discovered in papaya (Carica papaya) plantings of Ecuador and its relationship with a bean-infecting strain from Brazil. PLoS One.
New Emaravirus identified in spicebush (Lindera benzoin)
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Molecular characterization and detection of two novel carlaviruses infecting cactus
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Peng, L., Wu, L., Grinstead, S.C., Kinard, G.R., Li, R. 2019. Molecular characterization and detection of two novel carlaviruses infecting cactus. Archives of Virology.
A new tymovirus isolated from Solanum quitoense: characterization and prevalence in two solanaceous crops in Ecuador
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Cornejo-France, J., Alvarez-Quito, R., Grinstead, S.C., Mollov, D.S., Karasev, A., Ochoa, J., Quito-Avila, D. 2019. A new tymovirus isolated from Solanum quitoense: characterization and prevalence in two solanaceous crops in Ecuador. Plant Disease.
Characterization of Tomato necrotic spot virus, a subgroup 1 ilarvirus causing necrotic foliar, stem, and fruit symptoms in tomatoes in the United States
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Bratsch, S., Grinstead, S.C., Creswell, T., Ruhl, G., Mollov, D.S. 2019. Characterization of Tomato necrotic spot virus, a subgroup 1 ilarvirus causing necrotic foliar, stem, and fruit symptoms in tomatoes in the United States. Plant Disease.
Using high throughput sequencing in plant virus diagnostics
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Sugarcane streak mosaic virus detected in Louisiana
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Mollov, D.S., Grinstead, S.C., Hale, A.L., Malapi-Wight, M., Grisham, M.P. 2018. Sugarcane streak mosaic virus detected in Louisiana. Sugar Journal. 81:19.
First report of Beet western yellows virus infecting Epiphyllum spp
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Eicholtz, M.I., Grinstead, S.C., Wu, L., Kinard, G.R., Li, R. 2017. First report of Beet western yellows virus infecting Epiphyllum spp. Plant Disease.
A first report and complete genome sequence of alfalfa enamovirus from Sudan
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Nemchinov, L.G., Grinstead, S.C., Mollov, D.S. 2017. A first report and complete genome sequence of alfalfa enamovirus from Sudan. Genome Announcements. e00531-17. doi: 10.1128/genomeA.00531-17.
Alfalfa virus S, a new species in the family Alphaflexiviridae
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Nemchinov, L.G., Grinstead, S.C., Mollov, D.S. 2017. Alfalfa virus S, a new species in the family Alhapflexiviridae. PLoS One. 12(5):e0178222.
Identification and genome characterization of a new virus infecting the weed Sorghum almum in Florida
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Mollov, D.S., Grinstead, S.C., Tahir, M., Rott, P. 2017. Identification and genome characterization of a new virus infecting the weed Sorghum almum in Florida. Sugar Journal. 80:16.
A new virus from the family Tombusviridae infecting sugarcane
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Tahir, N., Grinstead, S.C., Mollov, D.S. 2017. A new virus from the family Tombusviridae infecting sugarcane. Phytopathology. S5:98.
Complete nucleotide sequence and genome organization of a novel allexivirus from alfalfa (Medicago sativa)
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Characterization and complete genome sequence of a previously uncharacterized panicovirus from Bermuda grass detected by high throughput sequencing
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Tahir, M., Lockhart, B., Grinstead, S.C., Mollov, D.S. 2017. Characterization and complete genome sequence of a previously uncharacterized panicovirus from Bermuda grass detected by high throughput sequencing. Archives of Virology. 162(4):1099-1102.
Next generation sequencing technology: a powerful tool for the genome characterization of sugarcane mosaic virus from Sorghum almum
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Mollov, D.S., Grinstead, S.C., Tahir, M.N., Kaye, C., Wei, C., Rott, P. 2016. Next generation sequencing technology: a powerful tool for the genome characterization of sugarcane mosaic virus from Sorghum almum. Sugar Journal. P. 13.
Nucleotide sequence and genome organization of a novel Panicovirus from Bermuda grass
- (Abstract Only)
Tahir, M., Lockhart, B., Grinstead, S.C., Mollov, D.S. 2016. Nucleotide sequence and genome organization of a novel Panicovirus from Bermuda grass. Phytopathology. 106:S4.107.