EMFSL Project Teams (Five Projects)
Research Scientists
° Research Support Staff (Support Scientists, Laboratory Technicians)
* Temporary Staff (Postdoctoral Researchers, Visiting Scientists, Graduate Students)
Yakov Pachepsky
° Billie Morgan
* Jaclyn Smith
* Matthew Stocker
Manan Sharma
° Cheryl East
* Autumn Kraft
Produce Contamination:
Intervention Strategies to Mitigate the Food Safety Risks Associated with the Fresh Produce Supply Chain
φ also with the Food Quality Laboratory
ψ also with the Sustainable Agricultural Systems Laboratory
Yaguang (Sunny) Luo φ
° Ellen Turner φ
* Ganyu Gu
Patricia A. Millner ψ
° Emily Quach
Xiangwu Nou
Jitendra (Jitu) Patel
Xianghe Yan
Sensing Technologies for Food Safety:
Advancement of Sensing Technologies for Food Safety and Security Applications
Moon S. Kim
Insuck Baek
Kuanglin (Kevin) Chao
Jianwei (Tony) Qin
° Diane Chan
* Chansong Hwang
* Lalit Kandpal
* Hyun Jung Min
* Feifei Tao