Action Plans |
Water Availability and Watershed Management Action Plan 2021-2025
The ARS Water Availability and Watershed Management National Program (NP211) addresses the highest priorities for agricultural water management: Effective water management; erosion, sedimentation, and water quality protection; the processes, implementation, and impacts of conservation practices in agricultural watersheds; and watershed management to improve ecosystem services. Research will also be conducted to determine the transport and fate of potential contaminants (sediments, nutrients, pesticides, pathogens, pharmaceutically active compounds, other organic compounds, salts, and trace elements) as well as to assess our capabilities to conserve and reuse waters in both urban and agricultural landscapes and watersheds. The overall goal is to provide solutions to problems in the utilization of the Nation's water resources.
2021-2025 Action Plan full text (pdf)
2016-2020 Action Plan (pdf)