Research Molecular Biologist
Phone: (309) 681-6520
Fax: (309) 681-6672
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1815 N University St.
Peoria IL 61604
Guixia Hao is a Research molecular biologist with USDA/ARS in Peoria. After receiving her B.S. from Shandong Normal University and Ph. D from Beijing Forest University in China, she conducted postdoctoral research at Cornell University and USDA/ARS at Ft Pierce, FL. At Cornell University, she worked on characterization of the genes in Agrobacterium vitis associated with grape necrosis and tobacco hypersensitive response. With USDA/ARS at Ft. Pierce, she conducted research on characterization of virulence factors of the Huanglongbing (HLB) pathogen ‘Candidaus Liberibacter asiaticus’ (Las) and production of transgenic citrus resistant to HLB and canker disease. Currently, she works with a group of scientists at NCAUR on the project “Novel methods for controlling trichothecene contamination of grain and improving the climate resilience of food safety and security programs”. Her researches are primarily focused on characterization of the genes that affect Fusarium head blight pathogenesis and mycotoxin production to enhance food safety and crop production. Various approaches such as genetics, functional genomics, mutagenesis, RNAi, transient and transgenic gene expression are applied to study gene functions and develop novel methods for reducing disease and mycotoxin contamination.
Click to Access my Publications
Improving Food Safety by Controlling Mycotoxin Contamination and Enhancing Climate Resilience of Wheat and Barley In-House Appropriated (D) Accession Number:438642 Explore Novel RNA Strategies Using Fungal Endophyte to Control Mycotoxin Contamination of Corn Trust Fund Cooperative Agreement (T) Accession Number:441379
Rhoades, N.A., McCormick, S.P., Vaughan, M.M., Hao, G. 2024. The emerging Fusarium graminearum NA3 population produces high levels of mycotoxins in wheat and barley. Toxins.
Hao, G., Proctor, R.H., Brown, D.W., Rhoades, N.A., Naumann, T.A., Kim, H.-S., Gutierrez, S., McCormick, S.P. 2024. TRI14 is critical for Fusarium graminearum infection and spread in wheat. Applied Microbiology.
Yulfo-Soto, G., McCormick, S., Hui, C., Bai, G., Trick, H.N., Hao, G. 2024. Reduction of Fusarium head blight and trichothecene contamination in transgenic wheat expressing Fusarium graminearum trichothecene 3-O-acetyltransferase. Frontiers in Plant Science.
Hao, G., Rhoades, N.A., McCormick, S. 2023. Chitin and laminarin additively trigger wheat reactive oxygen species but not resistance to Fusarium head blight. Plant Direct. 7(10). Article e538.
Hao, G., Naumann, T.A., Chen, H., Bai, G., McCormick, S., Kim, H.-S., Tian, B., Trick, H.N., Naldrett, M.J., Proctor, R. 2023. Fusarium graminearum effector FgNls1 targets plant nuclei to induce wheat head blight. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions.
Laraba, I., Ward, T.J., Cuperlovic-Culf, M., Azimi, H., Xi, P., McCormick, S.P., Hay, W.T., Hao, G., Vaughan, M.M. 2023. Insights into the aggressiveness of the emerging North American population 3 (NA3) of Fusarium graminearum. Plant Disease.
Hao, G., McCormick, S., Tiley, H., Gutierrez, S., Yulfo-Soto, G., Vaughan, M.M., Ward, T.J. 2023. NX trichothecenes are required for Fusarium graminearum infection of wheat. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions. 36(5):294-304.
Proctor, R.H., Hao, G., Kim, H.-S., Whitaker, B.K., Laraba, I., Vaughan, M.M., McCormick, S.P. 2022. A novel trichothecene toxin phenotype associated with horizontal gene transfer and a change in gene function in Fusarium. Toxins. 15(1). Article 12.
Naumann, T.A., Hao, G., Dowd, P.F., Johnson, E.T., Naldrett, M.J., Price, N.P.J. 2022. Discovery of a secreted Verticillium dahliae protease that cleaves cotton CRR1 and induces plant cell death. Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology. 123. Article 101941.
Beccari, G., Hao, G., Huiquan, L. 2022. Editorial: Fusarium pathogenesis: Infection mechanisms and disease progression in host plants. Frontiers in Plant Science. 13: Article 1020404.
Chen, H., Su, Z., Tian, B., Hao, G., Trick, H., Bai, G. 2022. TaHRC suppresses the calcium-mediated immune response and triggers wheat Fusarium head blight susceptibility. Plant Physiology. 190(3):1566-1569.
Naumann, T.A., Sollenberger, K.G., Hao, G. 2022. Production of selenomethionine labeled polyglycine hydrolases in Pichia pastoris. Protein Expression and Purification. 194. Article 106076.
Hao, G., Tiley, H., McCormick, S. 2022. Chitin triggers tissue-specific immunity in wheat associated with Fusarium head blight. Frontiers in Plant Science. 13. Article 832502.
Hao, G., McCormick, S., Tiley, H., Usgaard, T. 2021. Detoxification and excretion of trichothecenes in transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana expressing Fusarium graminearum trichothecene 3-O-acetyltransferase. Toxins. 13(5).
Hao, G., Usgaard, T.R., Tiley, H.C., McCormick, S.P., Vaughan, M.M., Ward, T.J. 2021. Trichothecene NX-3 is required for Fusarium graminearum initial infection and disease spread [abstract].
Hao, G., McCormick, S., Vaughan, M. 2021. Effects of double-stranded RNAs targeting Fusarium graminearum TRI6 on Fusarium head blight and mycotoxins. Phytopathology.
Hao, G., Naumann, T.A., Chen, H., Bai, G., Tiley, H.C., McCormick, S.P., Tian, B., Trick, H.N., Kim, H.-S., Proctor, R. 2021. Host-induced silencing of a Fusarium graminearum effector enhances wheat resistance to Fusarium Head Blight. [abstract].
Taylor, L., Gutierrez, S., McCormick, S.P., Bakker, M.G., Proctor, R.H., Teresi, J., Kurtzman, B., Hao, G., Vaughan, M.M. 2021. Use of the volatile trichodiene to reduce Fusarium head blight and trichothecene contamination in wheat. Microbial Biotechnology.
Hao, G., McCormick, S., Usgaard, T., Tiley, H., Vaughan, M.M. 2020. Characterization of three Fusarium graminearum effectors and their roles during Fusarium head blight. Frontiers in Plant Science. 11. Article 579553.
Hao, G., Tiley, H.C., Usgaard, T.R., McCormick, S.P. 2020. Chitin-triggered immunity in wheat and barley and its role during Fusarium head blight [abstract].
Kim, H.-S., McCormick, S.P., Busman, M., Hao, G., Lohmar, J.M., Vaughan, M.M., Brown, D.W., Proctor, R. 2020. Comparative genomic, transcriptomic and functional analyses provide new insights into diversity, distribution and evolution of natural products produced by the agriculturally important fungal genus Fusarium. American Chemical Society Abstracts. [abstract].
Hao, G., McCormick, S.P., Usgaard, T.R., Tiley, H.C. 2020. Fusarium graminearum effectors suppress plant immunity and play a quantitative role during infection. [abstract].
Proctor, R., Kim, H.-K., Laraba, I., Hao, G., Vaughan, M.M., Naumann, T.A., Brown, D.W., Ward, T.J., O'Donnell, K., Busman, M., McCormick, S.P. 2020. Evolution of secondary metabolite diversity in fungi [abstract].
Hao, G., Bakker, M.G., Kim, H.-S. 2020. Enhanced resistance to Fusarium graminearum in transgenic Arabidopsis plants expressing a modified plant thionin. Phytopathology. 110(5):1056-1066.
Hao, G., McCormick, S.P., Naumann, T.A., Kim, H.-S., Proctor, R. 2019. The effector FgNls1 is required for full virulence of Fusarium graminearum [abstract].
Brown, D.W., Villani, A., Susca, A., Moretti,A., Hao, G., Kim, H.-S., Proctor, R.H., McCormick, S.P., 2019. Gain and loss of a transcription factor that regulates late trichothecene biosynthetic pathway genes in Fusarium. Fungal Genetics and Biology. 136:103317.
Wipfler, R., McCormick, S.P., Proctor, R., Teresi, J., Hao, G., Ward, T., Alexander, N., Vaughan, M.M. 2019. Synergistic phytotoxic effects of culmorin and trichothecene mycotoxins. Toxins. 11(10):555.
Hao, G., Bakker, M.G., Kim, H.-S. 2019. Transgenic Arabidopsis expressing a modified plant thionin enhanced resistance to Fusarium graminearum [abstract].
Hao, G., Ammar, D., Duan, Y., Stover, E.W. 2019. The 'Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus' effector LasP235 targeting the citrus chloroplast induces Huanglongbing-like symptoms in transgenic citrus. AGRI GENE. 12:100085.
Hao, G., Kim, H., Proctor, R., McCormick, S.P. 2019. Fusarium graminearum effector targeting plant nucleus is associated with wheat head blight [abstract].
Hao, G., Vaughan, M.M., McCormick, S.P. 2019. Fusarium graminearum effectors suppress plant immunity [abstract].
Hao, G., McCormick, S., Vaughan, M.M., Naumann, T.A, Kim, H.-S., Proctor, R., Kelly, A., Ward, T.J. 2019. Fusarium graminearum arabinanase (Arb93B) enhances wheat head blight susceptibility by suppressing plant immunity. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions.
Stover, E.W., Driggers, R.E., Krystel, J.A., Hao, G., Hall, D.G., Gupta, G., Hartung, J.S., Baldwin, E.A., Bai, J., Plotto, A., Manthey, J.A. 2019. USDA efforts to develop resistance and tolerance to huanglongbing in citrus scions[abstract]. International Research Conference on Huanglongbing, March 12-15, 2019, Riverside, California.
Hao, G., Naumann, T.A., Vaughan, M.M., McCormick, S.P., Usgaard, T., Kelly, A., Ward, T.J. 2019. Characterization of a Fusarium graminearum salicylate hydroxylase. Frontiers in Microbiology.
McConnell, K., McCormick, S.P., Hao, G., Bakker, M.G., Vaughan, M.M. 2018. Effects of elevated CO2 and warmer temperature on wheat and corn susceptibility to Fusarium graminearum and deoxynivalenol contamination [abstract].
Proctor, R., Kim, H., Villani, A., Hao, G., Bakker, M.G., Brown, D.W., Vaughan, M.M., Busman, M., O'Donnell, K., Moretti, A., Susca, A., Ward, T.J., Gutierrez, S., McCormick, S.P. 2018. Distribution and evolution of genes responsible for biosynthesis of mycotoxins in Fusarium. Meeting Abstract [abstract].
Hao, G., Zhang, S., Stover, E.W. 2017. Transgenic expression of antimicrobial peptide D2A21 confers resistance to diseases incited by Pseudomonas syringae pv. tabaci and Xanthomonas citri, but not Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus. PLoS One. 12(10):e0186810.
Hao, G., Stover, E.W., Gupta, G.X. 2016. Overexpression of a modified plant thionin enhances disease resistance to citrus canker and huanglongbing (HLB, citrus greening)[abstract]. American Phytopathologcal Annual Meeting, July 30- August 3, 2016, Tampa, Florida.
Hao, G., Stover, E.W., Gupta, G. 2016. Overexpression of a modified plant thionin enhances disease resistance to citrus canker and Huanglongbing (HLB). Frontiers in Plant Science. doi:10.3389/fpls.2016.01078.
Belknap, W.R., Thomson, J.G., Thilmony, R.L., McCue, K.F., Hao, G., Stover, E.W. 2017. Small cyclic amphipathic peptides (SCAmpPs) genes in citrus provide promising tools for more effective tissue specific transgenic expression. Acta Horticulturae. 1172:85-90.
Hao, G., Pitino, M., Ammar, E., Duan, Y., Stover, E.W. 2016. Transgenic Carrizo expressing 'Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus' effector P235 displays huanglongbing-like symptom and alters some gene expression [abstract]. American Phytopathological Society Abstracts, July 30 - August 1, 2016, Tampa, Florida.
Hao, G., Pitino, M., Duan, Y., Stover, E. 2016. Reduced susceptibility to Xanthomonas citri in transgenic citrus expressing the FLS2 receptor from Nicotiana benthamiana. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions. 29:132-142.
Hao, G., Gupta, G., Duan, Y., Stover, E.W. 2015. Production of transgenic citrus resistant to citrus canker and Huanglongbing diseases. J Cit Pathol. 2(1):16. iocv_journalcitruspathology_30222.
Hao, G., Pitino, M., Ding, F., Lin, H., Stover, E.W., Duan, Y. 2014. Induction of innate immune responses by flagellin from the intracellular bacterium, ‘Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum’. Biomed Central (BMC) Plant Biology. 14:211.
Hao, G., Boyle, M., Zhou, L., Duan, Y. 2013. The intracellular citrus huanglongbing bacterium, ‘Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus’ encodes two novel autotransporters. PLoS ONE 8(7):e68921. doi:10.1371/journal/pone.0068921.
Duan, Y., Zhou, L., Zhang, M., Benyon, L.S., Armstrong, C.M., Hoffman, M., Hao, G., Zou, H., Doud, M.S., Fang, D., Morgan, J.K. 2013. Progress on dissecting and controlling the citrus huanglongbing complex. 2013 International Research Conference on Huanglongbing, February 4 - 7, 2013, Orlando, Florida.