How to Interseed Alfalfa Into Corn Silage and the Environment and Economic Benefits of This Practice (World Dairy Expo Recording)
Dr. Mark Renz
Professor and Extension Specialist
UW-Madison, Madison, WI
Producing High Quality Forage: Four Hands Holsteins (World Dairy Expo Recording)
Rick and Gwen Dado
Dairy producers – Amery, WI
Corn Silage Production: The Key to Unlocking Your Farm's Potential (World Dairy Expo Recording)
Dr. Joe Lauer
UW-Madison, Madison, WI
Linking Forage Qualify Measures to Economic Value (World Dairy Expo Recording)
Dr. Bill Weiss
Emeritus Professor
The Ohio State University, OARDC, Columbus, OH
Grazing Systems Can Be A Win-Win Solutions for the Modern-Day Dairy (World Dairy Expo Recording)
Dr. David Jaramillo
Research Animal Scientist
U.S. Dairy Forage Research Center, Marshfield, WI
What's In A Name? Dual-Purpose Crops for Conservation and Forage (World Dairy Expo Recording)
Dr. Jose Franco
Research Agronomist
U.S. Dairy Forage Research Center, Madison, WI
Pre- and Post Harvesting Practices to Maximize Corn Silage Production and Utilization (World Dairy Expo Recording)
Dr. Gonzalo Ferreira
Associate Professor & Extension Dairy Scientist
Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA
Here's How We Produce Top-Quality Baleage (World Dairy Expo Recording)
Kendall Guither
Dairy producers – Guither Farms, Walnut, IL
Balancing Alfalfa and Corn Silage in High Producing Dairy Rations (World Dairy Expo Recording)
Dr. Rick Grant
William H. Miner Agricultural Research Institute, Chazy, NY
Optimal Fertilizer Management During and After Alfalfa Stands (World Dairy Expo Recording)
Dr. Matt Yost
Associate Professor, Agroclimate Extension Specialist
Utah State University, Logan, UT
Feeding Grass, Alternate Species, and Cover Crops for Higher Production (World Dairy Expo Recording)
Dr. Matt Akins
Science & Extension Dairy Specialist
UW Madison Department of Animal Dairy Science, Marshfield, WI
Agronomic Management of Annual Alternative Forage Crops/Mixes (World Dairy Expo Recording)
Kevin Jarek
Outagamie County - Crops & Soils Agent
UW-Madison Division of Extension, Appleton, WI
Keeping the Rumen Healthy: A New Approach to Working with Fiber in Rations (PDF) (World Dairy Expo Recording)
Dr. Mary Beth Hall
Research Animal Scientist
U.S. Dairy Forage Research Center, Madison, WI
Forage Production and Quality at Sand Creek Dairy (PDF) (World Dairy Expo Recording)
Luke and Ethan Haywood
Dairy producers – Hastings, MI
Considerations for Using Warm-Season Annuals as Part of Your Forage System (PDF) (World Dairy Expo Recording)
Dr. John K. Bernard
Professor Emeritus
University of Georgia, Tifton, GA.
LEAF (Leaves Enhance Alfalfa Forage) Testing Provides Opportunities for Improving Alfalfa Quality (World Dairy Expo Recording)
Dr. David C. Weakly
Director, Dairy Forage Nutrition Research
Forage Genetics, West Salem, WI
Forage Storage: Life after Harvest (PDF) (World Dairy Expo Recording)
Dr. Michelle Chang-Der Bedrosian
Forage Products and Dairy Technical Services
Vita Plus – Madison, WI
How Do Handheld NIRS Instruments Measure Up? (World Dairy Expo Recording)
Dr. Matthew Digman
Agriculture Engineer, Dept. of Biological Systems Engineering
University of Wisconsin – Madison, WI
Further Considerations for Making Baled Silages (PDF) (World Dairy Expo Recording)
Dr. Wayne K. Coblentz
Dairy Scientist and Research Leader
U.S. Dairy Forage Research Center, Marshfield, WI
Celebrating 40 Years of Research and Impact at the U.S. Dairy Forage Research Center
Dr. Dennis Hancock, Sept. 30, 2020
In the early 1970s, there was a major need for research on more “modern” forage production and dairy nutrition practices. After several discussions among and between the North Central Land Grant Universities, Congress directed USDA to report on dairy forage research needs in 1974 and National and Regional Dairy Forage Task Forces were appointed. In response in 1975, the National Dairy Forage Task Force recommended the establishment of a research center in the North Central U.S. and the North Central Experiment Station Directors met to unanimously voice their support for such a center. Congress authorized a plan for a North Central Dairy Forage Research Center and appropriated $1.1 million for planning in FY1978. The NCDFRC Planning Committee planned to have “cluster locations” associated with 7 ag experiment stations in the upper Midwest and NE USA. In the following budget year, Congress authorized and appropriated $9 million to construct the farm and campus facilities at Prairie du Sac and Madison, respectively. Construction completed in 1980 and 1981, respectively, and scientists were hired during 1979-81. In January 1979, USDA-ARS decided to call it the U.S. Dairy Forage Research Center (USDFRC). In the 40 years hence there have been over 3000 publications and contributions to over 40 reference books. Key scientific contributions include a better understanding of fiber and protein digestibility, revisions on nutrient requirements used for ration balancing, reductions were made in how much protein and phosphorus was needed by dairy animals, better assessment methods and metrics for forage quality, improvements in silage making and inoculation, numerous new varieties of various forage crops, developing strategies to reduce methane emissions and increase carbon sequestration on the farm, better management practices were developed to minimize nutrient loss and to increase the capture of those nutrients with cover crops and living mulches, and a better understanding of dairy’s contribution to contaminants in the environment. New endeavors seek to investigate the interactions between the animal and microbe, support the development of a holistic dairy model, develop cover crop strategies, and assess risks to environment and public health.
Why Inoculate Silage?
Dr. Kevin Panke-Buisse, Sept. 30, 2020
Inoculating a forage crop with specific bacteria prior to ensiling can boost the population of desirable species, which may result in better fermentation, aerobic stability, and animal performance. The inoculant industry has grown to the point that the number and diversity of inoculant products available can be overwhelming. This presentation summarizes inoculant types and benefits as well as provides guidance on what types, if any, might be helpful in preserving corn silage.
Alfalfa Interseeding in Corn Silage
John Grabber, Oct. 2019
U.S. Dairy Forage Research Center
World Dairy Expo Seminar
How We Make Dairy-Quality Hay and Baleage
Don Hasselquist, Oct. 2019
World Dairy Expo Seminar
Incorporation of Cereal-Grain Forages into Rations for Lactating Cows
Gonzalo Ferreira, Oct. 2019
Department of Dairy Science - Virginia Tech
World Dairy Expo Seminar
World without Livestock
Mary Beth Hall, Dairy Scientist, Oct. 2018
U.S. Dairy Forage Research Center
World Dairy Expo Seminar
Dairy Nutrition
Kenneth Kalscheur, Research Animal Scientist, Oct. 2018
U.S. Dairy Forage Research Center
World Dairy Expo Seminar
Energy & Protein
Geoffrey Zanton, Research Animal Scientist, Oct. 2018
U.S. Dairy Forage Research Center
World Dairy Expo Seminar
Strategies to Reduce Feed Costs on the Dairy
Mike Hutjens, Professor Emeritus, Oct. 2018
University of Illinois
World Dairy Expo Seminar
On-farm Feed and Forage Management for a 44,000-Pound Herd
Tom Kestell and Steve Woodford, Oct. 2018
Ever-Green-View Farms, Nutrition Professionals, Inc
World Dairy Expo Seminar
Corn Silage for Dairy: Past present and a Look to the Future
Randy Shaver, Professor, Oct. 2018
University of Wisconsin - Madison
World Dairy Expo Seminar
New Insights on Alfalfa - Grass Mixtures for Dairy
Jerry Cherney, Professor, Oct. 2018
Cornell University
World Dairy Expo Seminar
Corn Silage Mycotoxins
Phil Cardoso, Assistant Professor, Oct. 2018
University of Illinois
World Dairy Expo Seminar
Seeing the Total Financial Picture of the Dairy Puzzle, of Which Forage is One of the Pieces
Gary Sipiorski, Dairy Development Manager, Oct. 2018
Vita Plus, Inc.
World Dairy Expo Seminar
Cereal Grain Forages: Providing Nutrient Management Options and Dairy Forage
Wayne Coblentz, Research Agronomist and Dairy Scientist, Oct. 2017
U.S. Dairy Forage Research Center, Marshfield, WI
World Dairy Expo Seminar
Cereal Grain Forages: Points to Consider When Adding Them to Dairy Cattle Diets
Matt Akins, Assistant Scientist, Oct. 2017
Marshfield Agricultural Research Station, University of Wisconsin
World Dairy Expo Seminar
How Do Advances in Corn Breeding Improve the Corn for Silage?
Natalia de Leon, Professor of Agronomy, Oct. 2017
University of Wisconsin-Madison
World Dairy Expo Seminar
Bunker and Pile Safety: Get Your Wake-Up Call Today
Keith Bolsen, Professor Emeritus, Oct. 2017
Kansas State University
World Dairy Expo Seminar
Undigested Fiber in Forages: What Does It Mean to a Dairy Cow?
David Combs, Professor of Dairy Science, Oct. 2017
University of Wisconsin-Madison
World Dairy Expo Seminar
Reducing Leaf Loss during Alfalfa Harvest
Dan Undersander, Forage Extension Specialist, Oct. 2017
University of Wisconsin-Madison
World Dairy Expo Seminar
Sugars in Dairy Cattle Rations
Mary Beth Hall, Dairy Scientist,April 19, 2017
U.S. Dairy Forage Research Center
Tri-State Dairy Nutrition Conference, Fort Wayne, IN
Invisible losses from corn silage piles and bunkers: Real “shrink” losses
Peter Robinson, Extension Dairy Nutrition and Management Specialist, Oct. 2016
University of California, Davis, CA
World Dairy Expo Seminar
"It" doesn't just happen: What manure evaluation can tell us about cows and rations
Mary Beth Hall, Dairy Scientist, Oct. 2016
U.S. Dairy Forage Research Center, Madison, WI
World Dairy Expo Seminar
Feeding reduced lignin alfalfa: How do we achieve the most from this new technology?
David Weakley, Director of Dairy Forage Nutrition Research
Forage Genetics International, Gray Summit, MO
World Dairy Expo Seminar
What to look for when feeding this year's forage
John Goeser, Animal Nutrition Director, Oct. 2016
Rock River Laboratory, Watertown, WI
World Dairy Expo Seminar
Selecting, establishing, and managing cover crops after corn silage
Heidi Johnson, Crops and Soils Agent, Oct. 2016
University of Wisconsin Extension, Dane County
World Dairy Expo Seminar
Forage quality for high producing dairy herds: Key performance indicators
Randy Shaver, Extension Dairy Nutritionist, Oct. 2016
University of Wisconsin-Madison
World Dairy Expo Seminar
Is it better for forages to be more digestible or to digest more quickly?
David Combs, Professor of Dairy Science, Oct. 2016
University of Wisconsin-Madison
World Dairy Expo Seminar
How much forage can we feed to dairy cows?
Kenneth Kalscheur, Dairy Scientist, Oct. 2015
U.S. Dairy Forage Research Center, Madison, WI
World Dairy Expo Seminar
Managing fermentation with baled silage
Wayne Coblentz, Agronomist/Dairy Scientist, Oct. 2015
U.S. Dairy Forage Research Center, Marshfield, WI
World Dairy Expo Seminar
Cows agree with total tract NDFD
David Combs, Professor of Dairy Science, Oct. 2015
University of Wisconsin-Madison
World Dairy Expo Seminar
Forage systems for warm season dairying
Dennis Hancock, Forage Extension Specialist, Oct. 2015
University of Georgia, Athens, GA
World Dairy Expo Seminar
Making or breaking rations with forage digestibility and quality
Mary Beth Hall, Dairy Scientist, Oct. 2015
U.S. Dairy Forage Research Center, Madison, WI
World Dairy Expo Seminar
The secret life of rumen microbes
Paul Weimer, Research Microbiologist, Oct. 2015
U.S. Dairy Forage Research Center, Madison, WI
World Dairy Expo Seminar
Managing reduced-lignin alfalfa
Dan Undersander, Professor of Agronomy, Oct. 2015
University of Wisconsin-Madison
World Dairy Expo Seminar
Making quality baleage with annual forages
Mike McCormick, Oct. 2014
Louisiana State University Agricultural Center, Franklinton, LA
World Dairy Expo Seminar
Using propionic acid to preserve more hay
Wayne Coblentz, Oct. 2014
U.S. Dairy Forage Research Center, Marshfield, WI
World Dairy Expo Seminar
Undigested NDF and updates to NDF digestibility: New tools in forage anlaysis
Mike Van Amburgh, Oct. 2014
Cornell University, Ithaca, NY
World Dairy Expo Seminar
Make sure your kernel processor is doing its job
Kevin Shinners and Brian Luck, Oct. 2014
University of Wisconsin-Madison
World Dairy Expo Seminar
Redesigning alfalfa for improved protein utilization: PPO and o-diphenols vs. tannins
John Grabber, Oct. 2014
U.S. Dairy Forage Research Center, Madison, WI
World Dairy Expo Seminar
Manure on forage crops: Benefits and challenges
Bill Jokela, Oct. 2014
U.S. Dairy Forage Research Center, Madison, WI
World Dairy Expo Seminar
Do higher seeding rates improve alfalfa stand persistence and yield?
Dan Undersander, Oct. 2014
University of Wisconsin-Madison
World Dairy Expo Seminar
Differences in making alfalfa and grass silage
Dan Undersander, Research and Extension Agronomist, Oct. 2013
University of Wisconsin-Madison
World Dairy Expo Seminar
Reducing heat damage in hay and haylage
Dan Undersander, Research and Extension Agronomist, Oct. 2013
University of Wisconsin-Madison
World Dairy Expo Seminar
Using forage fiber analyses to get the most from your cows
Rick Grant, President, Oct. 2013
William H. Miner Agricultural Research Institute
World Dairy Expo Seminar
Have you kept pace with improved forage testing options?
Neal Martin, recently retired Center Director, Oct. 2013
U.S. Dairy Forage Research Center, USDA-ARS
World Dairy Expo Seminar
Plastic covers and silage density: What's new and basic in making good silage?
Richard Muck, Agricultural Engineer, Oct. 2013
U.S. Dairy Forage Research Center, USDA-ARS
World Dairy Expo Seminar
Using propionic acid to preserve more hay
Wayne Coblentz, Research Dairy Scientist/Agronomist, Oct. 2013
U.S. Dairy Forage Research Center, USDA-ARS
World Dairy Expo Seminar
Corn silage yield drivers and profit robbers
Joe Lauer, Extension Agronomist, Oct. 2013
University of Wisconsin-Madison
World Dairy Expo Seminar
How low can you go with protein in dairy cattle diets?
Glen Broderick, Research Dairy Scientist, Oct. 2012
U.S. Dairy Forage Research Center, USDA-ARS
World Dairy Expo Seminar
Corn silage quality varies from field to field
Joe Lauer, Professor of Agronomy, Oct. 2012
University of Wisconsin-Madison
World Dairy Expo Seminar
Silage inoculants seem to affect animal performance as well as crop fermentation
Richard Muck, Agricultural Engineer, Oct. 2012
U.S. Dairy Forage Research Center, USDA-ARS
World Dairy Expo Seminar
The economics of feeding dairy cattle with high-priced forage and grain
Steve Woodford, Dairy Nutrition Consultant, Oct. 2012
Nutrition Professionals
World Dairy Expo Seminar
Using plant analysis to diagnose alfalfa nutrient needs
Carrie Laboski, Associate Professor and Extension Soil Scientist, Oct. 2012
University of Wisconsin-Madison
World Dairy Expo Seminar