Retrospective Assessment 2020 |
National Program Retrospective Assessment (NPRA) NP303 Executive Summary
The USDA Agricultural Research Service, Office of National Programs (ONP), with facilitation from the Office of Scientific Quality Review (OSQR), convened an external retrospective review panel on April 23, 2020, to initiate a critical review of all facets of National Program 303 (NP303), Plant Diseases. The panel met virtually with National Program Leaders with facilitation by OSQR staff to develop a framework to assess the quality and accomplishments of ARS research within NP303 over the past five fiscal years. The retrospective review panel was provided NP303 annual reports from FY2015-FY2019, and selected supporting information provided in 8 appendices and documentation on the accomplishments of NP303 research during this five year period. The panel met again virtually with National Program Leaders on June 23, 2020 to discuss NP303’s accomplishments and challenges and to clarify analyses of the information provided.
To read the entire NPRA NP303 Executive Summary, please click here.