Publications at this Location
ARS scientists publish results of their research projects in many formats. Listed below are the publications from research projects conducted at this location.
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2005 Publications
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Peer Reviewed Journal Publications Only
Displaying 1 to 20 of 30 Records
Predicting postfire hillslope erosion with a web-based probabilistic model
(Abstract Only)
Snowcover and climate, topography and vegetation in semi-arid mountain catchments
(Abstract Only)
Interaction between climate, topography, vegetation, and snowcover in semi-arid mountain catchments
(Abstract Only)
Interaction between climate, topography, vegetation and snowcover
(Abstract Only)
Intergrated snow, soil and water-balance measurement strategy for multi-scale environmental observations in mountain areas
(Abstract Only)
Modeling variabilty in radiative fluxes on snow surfaces beneath coniferous canopies
(Abstract Only)
Small-scale spatial variability of sub-canopy radiant energy during snowmelt in decidous and confierous forest patches
(Abstract Only)
The sensitivity of snowmelt processes to meterological conditions and forest cover during rain-on-snow
(Abstract Only)
The analysis of the trends in hydro-climatic parameters of a mountainous catchment in the western United States
(Abstract Only)
Snowmelt in an arctic mountain shrub tundra
(Abstract Only)
Comparision of estimation methods to determine turbulent fluxes over snow in a mountainous forested environment
(Abstract Only)
Vadose zone effects on snowmelt generated streamflow
(Abstract Only)
Measuring winter precipitation in a mountain catchment
(Abstract Only)
The Ekalaka, Montana Small Watershed Data Set: Precipitation, Runoff, Air Temperature and Soil Water; 1968-1980
(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Modeling soil erosion on steep sagebrush rangeland before and after prescribed fire
(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Mapping soils, ecology and hydrology combining geo-referenced electromagnetic sensor data and aerial photographs
(Abstract Only)
Modeling of the water balance of a small mountainous catchment
(Abstract Only)
Application of electromagnetic inductiom sensors for mapping the subsurface in the small watersheds
(Abstract Only)
Calibration and temperature correction of a capacitance-based soil moisture soil
(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Real and imaginary permitivity in soil as affected by temperature at 50 MHZ
(Abstract Only)