Warthen Jr, J | |
Cunningham, Roy | |
Leonhardt, Barbara | |
Avery, James | |
Submitted to: Journal of Chemical Ecology
Publication Type: Peer Reviewed Journal Publication Acceptance Date: 1/12/1997 Publication Date: N/A Citation: N/A Interpretive Summary: The use of magnet polymeric plugs for the controlled-release of the attractant, trimedlure, for monitoring Mediterranean fruit flies has been an important contribution to excluding this pest from the continental United States. However, the problem of mass-trapping medflies, in an economic way, in areas of infestation has been a problem for many years. Polymeric panels were developed for the controlled-release of larger amounts of trimedlure, and a new trap (C&C) for these panels was also developed. The C&C trap and the polymeric panels will permit an economical cost-effective system for mass trapping male medflies in areas of infestation. . Technical Abstract: The Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann), is a major pest of fruits and vegetables in the world. With the help of an extensive trapping program, the continental United States has remained free of established medfly populations. In an effort to increase trapping efficiency, controlled-release polymeric panels with trimedlure and ceralure were developed in conjunction with the development of a new trap (C&C). This study contrasts the effectiveness of different panel formulations with the standard trimedlure polymeric plug and describes the use of the panels in the C&C trap. Field tests in Hawaii, using released sterile flies, showed consistently higher male medfly catches with panels in C&C traps than with the standard trimedlure polymeric plug in Jackson traps. |