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Title: Taking stock

item Bowman, Kim

Submitted to: Florida Grower
Publication Type: Trade Journal
Publication Acceptance Date: 4/1/2010
Publication Date: 4/1/2010
Citation: Bowman, K.D. 2010. Taking stock. Florida Grower. 103:14-15.

Interpretive Summary: New hybrid citrus rootstocks released by USDA provide good prospects for increased production and profitability for growers in Florida. Four of these new rootstocks, US-802, US-812, US-897, and US-942 all combine outstanding fruit production with cold hardiness, good fruit quality, and resistance to several disease problems. The rootstocks US-802, US-812, and US-942 have the additional advantage of good resistance to citrus blight, while US-802 and US-897 are exceptionally tolerant of the Phytophthora-Diaprepes disease complex. The rootstocks also offer a range of tree sizes, with US-897 producing dwarf trees, US-942 semi-dwarf trees, US-812 standard size trees, and US-802 vigorous large trees. Research underway now, is focused on development of a tristeza tolerant sour orange rootstock, or a Supersour, as well as development of versions of all the US rootstocks with resistance to Huanglongbing disease.

Technical Abstract: New hybrid citrus rootstocks released by USDA provide good prospects for increased production and profitability for growers in Florida. Four of these new rootstocks, US-802, US-812, US-897, and US-942 all combine outstanding fruit production with cold hardiness, good fruit quality, and resistance to several disease problems. The rootstocks US-802, US-812, and US-942 have the additional advantage of good resistance to citrus blight, while US-802 and US-897 are exceptionally tolerant of the Phytophthora-Diaprepes disease complex. The rootstocks also offer a range of tree sizes, with US-897 producing dwarf trees, US-942 semi-dwarf trees, US-812 standard size trees, and US-802 vigorous large trees. Research underway now, is focused on development of a tristeza tolerant sour orange rootstock, or a Supersour, as well as development of versions of all the US rootstocks with resistance to Huanglongbing disease.