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Title: Winter runoff of surface applied animal manure in Ohio

item JANN, S - USEPA
item Owens, Lloyd
item Bonta, James
item Shipitalo, Martin

Submitted to: ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting Abstracts
Publication Type: Abstract Only
Publication Acceptance Date: 10/1/2007
Publication Date: 11/4/2007
Citation: Rogers, S., Haines, J., Jann, S., Owens, L.B., Bonta, J.V., Shipitalo, M.J. 2007. Winter runoff of surface applied animal manure in Ohio [abstract]. CD-ROM Agronomy Abstracts.

Interpretive Summary:

Technical Abstract: The USEPA-ORD, USEPA Region 5 NPDES program branch, and USDA-ARS are collaborating to improve the scientific foundation for guidance regarding winter application of manure to land when the soil is frozen. Vegetative filter strips, unmanured setbacks, and nutrient-limited manure application are being investigated as management practices to reduce the movement of pollutants from manured fields to nearby waters. Pollutants include nutrients, sediments, oxygen-demanding organics, and pathogens (E. coli, enterococci, and antibiotic resistance and virulence determinants). Six small watersheds (1 ha each) were treated in the winter of 2006 with either swine manure (x2), turkey litter (x2), or left unamended as controls (x2) according to annual agronomic nitrogen requirements for corn (target level was 180 kg N ha-1). Thirty three meter wide unmanured setbacks were maintained between the manure-application area and the edge of field where runoff samples were collected in Coshocton wheel samplers. “Dustpan” runoff sample collectors were placed in the field adjacent to the manured areas to collect runoff at the upslope ends of the setbacks. Additionally, five small plots (66 x 12 m) received beef manure slurry to investigate the performance of vegetative filter strips following winter manure application; 2 plots had 33 x 12 m filter areas below them and 2 plots plus one control plot had 66 x 12 m filter areas below them. Ohio NRCS recommends a 66 m buffer area for winter manure applications along with slope and vegetative cover recommendations. Dustpan runoff sample collectors were placed at the lower edge of each of the manure application areas to acquire data on buffer loading and 11 m further down the slope (within the filter strips) to simulate shorter vegetative buffers. We will present preliminary data on the movement of pathogens through these systems. This poster will compliment another presenting preliminary nutrient data.