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item Jesse, Troy
item Pittenger, Lauren
item Englen, Mark

Submitted to: Plasmid Journal
Publication Type: Peer Reviewed Journal
Publication Acceptance Date: 5/28/2005
Publication Date: 8/24/2005
Citation: Jesse, T.W., Pittenger, L.G., Englen, M.D. 2005. Sequence analysis of two cryptic plasmids from an agricultural isolate of campylobacter coli. Plasmid Journal. 55(1):64-69.

Interpretive Summary: Campylobacter is the most common cause of acute bacterial diarrhea in humans worldwide. Campylobacter is well-known to exchange DNA within and between species of Campylobacter in nature. The role of plasmids, mobile genetic elements, in the exchange of DNA is not fully understood. However, genes that confer antimicrobial resistance, virulence and pathogenicity, and survival in the environment in Campylobacter can be transmitted via plasmids. In this study, we characterized two novel plasmids from a strain of Campylobacter coli isolated from beef cattle. The first of the plasmids is very similar to certain previously described Campylobacter plasmids, although it does not carry antimicrobial resistance genes. The second plasmid is more closely related to a different species of Campylobacter, Campylobacter upsaliensis. This plasmid is important in that it may hold clues to genetic relationships between different species of Campylobacter, and provide insight into the exchange of DNA in Campylobacter. This work is useful to researchers studying Campylobacter genetics, and in turn regulatory agencies and producers. It provides valuable new information on a major food-borne bacterial pathogen.

Technical Abstract: As part of a study identifying plasmids in Campylobacter, we isolated and sequenced two novel cryptic plasmids from an agricultural isolate of Campylobacter coli. The larger of the two plasmids, p3384, is 3316 bp in length and has a G+C content of 31.18%. A typical origin of replication consisting of five iterons was observed directly upstream of the first of three putative ORFs. The smaller plasmid, p3386, is 2426 bp in length and has a G+C content of 26.22%. Although no typical origin of replication was observed, there is a region consisting of four direct tandem repeats followed by a series of inverted repeats. Of the three putative ORFs detected on p3386, two shared homology with putative proteins from Campylobacter upsaliensis. The unique sequence and size of p3386 make it attractive for further study and potential development as a Campylobacter cloning/expression vector.