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item Puthoff, David
item Smigocki, Anna

Submitted to: American Society of Sugarbeet Technologists
Publication Type: Abstract Only
Publication Acceptance Date: 8/15/2005
Publication Date: 8/15/2005
Citation: Puthoff, D.P., Smigocki, A.C. 2005. Sugar beet genes regulated by sugar beet root maggot (tetanops myopaeformis) infestation. American Society of Sugarbeet Technologists. p.34.

Interpretive Summary:

Technical Abstract: The sugar beet root maggot (SBRM) is the most devastating insect pest in U.S. sugar beet production. We are employing the Suppressive Subtractive Hybridization (SSH) method to identify genes regulated in sugar beet roots after SBRM larval feeding. Two beet genotypes are being used in this study: F1010, a susceptible line, and F1016, a moderately resistant line. Root and hypocotyl tissues infested with SBRM for 24 and 48 h were compared to uninfested tissues within each genotype. SSH was conducted between the two genotypes in order to identify genes reciprocally regulated (up-regulated in 1 genotype while down-regulated in the other). Identifying genes from both lines will not only yield a class of genes potentially involved in the defense response of sugar beet to SBRM, but also allows the elucidation of a class of genes associated with the susceptible response. These two classes of genes will be useful in developing future control methods. To date, over 1000 cDNA fragments have been isolated for further characterization that includes, confirmation of differential expression, sequencing, full length cDNA cloning and expression profiling following various plant stresses. Candidate genes identified from all or any of the subtractions will lead to a better understanding of the mechanisms of infestation, resistance and susceptibility.