Submitted to: Book Chapter
Publication Type: Book / Chapter Publication Acceptance Date: 3/13/2005 Publication Date: 1/12/2007 Citation: Thomas, D.B. 2007. Integrated pest management with the sterile insect technique. In: Koul, O., Cuperus, G.W., editors. Ecologically Based Integrated Pest Management. Wallingford, UK:CAB International. p. 200-221. Interpretive Summary: Technical Abstract: The sterile insect technique (SIT) provides an alternative to reliance on chemical based control programs. Evidence is presented that a successful SIT program must be integrated with other cultural, chemical, and biological control techniques. By its nature, SIT is an adulticidal program. Integrating complementary control procedures targeting the immature stages can significantly enhance suppression. SIT is only efficacious when high sterile:fertile ratios are achieved and experience demonstrates that such ratios are most effectively obtained by applying density independent control techniques to reduce the pest population, rather than releasing more steriles. Three IPM programs that incorporate SIT as a major component are described: screwworm eradication, Mexican fruit fly suppression, and the Canadian codling moth project. Problems faced by the project manager, and the solutions to these problems, proposed or implemented, are discussed. |