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item Glenn, Anthony - Tony
item Meredith, Filmore
item Riley, Ronald

Submitted to: Phytopathology
Publication Type: Abstract Only
Publication Acceptance Date: 4/1/2002
Publication Date: 7/27/2002
Citation: Glenn, A.E., Meredith, F.I., Riley, R.T. 2002. CHARACTERIZATION OF A FUSARIUM VERTICILLIOIDES SEEDLING PATHOGENICITY FACTOR. Phytopathology. July 27 - 31, 2002. Milwaukee, WI. 92:S29.

Interpretive Summary: Abstract only.

Technical Abstract: As part of a larger research program focusing on the capacity of Fusarium verticillioides to infect and endophytically colonize corn, we have examined an apparent seedling pathogenicity factor produced by the fungus. Genetic analysis of field isolates indicated a single locus segregates for ability to cause disease. Strains carrying the non-pathogenic allele did not cause any disease symptoms, yet still infected and endophytically colonized the corn seedlings. Mutant strains that were greatly attenuated in their ability to infect seedlings nonetheless caused severe symptoms, suggesting the pathogenicity factor may be a translocated phytotoxin. Fumonisin B1 (FB1) production was assessed among the parental and progeny strains and was also found to segregate as a single locus. Linkage between pathogenicity and fumonisin production was supported since only the pathogenic strains produced FB1. Further experiments are underway to better quantify this linkage, examine the molecular nature of the mutation resulting in fumonisin non-production, and also examine the dynamics of FB1 production in soils.