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item Casas, Eduardo
item Keele, John
item Shackelford, Steven
item Stone, Roger
item Kappes, Steven
item Koohmaraie, Mohammad

Submitted to: International Conference on Animal Genetics
Publication Type: Abstract Only
Publication Acceptance Date: 3/14/2000
Publication Date: 6/4/2000
Citation: Casas, E., Keele, J.W., Shackelford, S.D., Stone, R.T., Kappes, S.M., Koohmaraie, M. 2000. Epistatic interactions with myostatin for carcass composition in beef cattle. 27th International Conference on Animal Genetics. p. 23. (Abstract)

Interpretive Summary:

Technical Abstract: A search to detect quantitative trait loci (QTL) in families segregating an inactive copy of myostatin was conducted. An objective of this search was to identify epistatic interactions between myostatin, on chromosome 2, and several chromosomal regions. Two half-sib families were developed from a Belgian Blue x MARC III (n=246) or a Piedmontese x Angus (n=209) sire. Traits analyzed were fat depth (cm) and meat tenderness, measured as Warner-Bratzler shear force (kg) at 3 and 14 d postmortem. In the family from the Belgian Blue x MARC III sire, the presence of an interaction for Warner-Bratzler shear force 3 d postmortem at 19 cM from the beginning of the linkage group on chromosome 4 was detected (expected number of false positives=1.48). In the family from the Piedmontese x Angus sire, three interactions were detected. For Warner-Bratzler shear force 14 d postmortem, an interaction was detected at 69 cM from the beginning of the linkage group on chromosome 5 (expected number of false positives=1.26). Two interactions were identified for fat depth; one at 30 cM from the beginning of the linkage group on chromosome 8 (expected fraction of false positives=.1) and the other at 14 cM from the beginning of the linkage group on chromosome 14 (expected number of false positives=1). Myostatin is considered a major gene with large phenotypic effects and this data demonstrates that interacts with other loci throughout the genome in the expression of carcass composition traits.