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ARS Home » Plains Area » Fargo, North Dakota » Edward T. Schafer Agricultural Research Center » Small Grain and Food Crops Quality Research » Research » Research Projects Subjects of Investigation at this Location

Research Projects Subjects of Investigation at this Location

Each ARS research project has related subjects of investigation.  Listed below are the subjects of investigation currently conducted at this location.

Clicking on a subject of investigation will list the research projects within that  subject of investigation.

Subjects of Investigation
Beans (dry)
Durum wheat
Hard red spring wheat
Leguminous vegetables, other
Peas (dry)
Wheat, other
Research Projects within Beans (dry)
item Developing Accurate and Efficient Laboratory Methods for Testing End-use Qualities of Pulse Crops, Identify Factors Associated with End-use Quality, and Develop Processes to Add Value to Pulses
item Developing and Utilizing Functionally Enhanced Pulse Proteins as Novel Food Ingredients
item National Consumer Survey of Pulse Consumption and Views
item PCHI - Effect of a Pulse-based USDA-diet on Gut Microbial Metabolites and Biomarkers of Healthspan: A Crossover Feeding Study in Older Adults
item PCHI - Improving Environmental and Economic Sustainability Outcomes Through Incorporation of Pulses into Irrigated and Dryland Crop Rotations
item PCHI - Leveraging plant-microbe Interactions to Optimize Symbiotic Nitrogen Fixation of Dry Bean
item PCHI - Minimizing Water and Nutrient Footprint for Sustainable Pulses-wheat Cropping Systems and Enhanced Soil Health
item PCHI - Targeted Messaging Highlighting Human Health and Sustainability Benefits to Promote Pulse Consumption
item PCHI – Improving Functional & Nutritional Properties of Pulse Flours by Heat-moisture Treatment & Developing Pasta with Improved Health Benefits
item PCHI – Isolating and Characterizing Protein Fractions from Black Beans and Lentils for use as Novel Oil Structuring Agents
item PCHI: Chickpea Genetic Improvement for Drought and Heat Stress Resilient Grain Yield
item PCHI: Comparative Analysis of the Impact of Type of Pulse Consumed in Human Subjects and Pre-Clinical Models
item PCHI: Controlling Pulse Fermentation to Improve Gut Microbiome Health
item PCHI: Develop Efficient, Genotype-independent, Gene-editing Systems for Common Bean and Chickpea
item PCHI: Developing Chickpea Cultivars with Radically Improved Nitrogen Fixation Rates
item PCHI: Effects of Daily Consumption of Polyphenol-rich Pulses on Skin Health in Women
item PCHI: Effects of Extraction Methods on Lentil and Dry Beans Extract Composition and Structural Modification
item PCHI: Effects of Pulse Consumption on Maternal and Child Health
item PCHI: Field Experiments to Incorporate Pulse Crops in Cropping Systems and Assess Soil Health and Plant Water Use Efficiency - Phase 2
item PCHI: Human Pulse Consumption, the Microbiome, and Meal Satiety
item PCHI: Impacts of Pulse Consumption on Human Health, Diet Cost, and Environmental Sustainability
item PCHI: Improving Extraction Yield, Purity, and Functionality of Proteins from Pulse Grains using Enzyme-Assisted Green Extraction
item PCHI: Optimizing Nodulation in Chickpea for Enhanced Nitrogen Fixation - Phase 2
item PCHI: Processing Effects on the Composition of Pulses (Beans/Peas/Chickpea/Lentils) and Resulting Benefits in the Prevention of Type-2 Diabetes
item PCHI: Protective Mechanisms of Pulse Consumption in the Development of Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease in Mothers and Offspring Across Life Stages
item PCHI: Pulse Consumption Improves Gut Health, Metabolic Outcomes, and Bone Biomarkers of Post Menopausal Women
item PCHI: Pulse-fruit Aggregate Ingredients with Enhanced Taste, Functionality and Health Attributes for Diversified Food Applications
item PCHI: Quantifying, Predicting, and Parallelizing the Examination of Post-digestive Properties of Common Beans
item PCHI: Rapid and in situ Screening for Key Quality Traits in Pulse Crops
item PCHI: Re-structuring Pulse Proteins into Valuable Fibrils via Biocatalysis
item PCHI: Supercritical Fluid Extrusion for Improvement of Flavor and Functionality of Pulse Flours and Protein Concentrates
item PCHI: Using Pulse Resistant Starch to Ameliorate Aging-Associated Dysbiosis of the Gut-Microbiome-Brain Axis
item PCHI:Dough Rheology, Baking Performance and Bread Sensory Quality of Pulse-fortified Whole Wheat Flours
item Protective Effects of Dietary Pulse Flours on the Transgenerational Influence of Maternal Obesity
item Pulse Crop Health Initiative
item Pulse Quality Characteristics for Product Development That Consider Adverse Effects on Human Health
item Replacing Fallow & Cover Crops with Field Pea and Chickpea in the Semi-arid Northern High Plains: Impacts on Production and Sustainability-Un of NE
item Replacing Fallow & Cover Crops with Field Pea and Chickpea in the Semi-arid Northern High Plains: Impacts on Production and Sustainability-Un of WY