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The Edward T. Schafer Agricultural Research Center coordinates the research of five research units in two laboratories at Fargo, ND; the Biosciences Research Laboratory, and the Northern Crop Science Laboratory. The overall mission of the Center is to 1) reduce the negative impact of foreign chemicals in food animals and food processing; 2) develop knowledge and germplasm to improve hard red spring & durum wheat, barley, and oat; 3) improve the effectiveness of bees used in crop pollination and insects used in IPM programs; 4) improve quality and profitability of sugarbeet and potato production via research on germplasm enhancement, crop protection, and postharvest physiology; & 5) develop knowledge and technology to benefit the sunflower industry, and study the physiology, genetics, and molecular biology of weeds to improve and/or discover management strategies.

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 Directions and maps 

                Biosciences Research Lab

                Northern Crop Science Lab

                Potato Research Worksite

The Edward T. Schafer Agricultural Research Center is located in Fargo, ND and is part of the Plains Area.
Phone: (701)239-1371
Fax: (701)239-1202
USDA-ARS-PA, Edward T. Schafer Agri Res Ctr
1616 Albrecht Blvd. North (Mailing Address)
Fargo, ND 58102-2765