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Research Project: Prediction Models and Improved Pre-Harvest Estimates of Deoxynivalenol

Location: National Programs

Project Number: 0500-00053-004-024-G
Project Type: Grant

Start Date: Jun 7, 2016
End Date: Jun 6, 2020

Projects 1 and 2: Deploy FHB Risk Tool and continue to make improvements to models for predicting Fusarium head blight (FHB). Project 3: Develop hard red and hard white winter wheat cultivars adapted for Kansas with improved resistance to scab. Project 4: Establish integrated management stragies for FHB in Kansas.

Project 1: Continued deployment of the disease prediction models in 30 states including the support of the state commentary tools, FHB Alerts and the web-page information explaining the models. 2. Continued support of the back-up system for improved system stability. 3. Refine a version of the FHB Prediction Center for use with mobile devices (cellular-based mobile/”smart” phones and tablets). 4. Redesign of the expert tools to allow disease specialists to record and display disease observations – for refinement in the delivery of the current and experimental models. 5. Modification of the public web-based tools to improve functionality and compatibility of the Prediction Center. 6. Verify model inputs and improved capacity for site-specific predictions. 7. Implement a user survey to document value of the prediction system and its impact on stakeholders. Project 2: (i) identify periods within weather time series that are significantly different between FHB epidemics and non-epidemics, (ii) create variables summarizing those identified periods, (iii) use the summary variables in new logistic regression models for predicting FHB epidemics, (iv) compare the predictive performances of new models with the performances of the currently deployed models, and (v) replace the current models with the newer versions after they have been field-tested. Project 3: 1) test existing local cultivars for resistance, 2) test advanced breeding lines for resistance, 3) test exotic germplasm lines for resistance, 4) test the Hard Winter Wheat (Kansas, Nebraska, South Dakota, North Dakota) Scab Nursery for reaction to scab, and 5) incorporate new sources of scab resistance into the Kansas wheat breeding program. Project 4: conduct fungicide trials of new products labeled for FHB control and compare to those currently being used for FHB in two loactions.