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Safety, Health, and Environmental Management Branch
Mather, Calvin
Branch Chief
ROOM 2-WS-1343
Beltsville, MD 20705

The Safety, Health, and Environmental Management Branch (SHEMB) believes that safe science is good science and partners with Agency researchers and staff to mitigate liability, incorporate safety, health, and environmental management principles into daily activities, and ensure that everyone can return to work daily to conduct or support world class science. The Safety, Health, and Environmental Management Branch (SHEMB) is responsible for planning, organizing, monitoring, and evaluating the occupational safety, health, and environmental management programs to ensure that they: respond to the mission and program needs of the Agency; comply with Federal, State, and local statutory and regulatory mandates, guidelines, and standards; and are implemented for the purpose of reducing the potential for human, economic, and environmental losses associated with injury, illness, and property damage incidents throughout the Agency.

  Administrative and Financial Management
    Facilities Division
      Safety, Health, and Environmental Management Branch
Anderson, Rachel
(301) 504-1250

Safety and Occupational Health Manager
David, Lindsey
(301) 504-1234

Environmental Protection Specialist
Mather, Calvin
(301) 504-1243

Branch Chief
(Employee information on this page comes from the REE Directory. Please contact your front office staff to update the REE Directory.)