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Real Property Management Branch
ROOM 2-WS-1355
Beltsville, MD 20705

The Real Property Management Branch (RPMB) is responsible for the acquisition, utilization, and disposal of Federally owned and leased real property in the custody and control of Research, Education, and Economics (REE) agencies, including the Agricultural Research Service (ARS), the National Institute of Food and Agriculture, the Economic Research Service, and the National Agricultural Statistics Service. ARS-owned real property assets include over 14 million square feet in more than 2,800 buildings on approximately 400,000 acres of land at 94 domestic, 1 foreign location, and 86 worksites. The Physical Security specialists, within RPMB, work with ARS in conducting physical security risk assessments of geographically dispersed ARS locations and worksites in accordance with applicable laws, regulations, Presidential Decision Directives, Executive Orders (E.O.'s), interagency directives, ISC and ARS policies. They facilitate the preparation, formulation, and development of ARS physical security policies, Standards, and procedures.

  Administrative and Financial Management
    Facilities Division
      Real Property Management Branch
(Employee information on this page comes from the REE Directory. Please contact your front office staff to update the REE Directory.)