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Outreach, Diversity, and Equal Opportunity
Troutman, Tracey
1400 Independence Avenue

Washington, DC 20250

Home Page: /office-of-outreach-diversity-and-equal-opportunity/

Provides leadership and guidance for the Agricultural Research Service as well as to the broader Research, Education and Economic mission of the United States Department of Agriculture in building a diverse workforce and promoting a workplace free from discrimination and harassment by: -Establishing and promoting a model Equal Employment Opportunity organization as legislated by Congress and overseen by the EEOC and OPM; -Guiding and counseling those who believe they have been treated unfairly due to a discriminatory bias; -Identifying and addressing barriers to eliminate under representation in the workforce; -Initiating creative internal and external special emphasis, recruitment, and outreach programs, partnerships, and initiatives; -Conducting proactive and preventative training to educate the current workforce on cultural diversity, equal employment opportunity, and civil rights issues; -Encouraging current employees to seek out and participate in career development and mentoring opportunities; and -Serving as a resource for employees and managers. The Cooperative Resolution Program (CRP) aims to improve communication, cultivate understanding, and foster cooperation by providing a variety of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) services for all REE Mission Area employees to address workplace conflict in its earliest state. This confidential ADR process facilitated by trained neutrals encourages the resolution of conflicts by the involved parties. CRP also provides guidance and assistance to those engaged in the informal EEO complaint process, the administrative grievance process, or other protected appeal processes.

  Administrator and Immediate Staffs
    Office of The Administrator
      Outreach, Diversity, and Equal Opportunity
EEO and Compliance
Outreach and Diversity
(Employee information on this page comes from the REE Directory. Please contact your front office staff to update the REE Directory.)