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RINDERER, T. E., DEGUZMAN, L., DELATTE, G., STELZER, J., LANCASTER, V., KUZNETSOV, V., BEAMAN, L., WATTS, R., HARRIS, J., 2001. Resistance to the Parasitic Mite Varroa destructor in Honey Bees from Far-Eastern Russia. Apidologie 32(3):381-394 |
RINDERER, T. E., DEGUZMAN, L., DELATTE, G., STELZER, J., WILLIAMS, J., BEAMAN, L., KUZNETSOV, V., BIGALK, M., BERNARD, S., TUBBS, H., Multi-State Field Trials of ARS Russian Honey Bees I: Responses to Varroa destructor 1999, 2000. American Bee Journal 141(9):658-661
RINDERER, T. E., DEGUZMAN, L., DELATTE, G., STELZER, J., LANCASTER, V., WILLIAMS, J., BEAMAN, L., KUZNETSOV, V., BIGALK, M., BERNARD, S., TUBBS, H., 2001. Multi-State Field Trials of ARS Russian Honey Bees II: Honey Production 1999, 2000. American Bee Journal 141(10):726-729
DEGUZMAN, L., RINDERER, T. E. DELATTE, G., STELZER, J., WILLIAMS, J., BEAMAN, L., KUZNETSOV, V., BERNARD, S., BIGALK, M., TUBBS, H., Multi-State Field Trials of ARS Russian Honey Bees. III: Responses to Acarapis woodi 1999, 2000. American Bee Journal 141(11):810-812
HARBO, J., HARRIS, J., 2001. Resistance to Varroa destructor (Mesostigmata: Varroidae) When Mite-Resistant Queen Honey Bees (Hymenoptera: Apidae) Were Free-Mated with Unselected Drones. Journal of Economic Entomology 94(6):1319-1323 |
DEGUZMAN, L., RINDERER, T. E., DELATTE, G., STELZER, J., BEAMAN, L., HARPER, C., 2001. An Evaluation of Far-Eastern Russian Honey Bees and Other Methods for the Control of Tracheal Mites. American Bee Journal 141(10):737-741 |
HARRIS, J., HARBO, J., 2001. Natural and Suppressed Reproduction of Varroa Mites. Bee Culture 129(5):34-38 |
HARRIS, J., 2001. A Technique for Marking Individual Varroa Mites. Journal of Apicultural Research 40(1):35-37 |
Proceedings of the 2001 American Bee Research Conference (ABRC-14/15th). American Bee Journal 142(12):885-896 |
DEGUZMAN, L., BURGETT, M., RINDERER, T. E., 2001. Biology and Life History of Acarapis dorsalis And Acarapis externus. Mites of the Honey Bee-Webster & Delaplane, Ch. 2, 17-27 |
OLDROYD, B., RINDERER, T. E. Reply to Kirchner & Arnold (See Reprint #252). Animal Behaviour F35. |
CLARKE, K., OLDROYD, B., JAVIER, J., QUEZADA, G., RINDERER, T. E. Origin of honeybees (Apis mellifera L.) from the Yucatan peninsula inferred from mitochondrial DNA analysis. Molecular Ecology 10(6):1347-1355 |
DEGUZMAN, L., RINDERER, T. E., STELZER, J., BEAMAN, L., DELATTE, G., HARPER, C., 2002. Hygienic Behavior by Honey Bees from Far-Eastern Russia. American Bee Journal 142(1):58-60 |
DEGUZMAN, L., RINDERER, T. E., COLLINS, A., LANCASTER, V., 2002. Attractiveness of Africanized Honey Bee Brood from Southern Texas to Varroa destructor American Bee Journal 142(2):130-132 |
VILLA, J., RINDERER, T. E., STELZER, J., 2002. Answers to the Puzzling Distribution of Africanized Bees in the United States. “Why Are Those Bees Not Moving East of Texas?” American Bee Journal 132(7):480-483 |
HARRIS, J., RINDERER, T. E., KUZNETSOV, V., DANKA, R. G., DELATTE, G., DEGUZMAN, L., VILLA, J., 2002. Imported Russian Honey Bees: Quarantine and Initial Selection for Varroa Resistance. American Bee Journal 142(8):591-596 |
RINDERER, T. E., OLDROYD, B., DEGUZMAN, L., WATTANACHAIYINGCHAREON, W., WONGSIRI, S., 2002. Spatial Distribution of the Dwarf Honey Bees in an Agroecosystem in Southeastern Thailand. Apidologie 33(6):539-543 |
HARBO, J., HARRIS, J., 2002. Suppressing Mite Reproduction: SMR an Update. Bee Culture 130(5):46-48 |
DEGUZMAN, L., RINDERER, T. E., DELATTE, G., STELZER, J., BEAMAN, L., KUZNETSOV, V., 2002. Resistance to Acarapis woodi by Honey Bees from Far-eastern Russia. Apidologie 33(4):411-415 |
CLARKE, K. E., RINDERER, T. E., FRANCK, P., QUEZADA-EUAN, J. G., OLDROYD, B. P. The Africanization of honeybees (Apis mellifera L.) of the Yucatan: a study of a massive hybridization event across time. Evolution 56(7):1462-1474. |
SYLVESTER, H., 2003. Inter-Simple Sequence Repeat-Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphisms for DNA Fingerprinting. 34(5):942-944 |
RINDERER, T. E., DEGUZMAN, L., DELATTE, G., HARPER, C., 2003. An Evaluation of ARS Russian Honey Bees in Combination with Other Methods for the Control of Varroa Mites. American Bee Journal 143(5): 410-413 |
HARBO, J., HARRIS, J., 2003. An Evaluation of Commercially Produced Queens that have the SMR Trait. American Bee Journal 143(3):213-216 |
TUBBS, H., HARPER, C., BIGALK, M., BERNARD, S., DELATTE, G., SYLVESTER, H., RINDERER, T. E., 2003. Commercial Management of ARS Russian Honey Bees. American Bee Journal 143(10):819-820 |
DANKA, R. G., VILLA, J., 2003. Autogrooming by Resistant Honey Bees Challenged with Individual Tracheal Mites. Apidologie 34(4):591-596 |
KAVINSEKSAN, B., WONGSIRI, S., DEGUZMAN, L., RINDERER, T. E., 2003. Absence of Tropilaelaps Infestation from Recent Swarms of Apis dorsata in Thailand. Journal of Apicultural Research 42(3):49-50 |
HARRIS, J., HARBO, J., VILLA, J., DANKA, R. G., 2003. Variable Population Growth of Varroa destructor (Mesostigmata: Varroidae) in Colonies of Honey Bees (Hymenoptera: Apidae) during a 10-Year Period. Environmental Entomology 32(6):1305-1312 |
VILLA, J., 2004. Swarming Behavior of Honey Bees (Hymenoptera: Apidae) in Southeastern Louisiana. Annals of the Entomological Society of America 97(1):111-116 |
DEGRANDI-HOFFMAN, G, SCHMIDT, J., ERICKSON, E., VILLA, J., RUBINK, W., EISCHEN, F., 2004. What’s Buzzing with Africanized Honey Bees? Agricultural Research 4:4-8 |
HARRIS, J., VILLA, J., DANKA, R. G., 2004. Environmental Effects on the Growth of Varroa Mite Populations. Bee Culture 132:23-25 |
Proceedings of the 2004 American Bee Research Conference (ABRC-17th). American Bee Journal 144(5):401-408 |
RINDERER, T. E., DEGUZMAN, L., HARPER, C., 2004. The Effects of Co-mingled Russian and Italian Honey Bee Stocks and Sunny or Shaded Apiaries on Varroa Mite Infestation Level, Worker Bee Population and Honey Production. American Bee Journal 144(6):481-485 |
GREGORY, P., RINDERER, T. E., 2004. Non-destructive Sources of DNA used to Genotype Honey Bee (Apis mellifera) Queens, Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata. 111(3):173-177 |
RINDERER, T. E., DEGUZMAN, L., SYLVESTER, H., 2004. Re-examination of the Accuracy of a Detergent Solution for Varroa Mite Detection. American Bee Journal 144(7):560-562 |
SAMPSON, B., DANKA, R. G., STRINGER, S., 2004. Nectar Robbery by Bees Xylocopa virginica and Apis mellifera Contributes to the Pollination of Rabbiteye Blueberry. Journal of Economic Entomology 97(3):735-740 |
HARRIS, J., RINDERER, T. E., 2004. Varroa Resistance of Hybrid ARS Russian Honey Bees. American Bee Journal 144(10):797-800 |
KAVINSEKSAN, B., WONGSIRI, S., RINDERER, T. E., DEGUZMAN, L., 2004. Comparison of the Hygienic Behavior of ARS Russian and Commercial Honey Bees in Thailand. American Bee Journal 144(11):870-872 |
HARBO, J., HARRIS, J., 2004. Effect of Screen Floors on Populations of Honey Bees and Parasitic Mites (Varroa destructor). Journal of Apicultural Research 43(3):114-117 |
CHAIYAWONG, T., DEOWANISH, S., WONGSIRI, S., SYLVESTER, H., RINDERER, T. E., DEGUZMAN, L., 2004. Multivariate Morphometric Study of Apis florea in Thailand. Journal of Apicultural Research 43(3):123-127 |
CARGEL, R., RINDERER, T. E., 2004. Unusual Queen Cell Construction and Destruction in Apis mellifera from Far-eastern Russia. Journal of Apicultural Research 43(4):188-190 |
HARBO, J., HARRIS, J., 2005. Suppressed Mite Reproduction Explained by the Behavior of Adult Bees. Journal of Apicultural Research 44(1):21-23 |
GREGORY, P., EVANS, J., RINDERER, T. E., DEGUZMAN, L., 2005. Conditional Immune-gene Suppression of Honeybees Parasitized by Varroa Mites. Journal of Insect Science 5:7, 1-5 |
Proceedings of the 2005 American Bee Research Conference (ABRC-18th). American Bee Journal 145(5):428-435 |
RINDERER, T. E., DEGUZMAN, L., DANKA, R. G., 2005. A New Phase Begins for the USDA-ARS Russian Honey Bee Breeding Program. American Bee Journal 145(7):579-582
FASSBINDER-ORTH, C., RINDERER, T. E., 2005. A Study of Chalkbrood Susceptibility in Russian and Domestic Honey Bees. American Bee Journal 145(8):669-671 |
DANKA, R. G., VILLA, J., 2005. An Association in Honey Bees between Autogrooming and the Presence of Migrating Tracheal Mites. Apidologie 36(3):331-333 |
DANKA, R. G., 2005. High Levels of Cotton Pollen Collection Observed for Honey Bees (Hymenoptera: Apidae) in South-Central Louisiana. Journal of Entomological Science 40(3):316-326 |
VILLA, J., DANKA, R. G., 2005. Caste, Sex and Strain of Honey Bees (Apis mellifera) Affect Infestation with Tracheal Mites (Acarapis woodi). Experimental and Applied Acarology. 37(3-4):157-164 |
DEGUZMAN, L., RINDERER, T. E., BIGALK, M., TUBBS, H., BERNARD, S., 2005. Russian Honey Bee (Hymenoptera: Apidae) colonies: Acarapis woodi (Acari: Tarsonemidae) Infestations and Overwintering Survival. Journal of Economic Entomology 98(6):1796-1801 |