HELLMICH, R., DANKA, R. G., RINDERER, T. E., COLLINS, A., 1986. Comparison of Africanized and European Queen-Mating Colonies in Venezuela. Apidologie 17(3):217-226.
EISCHEN, F., RINDERER, T. E., DIETZ, A., 1986. Nocturnal Defense Responses of Africanized and European Honey Bees to the Greater Wax Moth (Galleria mellonella L.). Animal Behavior 34:1070-1077.
RINDERER, T. E., SYLVESTER, H., BROWN, M., VILLA, J., PESANTE, D., COLLINS, A., 1986. Field and Simplified Techniques for Identifying Africanized and European Honey Bees. Apidologie 17(1):33-48.
DANKA, R. G., RINDERER, T. E., HELLMICH, R., COLLINS, A., 1986. Comparative Toxicities of Four Topically-Applied Insecticides to Africanized and European Honey Bees (Hymenoptera: Apidae). Journal of Economic Entomology 79(1):18-21.
HARBO, J., 1986. Oviposition Rates of Instrumentally Inseminated and Naturally Mated Queen Honey Bees (Hymenoptera: Apidae). Annals of the Entomological Society of America 79(1):112-115.
RINDERER, T. E., 1986. Africanized Bees: An Overview. American Bee Journal 126(2):98-100,128-129.
HELLMICH, R., ROTHENBUHLER, W., 1986. Relationship between Different Amounts of Brood and the Collection and Use of Pollen by the Honey Bee (Apis mellifera). Apidologie 17(1):13-20.
SYLVESTER, H., RINDERER, T. E., 1986. Africanized Bees: Progress in Identification Procedures. American Bee Journal 126(5):330-333.
HARBO, J., 1986. Effect of Population Size on Brood Production, Worker Survival and Honey Gain in Colonies of Honeybees. Journal of Apicultural Research 25(1):22-29.
HELLMICH, R., ROTHENBUHLER, W., 1986. Pollen Hoarding and Use by High and Low Pollen-Hoarding Honeybees during the Course of Brood Rearing. Journal of Apicultural Research 25(1):30-34.
HARBO, J., 1986. Sterility in Honey Bees Caused by Dimethyl Sulfoxide. Journal of Heredity 77(2):129-130.
COLLINS, A., RINDERER, T. E., 1986. The Defensive Behavior of the Africanized Bee. American Bee Journal 126(9):623-627
HELLMICH, R., DANKA, R. G., COLLINS, A., RINDERER, T. E., 1986. Laying Worker Production of Drones in Mixed Colonies of Africanized and European Honey Bees (Hymenoptera: Apidae). Annals of the Entomological Society of America 79(5):833-836.
RINDERER, T. E., COLLINS, A., 1986. Behavioral Genetics. Bee Genetics and Breeding, pg.155-176.
SYLVESTER, H., 1986. Biochemical Genetics. Bee Genetics and Breeding, pg. 177-203.
COLLINS, A., RINDERER, T. E., 1986. Quantitative Genetics. Bee Genetics and Breeding, pg. 283-304.
RINDERER, T. E., 1986. Bee Genetics and Breeding, pg. 305-321.
HARBO, J., 1986. Propagation and Instrumental Insemination. Bee Genetics and Breeding, pg. 361-389.
DANKA, R. G., RINDERER, T. E., 1986. Africanized Bees and Pollination. American Bee Journal 126(1):680-682.
RINDERER, T. E., SYLVESTER, H., COLLINS, A., PESANTE, D., 1986. Identification of Africanized and European Honey-Bees: Effects of Nurse-Bee Genotype and Comb Size. Bulletin of the Entomology Society of Americas 32(3):150-152.
Proceedings of the 1986 American Bee Research Conference (ABRC-1st). American Bee Journal 126(12):827-836.
RINDERER, T. E., 1986. Africanized Bees: The Africanized Process and Potential Range in the United States. Bulletin of the Entomology Society of Americas. 32(4):222-227.
RINDERER, T. E., COLLINS, A., HELLMICH, R., DANKA, R. G., 1986. Regulation of the Hoarding Efficiency of Africanized and European Honey Bees. Apidologie 17(3):227-232.
DANKA, R. G., RINDERER, T. E., HELLMICH, R., COLLINS, A., 1986. Foraging Population Sizes of Africanized and European Honey Bee (Apis mellifera) Colonies. Apidologie 17(3):193-202.
WILLIAMS, J., 1986. Metamorphosis of the Micropylar Chorion of the Honey Bee (Hymenoptera: Apidae) Egg. Annals of the Entomological Society of America 79(6):971-974.
VILLA, J., 1987. Africanized and European Colony Conditions at Different Elevations in Colombia. American Bee Journal 127(1):53-57.
COLLINS, A., BROWN, M., RINDERER, T. E., HARBO, J., TUCKER, K., 1987. Heritabilities of Honey Bee Alarm Pheromone Production. Journal of Heredity. 78(1):29-31.
RINDERER, T. E., WRIGHT, J., SHIMANUKI, H., PARKER, F., ERICKSON, E., WILSON, W., 1987. The Proposed Honey-Bee Regulated Zone in Mexico. American Bee Journal 127(3):160-164.
WILLIAMS, J., 1987. Wind-Directed Pheromone Trap for Drone Honey Bees (Hymenoptera: Apidae). Journal of Economic Entomology 80(2):532-536.
DANKA, R. G., GARY, N., 1987. Estimating Foraging Populations of Honey Bees (Hymenoptera: Apidae) From Individual Colonies. Journal of Economic Entomology 80(2):544-547.
MCDANIEL, C., HOWARD, R., COLLINS, A., BROWN, W., 1987. Variation in the Hydrocarbon Composition of Non-Africanized Apis mellifera Sting Apparatus. Sociobiology 13(2):133-143.
RINDERER, T. E., COLLINS, A., HELLMICH, R., DANKA, R. G., 1987. Differential Drone Production by Africanized and European Honey Bee Colonies. Apidologie 18(1):61-67.
VILLA, J., GENTRY, C., TAYLOR, O., 1987. Preliminary Observations on Thermoregulation, Clustering, and Energy Utilization in African and European Honey Bees. Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society 60(1):4-14.
DANKA, R. G., RINDERER, T. E., COLLINS, A., HELLMICH, R., 1987. Responses of Africanized Honey Bees (Hymenoptera: Apidae) to Pollination Management Stress. Journal of Economic Entomology 80(3):621-624.
SYLVESTER, H., RINDERER, T. E., 1987. Fast Africanized Bee Identification System (FABIS) Manual. American Bee Journal 127(7):511-516.
RINDERER, T. E., SYLVESTER, H., BUCO, S., LANCASTER, V., HERBERT, E., COLLINS, A., HELLMICH, R., 1987. Improved Simple Techniques for Identifying Africanized and European Honey Bees. Apidologie 18(2):179-196.
DELAPLANE, K., HARBO, J., 1987. Drone Production by Young versus Old Worker Honeybees in Queenless Colonies. Apidologie 18(2):115-120.
BUCO, S., RINDERER, T. E., SYLVESTER, H., COLLINS, A., LANCASTER, V., CREW, R., 1987. Morphometric Differences between South American Africanized and South African (Apis mellifera scutellata) Honey Bees. Apidologie 18(3):217-222.
DANKA, R. G., COLLISON, C., 1987. Laboratory Evaluation of Dimethoate Repellence to Honey Bees. Bd. 104(H. 2):S. 211-214.
DANKA, R. G., HELLMICH, R., RINDERER, T. E., COLLINS, A., 1987. Diet-Selection Ecology of Tropically and Temperately Adapted Honey Bees. Animal Behavior 35(6):1858-1863.
DELAPLANE, K., HARBO, J., 1987. Effect of Queenlessness on Worker Survival, Honey Gain and Defense Behavior in Honey Bees. Journal of Apicultural Research 26(1):37-42.
PESANTE, D., RINDERER, T. E., COLLINS, A., 1987. Differential Pollen Collection by Africanized and European Honeybees in Venezuela. Journal of Apicultural Research 26(1):24-29.
COLLINS, A., 1987. Colony Defense by the Africanized Honey Bee in Venezuela. Proceedings of Africanized Honey Bee Symposium, American Farm Bureau Research Foundation, pg 10-17.
HARBO, J., WILLIAMS, J., 1987. Effect of Above-Freezing Temperatures on Temporary Storage of Honeybee Spermatozoa. Journal of Apicultural Research 26(1):53-55.
COLLINS, A., RINDERER, T. E., TUCKER, K., PESANTE, D., 1987. Response to Alarm Pheromone by European and Africanized Honeybees. Journal of Apicultural Research 26(4):217-223.
PESANTE, D., RINDERER, T. E., COLLINS, A., 1987. Differential Nectar Foraging by Africanized and European Honeybees in the Neotropics. Journal of Apicultural Research 26(4):210-216.
WONGSIRI, S., PENSRI, T., SYLVESTER, H., 1987. Mites, Pests and Beekeeping with Apis cerana and Apis mellifera in Thailand. American Bee Journal 127(7):500-503.
RINDERER, T. E., 1988. Evolutionary Aspects of the Africanization of Honey-bee Populations in the Americas. Africanized Honey Bees and Bee Mites, pg. 13-28.
Proceedings of the 1987 American Bee Research Conference (ABRC-2nd). American Bee Journal 127(12):841-853.
COLLINS, A., 1988. Genetics of Honey-bee Colony Defense. Africanized Honey Bees and Bee Mites, pg. 110-117.
KULINCEVIC, J., RINDERER, T. E., 1988. Breeding Honey Bees for Resistance to Varroa jacobsoni: Analysis of Mite Population Dynamics. Africanized Honey Bees and Bee Mites, pg. 434-443.
RINDERER, T. E., BLUM, M., FALES, H., BIAN, Z., JONES, T., BUCO, S., DANKA, R. G., LANCASTER, V., BUCO, S., HOWARD, D., 1988. Nest Plundering Allonomes of the Fire Bee. Trigona (Oxytrigona) mellicolor. Journal of Chemical Ecology 14(2):495-501.
TINGEK, S., MARDAN, M., RINDERER, T. E., KOENIGER, N., KOENIGER, G., 1988. Rediscovery of Apis vechti (Maa, 1953): The Saban Honey Bee. Apidologie 19(1):97-101.
KOENIGER, N., KOENIGER, G., TINGEK, S., MARDAN, M., RINDERER, T. E., 1988. Reproductive Isolation by Different Time of Drone Flight between Apis cerana Fabricius, 1793 and Apis vechti (Maa, 1953). Apidologie 19(1):103-105.
HELLMICH, R., COLLINS, A., DANKA, R. G., RINDERER, T. E., 1988. Influencing Matings of European Honey Bee Queens in Areas with Africanized Honey Bees (Hymenoptera: Apidae). Journal of Economic Entomology 81(3):796-799.
KULINCEVIC, J., RINDERER, T. E., UROSEVIC, D., 1988. Seasonality and Colony Variation of Reproducing and Non-Reproducing Varroa jacobsoni Females in Western Honey Bee (Apis mellifera) Worker Brood. Apidologie 20(2):173-179.
RINDERER, T. E., 1988. Computer Assisted Identification of Hybrid Strains of Western Honey Bees. The Florida Entomologist 71(3):281-288.
HARBO, J., 1988. Effect of Comb Size on Population Growth of Honey Bee (Hymenoptera: Apidae) Colonies. Journal of Economic Entomology 81(6):1606-1610.
HARBO, J., ZUHLDE, J., 1988. Populations of Varroa jacobsoni in a Florida Apiary. American Bee Journal 128(11):737-739.

ROYCE, L., KRANTZ, G., IBAY, L., BURGETT, D., 1988. Some Observations on the Biology and Behavior of Acarapis woodi and Acarapis doralis in Oregon. Africanized Honey Bees and Bee Mites Ch. 68, 498-505.
DANKA, R. G., COLLINS, A., RINDERER, T. E., HELLMICH, R., 1988. Comparative Rates of Recruitment to Pollen Sources by Africanized and European Honey Bees (Apis mellifera L). Apidologie 19(3):255-258.
COLLINS, A., RINDERER, T. E., TUCKER, K. W., 1988. Colony Defense of Two Honeybee Types and Their Hybrid Fl Naturally Mated Queens. Journal of Apicultural Research 27(3):137-140.
VILLA, J., 1988. Defensive Behavior of Africanized and European Honeybees at Two Elevations in Colombia. Journal of Apicultural Research 27(3):141-145.
DANKA, R. G., RINDERER, T. E., 1988. Social Reproductive Parasitism by Africanized Honey Bees. Africanized Honey Bees and Bee Mites, pg. 214-222.
BLUM, M., JONES, T., RINDERER, T. E., SYLVESTER, H., 1988. Oxygenated Compounds in Beeswax: Identification and Possible Significance. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology 91B (3):581-583.
HERBERT, E., SYLVESTER, H., VANDENBERG, J., SHIMANUKI, H., 1988. Influence of Nutritional Stress and the Age of Adults on the Morphometrics of Honey Bees (Apis mellifera). Apidologie 19(3):221-230.
PESANTE, D., DANKA, R. G., 1988. Pollen Collection and Use by Africanized Honeybees. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Apiculture Tropical Climates, pg. 490-494.
Proceedings of the 1988 American Bee Research Conference (ABRC-3rd). American Bee Journal 128(12):799-812.
MORRISON, J., RINDERER, T. E., 1989. Year of the Bee? Agricultural Research Bulletin, pg 1-6.
WILLIAMS, J., DANKA, R. G., RINDERER, T. E., 1989. Baiting System for Selective Abatement of Undesirable Honey Bees. Apidologie 20(2):175-179.
COLLINS, A., RINDERER, T. E., DALY, H., HARBO, J., PESANTE, D., 1989. Alarm Pheromone Production of Two Honeybees (Apis mellifera) Types. Journal of Chemical Ecology 15(6):1747-1756.
BURGETT, D., ROYCE, L., IBAY, L., 1989. Concurrence of the Acarapis Species Complex (Acari: Tarsonemidae) in a Commercial Honey-Bee Apiary in the Pacific Northwest. Experimental & Applied Acarology 7:251-255.
HARBO, J., 1989. Sperm Storage. The Instrumental Insemination of the Queen Bee. Apimondia, pg. 59-64.
HARBO, J., MAUL, V., 1989. Insemination Apparatus. The Instrumental Insemination of the Queen Bee. Apimondia, pg. 47-58.
RINDERER, T. E., KOENIGER, N., TINGEK, S., MARDAN, M., KOENIGER, G., 1989. A Morphological Comparison of the Cavity Dwelling Honeybees of Borneo Apis koschevnikovi (Buttel-Reepen, 1906) and Apis cerana (Fabricius, 1793). Apidologie 20(5):405-411.
HELLMICH, R., RINDERER, T. E., 1989. Managing Africanized Honeybees for Honey Production. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Apiculture in Tropical Climates, pg. 481-487.
HELLMICH, R., RINDERER, T. E., DANKA, R. G., 1989. Flight Time Differences between Africanized and European Drones. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Apiculture in Tropical Climates, pg. 478-480.
WONGSIRI, S., TANGKANASING, P., SYLVESTER, H., 1989. The Resistance Behavior of Apis cerana Against Tropilaelaps clarae. Proceedings of the 1st Asia-Pacific Conference of Entomology. Biodiversity of Honey Bees in Thailand, pg. 25-34.
Proceedings of the 1989 American Bee Research Conference (ABRC-4th). American Bee Journal 129(12):811-826.
DALY, H., 1990. Variation in Worker Brood Cell Widths and Comb Orientation in an Exposed Honey Bee Nest in Berkeley, California. Pan-Pacific Entomologist 66(3):208-211.
WONGSIRI, S., YOU-SHENG, L., SYLVESTER, H., 1990. Queen Rearing With Apis cerana. American Bee Journal 130(1):32-35.
WONGSIRI, S., LIMBIPICHAI, K., TANGKANASING, P., MARDAN, M., RINDERER, T. E., SYLVESTER, H., KOENIGER, G., OTIS, G., 1990. Evidence of Reproductive Isolation Confirms that Apis andreniformis (Smith 1858) is a Separate Species from Sympatric Apis florae (Fabricius 1787). Apidologie 21(1):47-52.
RINDERER, T. E., DALY, H., SYLVESTER, H., COLLINS, A., BUCO, S., HELLMICH, R., DANKA, R. G., 1990. Morphometric Differences among Africanized and European Honey Bees and their Fl Hybrids (Hymenoptera: Apidae). Annals of the Entomological Society of America 83(3):346-351.
OLDROYD, B., GOODMAN, R., 1990. On the Relative Importance of Queens and Workers to Honey Production. Apidologie 21(2):153-159.
DANKA, R. G., HELLMICH, R., COLLINS, A., RINDERER, T. E., WRIGHT, V., 1990. Flight Characteristics of Foraging Africanized and European Honey Bees (Hymenoptera: Apidae). Annals of the Entomological Society of America 83(4):855-859.
OLDROYD, B., RINDERER, T. E., 1990. Nepotism in the Honey Bee. Nature 346(6286):706-708.
HELLMICH, R., WALLER, G., 1990. Preparing for Africanized Honey Bees: Evaluating Control in Mating Apiaries. American Bee Journal 130(8):537-542.
DANKA, R. G., WILLIAMS, J., RINDERER, T. E., 1990. A Bait Station for Survey and Detection of Honey Bees. Apidologie 21(4):287-292.
Proceedings of the 1990 American Bee Research Conference (ABRC-5th). American Bee Journal 130(12):797-820.
ROUBIK, D, BOREHAM, M., 1990. Learning to Live with Africanized Honeybees. Interciencia 15(3):146-153.
LOPER, G., DANKA, R. G., 1990. Pollination Tests with Africanized Honey Bees in Southern Mexico, 1986-88. American Bee Journal 131(3):191-193.
OLDROYD, B., HUNT, P., 1990. Effects of Additional Caged and Free-Running Queens on Honey Bee (Apis mellifera) Colony Performance. Apidologie 21(6):527-535.
VILLA, J., WEISS, M., 1990. Observations on the Use of Visual and Olfactory Cues by Trigona spp Foragers. Apidologie 21(6):541-545.
HARBO, J., 1990. Artificial Mixing of Spermatozoa from Honeybees and Evidence for Sperm Competition. Journal of Apicultural Research 29(3):151-158.
HARRIS, J., HARBO, J., 1990. Suppression of Ovary Development of Worker Honey Bees by Association with Workers Treated with Carbon Dioxide. Journal of Apicultural Research 29(4):187-93.