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RINDERER, T. E., ROTHENBUHLER, W. C., 1969. Resistance to American Foulbrood in Honey Bees x Comparative Mortality of Queen, Worker and Drone Larvae. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology 13(1):81-86 |
ROBERTS, W., 1969. The Development of Hybrid Bee Breeding in the U.S. The 21st International Apicultural Congress 23:226-229 |
OERTEL, E., 1969. Losses Caused by the Greater Wax Moth. American Bee Journal 109(4):145 |
ROBERTS, W., STRANGER, W., 1969. Survey of the Package Bee and Queen Industry. American Bee Journal 109(1):8-11 |
KAUFFELD, N., LEVIN, M., ROBERTS, W., MOELLER, F., 1970. Disposable Pollination Units, a Revived Concept of Crop Pollination. American Bee Journal 110(3):88-89 |
GLANCEY, M., ROBERTS, W., SPENSE, J., 1970. Honey-bee Populations Exposed to Bait Containing Mirex Applied for Control of Imported Fire Ants. American Bee Journal 110(8):314 |
MACKENSEN, O., TUCKER, K., 1970. Instrumental Insemination of Queen Bees. Agriculture Handbook No. 390
MACKENSEN, O., NYE, P., 1970. Selective Breeding of Honey Bees for Alfalfa Pollen Collection: with Tests in High and Low Alfalfa Pollen Collection Regions. Journal of Apicultural Research 9(2):61-64 |