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ARS Home » Plains Area » Fort Collins, Colorado » Center for Agricultural Resources Research » Soil Management and Sugarbeet Research » Research » Publications at this Location » Publication #341922

Research Project: Management Practices for Long Term Productivity of Great Plains Agriculture

Location: Soil Management and Sugarbeet Research

Title: The Potential of the Nutrient Uptake and Outcome network (NUOnet) to Contribute to Soil and Water Conservation

item Delgado, Jorge
item Weyers, Sharon
item Dell, Curtis
item Harmel, Daren
item Vandenberg, Bruce
item WILSON, GREG - Collaborator
item Carter, Jennifer
item Barbour, Nancy
item Kleinman, Peter
item Sistani, Karamat
item Leytem, April
item Huggins, David
item Strickland, Timothy
item Kitchen, Newell
item Meisinger, John
item Del Grosso, Stephen - Steve
item Johnson, Jane
item Balkcom, Kipling
item Finley, John
item Fukagawa, Naomi
item Powell, Joseph
item Van Pelt, Robert - Scott

Submitted to: Soil and Water Conservation Society
Publication Type: Abstract Only
Publication Acceptance Date: 6/9/2017
Publication Date: N/A
Citation: N/A

Interpretive Summary:

Technical Abstract: With the national and global environmental challenges that we have related to nutrient management, there is a need to use large quantities of information to solve the complex agricultural challenges humanity faces. USDA-ARS is developing a national network called the Nutrient Uptake and Outcome network (NUOnet), which will be connected to other large databases and will help scientists upload and download information on nutrient management, uptake, and use efficiencies, as well as information on environmental outcomes and quality of food for humans and animals. NUOnet will have data about the outcomes of nutrient management, including how it affects yields and nutrient uptake, as well as data related to how conservation practices could be used to reduce the off-site transport of nutrients via leaching, ammonia volatilization, surface runoff, and other loss pathways. We used the GRACEnet framework to develop a new data entry template (DET) and a NUOnet prototype to allow nutrient managers, conservationists, and other peers to enter data. NUOnet will be connected to other databases such as GRACEnet, REAP, AgAR, the soil biology databases, the LTAR database, and even databases related to nutrient composition of food and biomarkers of human health (i.e, the USDA Food Data System [FooDS]. This connectivity between databases has the potential to help illuminate the complex connections between conservation practices, nutrient use efficiencies, soil health, soil biology, and animal and human health. This presentation will cover the development of the DET, the connection of nutrient management databases to other databases, and the current NUOnet prototype.