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ARS Home » Southeast Area » Athens, Georgia » U.S. National Poultry Research Center » Egg and Poultry Production Safety Research Unit » Research » Publications at this Location » Publication #339640

Research Project: Evaluation of Management of Laying Hens and Housing Systems to Control Salmonella and Other Pathogenic Infections, Egg Contamination, and Product Quality

Location: Egg and Poultry Production Safety Research Unit

Title: Cage-free aviary egg functionality: impact of hen strain and cold storage

item Jones, Deana
item KARCHER, DARRIN - Purdue University
item REGMI, PRAFULLA - Purdue University
item ROBISON, C - Michigan State University
item Gast, Richard

Submitted to: Poultry Science Association Meeting Abstract
Publication Type: Abstract Only
Publication Acceptance Date: 5/1/2017
Publication Date: 7/17/2017
Citation: Jones, D.R., Karcher, D.M., Regmi, P., Robison, C.I., Gast, R.K. 2017. Cage-free aviary egg functionality: impact of hen strain and cold storage. Poultry Science Association Meeting Abstract. 96:89.

Interpretive Summary:

Technical Abstract: In the US, food retailers and manufacturers have pledged to source eggs from non-cage housing systems. Understanding the impact of cage-free systems on egg functionality is important to ensure consistent egg performance in food matrices. A study was conducted comparing two brown shell and two white shell hen strains housed in a cage-free aviary system. Each set of eggs were washed according to USDA guidelines, placed in cold storage and assessed at 0, 4, 8, and 12 wks. Eggs were collected at 21, 31, 42, and 60 wk of hen age. Egg functionality tests conducted were: hard-boiled egg yolk strength, angel food cake volume, mayonnaise strength, and whole egg pasta tensile strength. Hard-boiled yolk strength was greatest in fresh (127.71 g force) than 12wk old (103.59 g force) eggs (P < 0.001). Additionally, hard-boiled yolk strength was impacted by hen strain (P < 0.001). Angel food cake volume and density, mayonnaise emulsion strength, as well as whole egg pasta tensile strength and stretch were influenced by a three-way interaction of hen strain, hen age, and length of cold storage (P < 0.01). Angel food cake volume was greatest (331 mL; 42 wk) post-peak average for all hen strains compared to 304 mL at 60 wk. Greatest average mayonnaise emulsion strength occurred with fresh eggs from older hens (60 wk of age; 378 g force). Understanding the impacts of hen strain, hen age, and extended cold storage on egg functionality can assist egg producers, further processors and food manufacturers to make informed decisions as to the best use of eggs coming from cage-free aviary housing systems.