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Title: Copy number variations related to reproduction traits in Holstein cattle

item HOU, YALI - University Of Maryland
item Bickhart, Derek
item FANG, XIN - Food And Drug Administration(FDA)
item SONG, JIUZHOU - University Of Maryland
item Van Tassell, Curtis
item Sonstegard, Tad
item SEROUSSI, EYAL - Collaborator
item Liu, Ge

Submitted to: Meeting Abstract
Publication Type: Abstract Only
Publication Acceptance Date: 9/23/2011
Publication Date: 10/20/2011
Citation: Hou, Y., Bickhart, D.M., Fang, X., Song, J., Van Tassell, C.P., Sonstegard, T.S., Seroussi, E., Liu, G. 2011. Copy number variations related to reproduction traits in Holstein cattle. Meeting Abstract. No. 7.

Interpretive Summary:

Technical Abstract: Daughter pregnancy rate (DPR) is one of important reproduction traits that affect overall profitability in dairy industry. However, historical selection for production and conformation rather than reproduction has resulted in a decline in cow fertility. Genomic structural variation including copy number variation (CNV) is an important and abundant source of genetic variation. In this study, we investigated CNVs associated with DPR. Based on array comparative genomic hybridization and qPCR, we performed a CNV analysis using 40 Holstein bulls with either high or low predicted transmitting ability of DPR (referred as HDPR or LDPR group). We identified 685 (16.4 Mb) and 656 (17.8 Mb) CNV regions from HDPR and LDPR groups respectively. The HDPR CNV regions overlapped with 376 ensembl genes, while the LDPR CNV regions contained 405 ensembl genes. A total of 56% of the CNV regions were specific to either HDPR or LDPR group. It is intriguing to notice that IPA analysis based on the CNV associated genes revealed several significant networks related to reproductive system development and function, and embryonic development in HDPR. We also discovered the genes which over represented in both HDPR and LDPR for molecular function of reproductive system and embryonic development, including PSG, CEACAM1, PDE4D, PRKCA and SERPINB5. In addition, the common “loss” CNV events at gene PGR could reflect the high selection pressures on milk production traits in Holstein cattle. These results indicate that some CNV associated genes may be associated with reproduction trait such as DPR.